It is NOT for use in AR-15 style (gas gun) rifles. WT?, Tactical Time Lord. Posts. Quickload can be frustrating when there is more than 10 FPS difference between calculated and measured MV. Cartridge experimentation was in its heyday in the 1950s, and it was a rare cartridge case that didnt get shortened, blown out, or necked up or down. The Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun is one of the most popular home defense shotguns on the market. However, the 6mm ARC will service the military and civilian shooters more often in AR-15-type rifles, meaning barrel lengths will likely be closer to 18 inches. The release of the new Hornady 6mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) supports the perception that gun and ammo makers are engaged in a race to the bottom. Thank you for this timely video. You will not find better quality and consistency when it comes to Lapua. CZ 527 in 6 MM ARC discussion starter - This increased size means the 243 has a case capacity of 53-54.8 gr H2O. Follow @UReloader This colored our perception of lower velocity rounds. With the release in 2020, Hornady also launched three factory loads with 103,105 and 108gr (6.7,6.8 and 7.0g) bullet weights and advertised G1 ballistic coefficients of .512, .530 and .536 respectively.[6]. SPC; the 300 AAC Blackout, 350 Winchester Legend and 458 Bushmaster. The cartridge was developed by Noslers Mike Lake, and it was approved by SAAMI in 2017. 6br(6mmNormaBR) vs 6mm Rem. Help Newbie! - was necked up to 6mm and called the 6x47. One other fine 6mm round is the .240 Weatherby Magnum. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. Shots are on 12 round steel and 22 x 16 silhouette steel at 600 and 1100 meters. The general shooting public loves them for control of vermin like feral hogs. Lets now realistically compare the 6mm ARC vs. five of its perceived competitors. The hunter can add about 100 to 150 fps of additional velocity to most game-weight bullets. Range Report 6mm ARC vs 6 PPC vs 6 Grendel. Wait a minute. Heres a quick look at the best of this cohort. Using 26 to 28 inch barrels in bolt guns, 6ARC may be easy for those that do not reload or have primers. bullets in .243" help make the light-kicking, short Hornady 6mm ARC ballistically superior to the 308 Win., 6.8 SPC. The newest 6mm factory round is the recently announced 6mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). 6mm ARC vs 6.5 Grendel - Performance Comparison - The Lodge at bullets. I don't shoot past 300 and dead is dead. While the .243 Win. It would also be used as a deer rifle for new shooters (small deer, sitka blacktails). SPC, 350 Win. Availability of factory ammo may be a plus for the 6ARC. This data and these techniques can not be assumed to be safe. if you are going to reload for it and want to shoot light bullets. All testing was completed using 108 grain ELDM from Hornady. SuperCub. The IRMT upper locks the barrel in place with unparalleled rigidity. Travis224 Sergeant. can exceed it by 500 fps and the 240 Weatherby by 600 fps. The ARC seems to be knocking on the heels of a BR. The 6mm ARC's more efficient projectiles with their high BCs provides superior exterior ballistics with noticeably less wind drift, higher retained velocity and greater retained energy. just get a 6mm hagar. It was the wildcatters who brought it back to life by fiddling with a couple of popular designs. By accepting these terms, you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this website. Read on! The Eagle Eye 6.5 Creedmoor shoots a 130gr hybrid projectile with a .295 G7 at 2,960fps from an average 26" barrel. Tested, selected and fielded by a specialized group within the U.S. DoD for its multipurpose combat rifle program, the versatile 6mm ARC does much of what larger cartridges can and everything that smaller cartridges cant. I purchased a 6mm ARC barrel from Brownels when they first came available. You are using an out of date browser. The hardest thing about ladder testing for the 6 BR is deciding which load is the best because they are so good. Factory match rounds start at 155 grains and go up. Twist rate was one turn in 10 inches, which handled the 100-grain deer bullets nicely. Both bullets produce deer-slaying accuracy. Years ago I authored an article titled Lies, Damn Lies, and Ballistics. In 1955, on the heels of the .243 Win., the .243 Rock Chucker was modified slightly by Remington and became the .244 Remington. Hornady 6mm ARC Cartridge - What You Need to Know No surprise there since it is about the same weight as the 6 ARC and both used Proof Research barrels. In the 1970s, I had a Remington Model 700 BDL so chambered, and I took my first Texas whitetail with it. At the moment, it remains a proprietary caliber with one source of magazines and ammo, unproven. When comparing 6mm ARC vs. 6.5 Grendel, you simply must ask, Will it do something your 6.5 Grendel wont? Not that I can see. All of the design criteria that went into the 6.5 Creedmoor that make it a top performer were also used in the development of the 6mm Creedmoor. I know what. 6mm ARC | Handloader Magazine When using shorter barrels, which are common on gas-guns, the difference will be even more pronounced. Hornadys 80-grain GMX and 103-grain ELD-X and the Speer 90-grain Hot-Cor all are accurate and deadly. The .240 Wby. 6mm ARC vs 243: Cartridge Comparison by Short, relatively fat cartridges concentrate powder near the ignition flame for an even, consistent burn with a tendency to improve muzzle velocity consistency. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Some tactics never die, they just get regenerated. To keep the 115-grain Berger VLD (G1 B.C. Its almost boring. The 6mm GT easily attains more than 3,000 fps. Unlike the NGSW the 6 ARC is a standard cartridge fired from an AR-15. The Hornady 6mm ARC | Midsouth Shooters 6.5 Grendel The 6mm ARC delivers comparable performance from a wider assortment of bullets, making it a more versatile choice. of H2O, almost right inbetween a 6 mm PPC, around 32 gr. H4895 with 5-shot groups from the high .5s to 1.0 MOA. Ill be publishing a full overview story covering this rifle, but in the meantime, here are some specs from the CMMG Product Page: CMMGs ENDEAVOR line of rifles are now available in Hornadys new 6mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). A quality shooter can certainly compensate for 3 inches of difference, so while it's a victory for the ARC, it's a narrow win. The .243 Win. Unlike the WSSM, the Hornady 6mm ARC was engineered around a long, high B.C. The 6mm Creedmoor and it's smaller siblings like the 6mm Dasher, BR . 6mm creedmoor vs 6mm ARC in bolt action That wont change and logistically the 6 ARC is still at baby steps. Mag. Mid-20th Century 24-calibers shoot much faster than the new Hornady 6mm ARC, but are they ballistically better? You could get hits at 900 meters with all of them, 5 shot strings were easiest with the Creedmoors and they ruled at 1100 meters. range.) Slower, sure, but not enough to matter in the real world on real threats. 6.5 Grendel vs. 6mm ARC Ballistics. Its a long-distance for any of these and conditions were anything but ideal. Ballistically, thanks mostly to heavy-for-caliber, high B.C. The overall length of the 6mm ARC is 2.26 inches which is almost half an inch shorter than . Lower velocity means less flame and heat for longer barrel life. Posts: 38 Threads: 10 Joined: Aug 2020 #1. It is formed by using a shortened .22-250 Remington case, and it has thinner walls for increased powder capacity and the Ackley improved shape. NOTE: This 6mm ARC reloading data is intended for use in bolt action rifles safe for pressures up to 62,000 psi. Their 106 grain TAP round looks interesting with a .580 G1 BC but not available right now, will have to come back later on that. 07-08-2022, 07:47 PM . 6mm ARC - Hornady Manufacturing, Inc Were going backwards! Five rounds for effect at 1100 ended the drill. Consistency remained about the same with 2 or 3 out of five the norm. While it did well the clear winner was the 6CM, high BC and extra velocity are hard to overcome at this range. Review: Hornady 6mm ARC. All Rights Reserved. The 6mm ARC is a more aerodynamic bullet than the 6.5 Grendel. It is advanced for the AR platform. Cold shots fell inside half an inch of the center a couple cut the red center dot. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Jorge Spat to learn all about it. Her 6mm Creedmoor rifle is light and handy and shoots like a house afire, and recoil and muzzle blast are modest. What explains that? continues to ride the crest of the 6mm-caliber wave, the tried-and-true 6mm Rem. The Model 70 .243 Win. I think the point of the arc is that it works in an ar 15. However, after completely missing five consecutive bucks with my 6mm, I decided that I needed to hunt with that Remington 6mm like I hunted with my 2-3/4 inch 12 gauge. Straight-wall rounds like Winchesters little 350 Legend may be the only centerfire rifle cartridges legal for deer hunting in some states, so of course theyre going to be popular. Some have long and storied histories, while others are just now making their own legends. ), 6mm ARC brass (new), 6.5x47 (New) Sierra 6mm Gamechanger 90gr and 6.5 130gr Gamechanger, Update on my BadRock 6mm ARC bolt gun and new Hornady Podcast, Custom 700 in 6mm Norma BR (ARC, Timney, Bartlein) *Price drop*. With the super bullets and modern powders of today, I cant imagine a better deer and antelope round. At the time of the 22 PPC and 6mm PPC being developed by Ferris Pindell and Dr. Louis Palmisano (thus the PP), the bench rest winners were often the 222 Remington and the 6x47 Remington (the latter being a necked-up 222 Remington Magnum). Head diameter is .441, a bit less than the .535" head of the short-lived 243 WSSM which was a lot faster than the ARC. Arguments amongst experts (real and self-delusional) spewed forth with ferocity. What about your 6.8 SPC? bullets like Hornady's 108-grain ELD-Match, the Hornady 6mm ARC drops and drifts less than any 223 Rem. Typical social media and industry speculation fired up with a fury. JavaScript is disabled. It is based on the .308 Winchester case, necked down with no other change. But the 6mm ARC drops 22.2 inches. The old 243 Winchester can beat that by about 300 fps. Todays fast-twist .223s and heavy bullets have made it effectively obsolete. Twist rate is 1:7.5 to stabilize the long 105- to 108-grain high B.C. Rifle cartridges (l. to r.) .308 Win, 6mm ARC, 300 AAC, .223 Rem, Hornady 6mm ARC Cartridge - What You Need to Know, Public Introduction - 6.5 Creedmoor - 6mm-ARC-Public-Introduction-Rev-2020-06-18.pdf, Brand new rifle caliber: 6 mm ARC, Hornady's Advanced Rifle Cartridge! I must note here how hard it hit. Do you load for a Uintah Precision bolt upper? Based on my best estimation, my H-4896 108 ELD-M load would produce approximately 2,754 FPS in a 24 bolt-action rifle. The rim diameter of the 6mm ARC is 0.441 inches, while the 243 is slightly larger at 0.471 inches. Important to note that Quickload reports the chamber pressure using the combination of components above is 3900 PSI over SAAMI spec and is therefore a dangerous load that should not be used. Ballistic Calculators & Field Results . And just in case some hunter wanted to knock off a deer with his .244 rifle, the company also offered a 90-grain loading. The problem is that Hornady, which developed the 6 mm ARC, made a slight alteration to the case length so that it would be compatible with very long 6 mm bullets that have a high BC. 6mm ARC vs 6mm BR. My guess is that Hornady is banking on a broader market with hunters and enthusiasts, once more ammunition is available. 6.8 SPC The 6mm ARC has more match bullet options and is a better long-range performer. It is based on the 6.5 Grendel case, and time will tell if it, too, becomes one of the great ones. Fred Huntington, founder of RCBS, developed a then-new 6mm cartridge by necking down the .257 Roberts case. I'm thinking most, if not all of these are bolt actions, but there are plenty of AR rifles ready to chew up a few thousand 6mm ARC rounds for you. Cleaned it all but twice missing one cold shot at this range. Looking at putting together on of lower powder capacity 6mms in an effort to possibly extend barrel life a touch and have a nice smooth/easy shooting gun. Recoil is primarily a product of bullet weight. You can get the 6XC brass in Norma which is very good. Another round that was designed for the steel shooters is the 6mm BR Remington. The 6 ARC proved at 2720 fps with a Density Altitude of 8800 feet. Distance is its forte and with its 2020 introduction and ability to flatten the trajectory curve, the 6mm ARC might ought to have been called the "Corona cartridge.". So adopting the cartridge should be, for many shooters, convenient and affordable. V-MAX Item No. For those using 6.5 Grendel, its a 5-minute barrel change. wasnt the only knife in the drawer, even if it was the sharpest one. Reduced recoil minimizes flinching and enables shooters to see their hits or misses so they can correct for subsequent shots. LMT MWS, 20 224V, Sig Sauer Tango 6, 3-18 MRAD Dev-L using Federal GMM 90 grain SMK and an 18 SS Match 6.8 SPC with 110 Grain VMAX. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }, Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer:(by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms), This section is from my 6mm ARC Announcement Post. The need for a new, uncommon bolt/ face/ assembly kills 6 arc in the real world for bolt guns. ELD (l.) makes for an excellent long-range target round, while the 103-gr. It has had moderate success in various target venues. The 6x45 is the .223 Rem. . Truth be told, the magnum race is still underway. Wildcatters have had a field day with the 6mms, and the list of their creations is long. Comparing 6mm ARC to 6mm CR is is apples and oranges again. But on paper it looks promising. There are probably better choices in a bolt gun, The 6 BR Rem has been around for a while but not fifty years, yet. Ballistic coefficients are about equal, with a slight edge going to the 6mm 108 ELD . Give a Gift Accuracy was good, with one group I captured on camera (see video) measuring 0.750: I decided to see how fast a 95 grain bullet could be propelled by the 6mm ARC, so I turned to some 6mm Berger Classic Hunter bullets I had on hand, and Ramshot TAC powder. Messages. Most problems outside a war zone are handled nicely with 20 rounds and a couple of spare magazines. Tests varied from 100-1100 meters (110-1200 yards, for the metrically challenged). The bullet diameter of each caliber is the same at .243". Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Related Articles. The high B.C. The first set of data is loaded to the SAAMI maximum average pressure (MAP) of 52,000 psi, which is stated to be suitable for gas-operated firearms such as the AR-15 platform and its derivatives. The 6mm ARC was designed to match specific DOD requirements while fitting in the AR15 platform. Sectional densities are similar, and both should be good penetrators. (roughly .530 to .540 B.C. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. As Jackie says there's a big difference in the cases. Photo shows 5 popular short rounds for the AR 15 platform, same short action the Hornady 6mm ARC is engineered to fit. The newest 6mm cartridge is the 6mm ARC, which Hornady just introduced. Five shot rapid-fire was not bad. I had a Remington Model 700 BDL Varmint rifle rebarreled with a heavy stainless-steel barrel chambered for the round, and it lived up to its reputation. Savage already offers a few more inexpensive options in 6mm ARC though defiantly not a mini action. Second, it was chambered in the delightful Winchester Model 70 Featherweight, which was a major factor in the .243s huge success. H-4895 is closer to the 6.5 Grendel sweet spot, so I thought it would be worth a try. After forming some cases I shot Berger 105 hybrid targets over 27.5 grs. Based on the .204 Ruger, which was created from the .222 Rem. A new 6mm round blossomed in 2017, and it has already taken a position in the Great category. You may know one or two more. 6mm Hagar vs. 6mm AR - AR15.COM Honey Badger, XM2010, C22, R4, MSR, CSR, AAC, BARNES BULLETS ( It suffered no vertical stringing. For me because I have a cz527 I can convert enough said. Here was my strategy to extrapolate my results to the likely scenario of the 24 test barrel: Heres the work-up: (pressure listed is MAX projected, not average). Jan 13, 2021. You can get a 6 to 6.5 pound rifle which can shoot high B.C. Hi Gavin, by David Bahde | Dr. Editors Note: Looking for a deeper dive on the 6.5 Grendel vs. 6mm ARC? As you can see, velocities differ by 170 - 220 fps, with the lighter 6mm ARC moving faster from the compact case. To set up a viable 6mm ARC vs. these other calibers, I set 100-meter zeros, then confirmed at 1100 meters providing a proven hold at range. Whats the plus delta on each? The 6 ARC was consistent, precise, and repeatable both on cold shots and groups but was about the middle of the pack with the rest. After entering my measured capacities, measured muzzle velocity with 27 grains of VARGET under the 108 ELD-M of 2554 is now within 2 FPS of Quickloads estimated 2552 FPS. As for the 6ARC, I would take a vital shot at 600 meters without hesitation given a solid platform. The Hornady 6mm ARC is at its best with long for caliber, high BC bullets like this Berger 108-grain Elite Hunter. 6mm AR (L), 6mm BR (R) Good luck, John 1shot Mar 4, 2013 #4 Follow up to the above. Do not attempt any of the processes or procedures shown or described on this website. I have handloaded the .243 Win. | 0 comments. 100-300m: Consistent 100 meter groups in the .60 -.75 inch range, 2.5-3.0 inches at 300 meters were the norm. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? Not a contest. I have a precision set up AR in 224 Valkyrie. The 6 ARC can be built on mini actions such as the CZ 527, Howa Mini, Sako AI. That said, I just got a 6BR for my new PRS rifle. Lets break down a few things about this number: So if you have a 24 bolt-action 6mm ARC rifle, thats the velocity you should expect. Make sure to watch till the end. is One Gun To Rule Them All, New 270 Cartridges Challenge 6.5s and 7mms. Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Salmon River Solutions: Ulra-Light Brakes, Rails, and more, Area 419 Orange Vise Maintenance and Barrel Change Jaw Kit, Hands-On: Phodera Armory Hill Country 30 Caliber Suppressor, Rifle Reloading Basics Pt1: Safety and Brass Tumbling, NEW Dies from Area 419: M-Series Sizer (In-Depth), Perfect Primer Seating with Frankford Arsenal, RCBS Lightweight Partner Press Unboxing and Overview, TESTED: Double Alpha Academy Turbo Case Feeder, Unsolved: 44 Magnum Over-Pressure Mystery, RCBS Lock-Out Die Part II: Setup and Maintenance, RCBS Lock-Out Die Part I: Theory of Operation, Reloading Safety: Powder Check Systems Overview. .458 Winchester Magnum History: The Complete Story, 6.8 Western Ammo Options: The Load of Long Yardage, A World Record Attempt: Practice Round and Media Day, Interview with Israeli Defense Forces, Part 1. 6mm ARC vs. 6.5 Grendel! - SHWAT Interestingly enough, my history with 6mm rounds began with the 6mm Remington. No knobs, just a hold using the reticle, find it, read the wind, hold, and press, adjust as needed and repeat. There is nothing more competitve than a 6BR Norma when the wind is consistent or low. Then theres Hornadys new 300 PRC, Weatherbys 6.5-300 Weatherby, and several more modern speed demons. I have never had a easier caliber to load for. remains a runaway hit to this day. | all4shooters, Hornady's NEW 6mm ARC & Odin Work's Barrels -, | 6mm ARC Released / Hands-On Testing and Comparisons, by Ryan Cleckner 3 June 2020,, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 05:30. But I wanted to get some real-world results with my new CMMG Endeavor 300 6mm ARC AR-15 published as soon as I could, and therefore embarked on an exciting journey. Some examples include the 6mm-204 and the 6x45. 1,461. I cant see it, but for those who like to try something different its is a really nice option. But I wanted to get some real-world results with my new, would produce approximately 2,754 FPS in a 24 bolt-action rifle, Dont miss out on Ultimate Reloader updates, make. was everything the .244 Rem. It is larger than the 6x47L and matching the 6-Creedmore capacity. Velocity can be a factor, but given the same weight, recoil should be similar so I kept the weights as close as possible. WT?, Tactical Time Lord. There is no reason that it shouldn't, it is basically a blown out 6mm PPC which is probably the gold standard for accurate cartridges. Every rifle is a proven performer to 1100 meters and an AR using the same or similar suppressor, no brakes, flash hiders or conventional suppressors. Your email address will not be published. In the 1970s, Remington experimented with a .308-sized case that was about 1.5 inches long and had a small primer pocket (like the PPCs). Real Performance Results, From-Scratch Experimental Load Development, 6mm ARC Landing Page at Midsouth Shooters Supply, Subscribe to Ultimate Reloader Reloading Blog by Email, NEW DAA Infra-Red Low Powder Sensor (Hands-On). Always cross-reference load data with manufacturer's published data. Hold for elevation never changed, 4 mils at the top garnered hits at from 4.2-4.7 mils each time, misses were generally wind. It is based on the previous 22 Nosler and has two features to make it compatible with AR-type rifles: a slightly rebated rim that is the same diameter as the .223 Remington and an overall cartridge length set at 2.26 inches, the same as other AR rounds. You never know for sure, but its not a failure out of the box like so many others. 2730 FPS and way over-pressured though SDs were single digits, groups were all just over 1.25 MOA. Long-range precision shooting is one of the fastest-growing segments of the shooting sports. Savage already offers a few more inexpensive options in 6mm ARC though defiantly not a mini action. Has any one who has both ever measured the case capacity (H2O) My google foo has failed me. 1,226. 224 Valkyrie vs 6mm ARC: Which Cartridge Wins? - The Mag Life Poll: What Progressive Reloading Press Do You Use Most? Your email address will not be published. The 6.5 Grendel was made by modifying the 220 Russian parent case. It uses the ever-effective Hornady 100-grain RN InterLock with H4350 powder. case necked up, made especially for ARs. I chose to start with Varget because of what I read about 6mm PPC, and I have a lot on hand! We show you how. The bullet drop for the 6.5 Grendel is slightly greater because it's a larger bullet. It started as a popular wildcat before its approval by SAAMI. You can boost the performance of the 6mm ARC in a bolt action quite easily. The 6mm ARC produces a larger splash signature that allows shooters to self-spot impacts and make rapid adjustments. Accordingly, the firm introduced two loads. August 14, 2022. I did not have time to work up a load for accuracy, so Ill defer that discussion for a future post. ELD-Match, and Berger 115-gr. Always used manufacturers published load data! 6mm ARC - Wikipedia Due to the lower MAP, the performance of 6mm ARC ammunition loaded to gas-gun pressures will, on average, be less than firearms loaded to bolt action pressures when using the same barrel length. I also shot mine with an Ultra 9 direct-thread suppressor. Your email address will not be published. This means that during a 1,200-yard flight to the target, gravity and wind will pull and push on the 6 mm ARC between one- and three-tenths . I followed up with three at 300 meters and a 600 Meter shot on a 22 x 16 silhouette steel. It stays supersonic farther downrange than the 308 Win. GD. The rim diameter of the 6mm ARC is 0.441 inches, while the 243 is slightly larger at 0.471 inches. The Hornady manual states that this second set of data should not be used in gas-guns. And thats the subject of this article: chronicling my first loads (I did not have factory ammunition to test) and validating claims related to 6mm ARC performance. Advantage, magnum. Many shooters necked the BR case down, and a 6mm version ultimately became the 6mm BR Remington. The factory 105s shot at 2662 FPS with an SD of 11 as measured by a Labrador. The original 6 mm/.244 Rem is basically the .257 Roberts/7x57 case necked down, while the 6 mm BR Rem/Norma (only slightly different case specs between them) are much shorter cases. The powder charge I used then is lost to history, but the bullet was a Speer 90-grain SP. Dropped on my M16 lower doubles and triples stayed on a full-sized silhouette out to 25 yards, stretched doubles to 50 yards. Or it fits the extra-short AR-15 platform rifles beloved and preferred by many shooters. Maximum Cartridge Overall Length is 2.26. All gunsmithing procedures should be carried out by a qualified and licensed gunsmith at their own risk. Really liking the 6mm Arc in this CZ 527 platform. Poll: What Reloading Components Cant You Find? How do lower velocity cartridges improve long-range shooting? Will it be my go-to bang away rifle, not likely. A fun challenge. The 243 has a case length of 2.045" compared to the 1.49" of the 6mm cartridges. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Team Hornaday is the master, bar none. In the 6mm ARC vs. the rest of the calibers vying for your attention, we have to ask if it the next 6.5 Creedmoor. In an effort to salvage the .244 Rem., in 1963, Remington changed the name of the round to 6mm Remington and the barrel twist rate to 1:9 inches. If you are looking for 6mm ARC ammunition, components, or parts/gear, check out the following: Dont miss out on Ultimate Reloader updates, make sure youre subscribed! anyone jumping on the 6mm arc? - PredatorMasters Forums I had three high capacity magazines using white followers, two 17 rounders with green followers. Would love to get this thing shooting consistently under .5 with enough speed to reliably ring steel at 1000. The Hornady 6mm ARC takes the 24-caliber into record territory the slowest muzzle velocity of any commercial cartridge propelling .243 bullets. Standard practice is to start tweaking burn rates, bullet weight and weighting factor to make calculated muzzle velocity match actual. The 24 Nosler is a terrific performer, so dont let its small size fool you. Some have stated that it offers comparable ballistics to larger 6 mm cartridges like the 6mm Creedmoor and .243 Winchester, but out of a smaller cartridge, however this simply is not true when comparing muzzle velocities between them.