They don't maintain their own property sites as they require tenants to do display: table; Finally the week of Thanksgiving they had someone come out and fix the floor only they patched it. Westlake has a text message system in place to alert residents when community maintenance is scheduled, if you haven't already, we suggest getting the Community Manager, Marty, your cell phone number so she can add you to the text notification system. Maintenance doesn't pick up dead critters unless you call We encourage all residents with an issue or concern about their community or the community management to email us at with specific details around the issues and what needs to be improved. Meet the 9 top lawyers suing governments and energy companies like Exxon over the climate crisis. How those businesses take care of those complaints is what separates good businesses from the rest. Communities has been voted the Manufactured Housing Institutes Owner and Operator of the Year for four consecutive years and we take pride in this honor and will continue to improve and provide excellent service to our residents. I BEG YOU! We paid careful attention to our usage, just like electric. I was asking about moving on July 25th. I dont want a different company. Communities. Affordable Housing Crisis Rearview Mirror Explored Expert Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Recap, Manufactured Housing Institute Housing Alert Supreme Court Case Challenges CFPB Funding MHI Backstory, Implications Explored Legal Contingency Champions Wanted; plus MHVille Stocks Update, Chinese-USA Military Tensions and Manufactured Housing, Other Industry Supply Chains in China, Military Chiefs Warning May Provoke MHVille Changes; plus Manufactured Home Industry Stocks Update, NARs Yun and Economist Joel Griffith Sound Off Time to stop home prices from going through the Roof, MetLife Forecasts Investors Will Own 40% of SF Rentals by 2030; plus MHVille Markets Update, Killings as Easy as Breathing Bad Guys Know More Games Warren Buffett Annual Berkshire Hathaway Letter, Clayton Homes, 21st, VMF-Manufactured Home Loans-Compelling MHVille Expert Views, METANOIA Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Wake Up Call on Consumer Finance and Discriminatory Zoning; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Recap, Consider NAACP Resolution on Reversing Impact of Restrictive Zoning and Highways on Fair Housing; Black NFL Star Turned Congressman Burgess Owens Take on NAACP; plus MHVille Stocks Update, Oh, Donald [Trump], What Are We Going to Do With You? Jim Darlington Op-Ed on Deep State, Pros and Cons of Wild Man vs Monk Explored; plus MHVille Market Updates, Status Symbol for Ultra-Wealthy-Montauk Shores Condo MH Community Trailer Fetches Record $3.75 Million-Photos, Videos, Location-Location-Location Insights; plus, MHVille Markets Update, Undervalued Cavco Industries Touts Q Result$ Dire Need for Housing January Traffic Up- Rev Up 16%-Sales, Earnings, Mgmt Call DataAnalysis Beyond CVCO Statements; plus MHVille Stocks Update, Every Journey to Something is a Journey Away From Something More Energy Needed for Mediocrity Than Pursuing Excellence Shrewd Matthew Kelly Quotes God Wants Our Future Bigger Than Our Past, Unpacking MH Attorney Kurt Kelleys Predictability in Law is the Key to a Prosperous Republic. Is USA Democracy or Republic? On a closing note Id like to add that I cant go to the management myself to complain. YES! Communities - YouTube Leading US health expert: Large-scale virus vaccine tests could start in July, HHS secretary: Private sector, gov. So when i ask about why is it 40 dollars for 2 pets they said that was their policy. I was told on 11/15/22 that my security deposit refund would take 30 days, it is now 12/29/22. I would really appreciate a response on this, but again dont really expect it as I have come to realize thats how Yes does business. Consumers educating consumers., Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported.. /* Responsive layout - makes the three columns stack on top of each other instead of next to each other */ GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Tenants living at a mobile home park in North Central Florida are in an uproar over living conditions. They KNEW when they laid down the new carpet that this was unacceptable but to save Yes! We DO NOT remove reports. DocketDispositions: Dismissed for Want of Prosecution; (Judicial Officer: Sanders, Kenneth D), DocketOrder of Dismissal/Want of Prosecution W/O Prejudice Entered. Ok here we are working alot and trying to raise a family. States and local communities are . The Office Manager her at the community Assaulted our 14 year old son. Yes! This case was filed in Tarrant County Justice Courts, Justice Of The Peace Precinct 7 located in Tarrant, Texas. I called in on 10/31/22 (less than 48 hours) to request my security deposit back. YES! The towimg company if ripping the residents off because of a contract they have with corporate. I am sorry that all the negativities are happening in different areas, but here at the Crossing I know two people who are very satisfied and enjoying life in our country setting. If you dont believe me you better believe that is what is on tape. Advertisers above have met our
The last year I was on a month-to-month lease while I looked for a new place to live. Property Management Yes! I plan on moving their a long with 3 other families from here we are just fed up with this place! The company left an official comment on this complaint. Yes Communities, the investors company that owns Florence Commons, says it is helping to meet the nation's need for affordable housing. I would like an apology and be paid till i find a new job. . There were HOLES in the floor just covered up by the carpet. my name is tammy brown i stay at 9401 wilson blv they have me blocked so i cant pay my lot rent pls unblock me. Its not hard get night partol and get a tow truck out here and move them not hard just very greedy company who offers alot and FAILS to deliever every 3 months there is a inspection and there not scared to point out every lil issue..So overit, Desired outcome: YES COMMUNITIES YES COMMUNITIES, YES HOME SALES LLC,YES FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC, CLAYTON BANK AND TRUST, ORIGEN FINANCIAL. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. They do not follow their own rules for tenants with lots full of whatever.. Desired outcome: Why Ripoff Report will not release author information! YES! About YES! I have rented from here until they told me I had to buy the trailer. I heard from people who where here before Jim and Yes took over and how they cleaned the park up emencely. That being said YES! However they decide to take it upon themselves To make everybody sign a lease At the beginning of the summer Five Seasons which is represented by yes communities, hired a lawn service to mow everybody's yard for quote unquote free. . communities took over it about 7 years ago we have had nothing but harassment from management and it is at its all time high now. 2022-12-05, Tarrant County Justice Courts | Other | They don't fix potholes throughout the park. They cut out pieces here and there and it was all uneven. YES! & several small mixed dogs No one has reprimanded her. Over the phone Ive asked several times for things to be fixed and they will close the case without calling me. Hopefully between now and then, some changes are made by Yes Communities. I have contacted the company multiple times and no one has responded. I had an AC repair company come out (not many will even think about working on mobile homes anyway). Why am I paying her a salary to do nothing? I love my home and the manager is really nice and puts the residents first at all times., Lived in this community for 6 years. Everyone in this park knows he is a bullshipper, and has caught him in flat out lies. We empower our employees to develop a strong sense of community with our residents because we know that happy, dedicated employees make the difference. My attorney can't get calls back either. We started out paying $725 for the "base rent" as they call it and by the time we bought the current trailer, we were up to $900. None of the community guidelines are enforced. I needed to leave to get to my new place. That was mar 13, I signed a new lease in aug 13 there was no pet fee in it. YES Communities > Contact > Contact Us YES! YES's unique operating model, personal approach . THIS IS WRONG! Corporate Phone Number: 1-303-483-7300. On Monday, April 27, 2015 you, your girlfriend and her brother came into the office to inquire about a mailbox key, drip pans and a trash can. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. We nurture relationships in our communities by offering resident activities and events that build friendships and also provide a benefit such as Kids Summer Lunch Programs, no-cost tutoring classes, community organized athletic teams and more! Communities operates 181 communities across 17 states with over 46, 000 home sites and we encourage all residents to reach out to our home office customer service at if they see guidelines being violated by other residents. }, I love it here! YES Communities, founded in 2008, owns and operates manufactured housing communities with locations across the United States. I have my original lease showing that my dog which is a Huskey was not on the list of dogs not allowed and is my support animal. . I will not say when i moved in, But I am calling a Lawyer. The complaint was filed June 8 in federal court in San Antonio, naming Balfour Beatty Communities LLC and its associated companies at Fort Bliss, Lackland AFB and Sheppard AFB as defendants. There was almost never anyone in the office outside of my working hours (even in the middle of the day many times) so I couldn't talk to anyone in person. All rights reserved. Good afternoon my name is Abigail Martinez i was the sales agent at Oakwood forest in Greensboro, NC. More bids, no work. Connect on LinkedIn: The nonchalant attitude about the lack of access to safe, clean water on a consistent basis is disgusting. All Rights Reserved. A week later I went in to talk to her about moving it out sooner, on July 18 she told me "you can move it any time as long as you pay August rent" remember this is July 18. . We finally moved into the new one in July of 2014. My husband, kids and i moved to grand oaks dec 2005 to build our credit up to buy a house. Summerville South Carolina, Yes Communities- Sherwood Villiage Unrelyable and Money Hungry! All business will get complaints. I lived in Avon on the Lakes. Disclosure. Cause we r hoping to get some where oh and i called the head guy in charge he wouldnt call me back (Called like 13 times) soo as u see this company is not a good company to dealwith! My mother has a lot that she rents for her mobile home that she owns in palms of Archer located at 7117 sw Archer Rd, Gainesville Fl. The water was off a couple weeks ago for a few hours as well. There may be more reports for "yes communities", For more results perform a general search for "yes communities", Showing 1-25 of 47 Found Reports
clear: both; dont ever mess with these people they are ripoffs. Click here to get notifications about new complaints of YES! I paid off my mobile home in march and still have not received my title. It took 2 more phone calls before we started started seeing people coming in to "bid" on the work. I know because Ive seen them have to stop to avoid hitting them. . and when I went into the rsident renyal portal, I was charged $50.00 more than what was noted on the monthly statment for January. Communities Home JOIN OUR COMMUNITY SEE WHAT LIVING MEANS IN A YES COMMUNITY Welcome, we hope you'll choose us as your next place to call home. Communities in a joint venture with global institutional investors and members of YES!'s management team. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. I've always thought this was a Good day. Management is very positive and interactive. The skirting for our trailer was done done until December. Communities/Clayton Mobile Home Parks Tiny FEMA homes moved in and RENTED to multiple families,Will not enforce rules/regulations, Park continues to decline- Powell, Tennessee, Village Oaks (Yes! I hope you still are having the time of your life living in a YES Community and hopefully you've not experienced any of the problems most others have when dealing with this profit above all else company. Communities manufactured homes park at 9605 US Hwy 90 West From the day my home was set on their disastrous plot of land, I had not moved in yet. Thank You! 7. I need to keep her. This is just one of many reasons why you should not move in to yes communities. Thank you. . Ultimately they will destroy all these parks and will begin moving in communists on the land THEY OWN. kellly please i need astove if it itsnt hear this afternoon im contacting anews people im not playing anymore we matter to.we saved this pice of junk stove it almost burnt down our home .if yall can do the right thing im expecting a bigdrop on my rent.we have had to eat out everynight for the past 6 the right thing drop our rent this is yalls problem not mine we rent not sick of this damn kenwood landing its not what yall claime it to be. Signed by Judge Pamela A. Mathy. 2023-01-17, Tarrant County Justice Courts | Other | I know people who won't move in b/c of him. * { That could be good news for you, Retirement-disrupting startup raises $51M, Why Jos Andrs keeps showing up at disaster zones, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA MAY 29: Caesars palace hotel on May 29, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada,USA. [protected] YES COMMUNITIES 9101 NORMANDY BLVD JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32221 JACKSONVILLE, Florida United States of America. And, yet they allow mean unleashed dogs to rule the streets. How can they exspect people on SSI, SSDI, and Soc Security to cough up $10k plus. As a result of filing a complain the the complaints board you sent me a lease application whic I promptly completed aand se t to you. I want you to call the manager and let her know to fix all these issues as that is her job and I pay to have a safe home. (See Related Reports, further below. Received eviction notice two days later after rent paid on time. All because of the property manager is kicking all the people renting out so they can sell, Yes. YES! We are sorry to hear you are unhappy with your living situation at Tallview Terrace, we encourage you to bring your is concerns to which is our customer service department located in Denver, CO. All emails go straight to our customer service department and then get relayed onto the Regional Manager and Division Vice Presidents, they do not go directly to the community management. 4. We have wanted to live here for years and we finally moved in. . YES! I am concerned your customer services reps are WAY overworked & you are WAY understaffed. When I move in I was given a yoda key that has chips on it , I didnt think anything at first but today I feel like someone been in my home. Last week, in the "Yes Communities" Santa Barbara Estates (KS location) I saw these loose dogs: /* Create three equal columns that floats next to each other */ We have a neighbors across the street is running a bussiness from his home and it gets hard to get of our driveway sometimes and the neighbors on the left are real nice and everything but they have 3 big dogs and when they go out we leave ours in. The Justice Department announced today that an Ohio developer and a franchisor of multifamily properties have agreed to settle a federal lawsuit alleging that they violated the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by designing and constructing 32 multifamily properties in Ohio that are inaccessible to persons with disabilities. It was not the last fridge either. Ripoff Report | yes communities complaints, reviews, scams, lawsuits The water shut-off is due to a water main break underneath a home within the community. I went to tell Jana the manager, and she said we had to give 30 days notice to be able to pull it out stating that it takes time to get paperwork ready and permits and so forth, never talking about the deposit we had put down when we moved in. The lawn was mowed on Thursday, April 30, 2015. There are so many stray cats and 3 dogs in residents that are loose all day long and most of the homes are not kept up with. Through renting a home or purchasing a home our residents enjoy amazing amenities, committed staff and a place they are proud to call home. My kids almost fell through their floor in their bedroom byt he vent because the wood was so rotted! According to the "Yes Communities" list of rules for all residents, all dogs are to be either on a leash and confined to the dog owner's mobile home. I love the environment. Midwest city Oklahoma, Yes! We at YES! I HAVE RIGHTS AS A TENNANT AND THEY DONT CARE! Our mission at YES is to create communities that our residents are proud to call home. This residents' statements are completely inaccurate and if any resident or potential resident of Westlake would like to see the inspection reports for the water system at community they can email us at to receive digital copies. Copyright 1997-2023 Ripoff Report. Some of them run out to you and chase you down the rode. If corporate really cared, they would visit the communities and speak to the residents. Not only does the park not have an appropriate valve system in place, the park hasn't filed consumer confidence(including water quality) reports in 4 years. She is not at work most of the time so catching her to talk to her about a problem is near impossible. "And, yes, that means Black and Brown communities." Beginning in 1945, Illinois-based Velsicol was the sole maker of chlordane as a pesticide for killing insects, Racine said. They don't spray for mosquitoes because of the pond. Made many memories for my kids.. It is not uncommon for one company to hold a position in another company. Desired outcome: The Maintenace man just wanted to argue with me and told me I would have to be evicted if I didn't get rid of my dog. The other dog that lives there is aggressive and charges at people, climbs on the stairs and decks of neighbors' homes, and is in the street blocking traffic. They had QC lawns come out and Monthly billing process relating to lease agreement. The maintenance men ride around on golf carts and know this too. An $18.93 charge for sub metering. . YES Communities CEO Steven Schaub Named One of the 100 Most Plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap, Historian Herland Reveals Plot: Employ Trickery, Deceit, Law-Breaking, Withhold-Conceal Truth, We Must Write Sowing Masses with Hate, Revulsion, Scorn Towards Enemies, plus MHVille Markets Update, #1 Texas Manufactured Housing Builders Survey Says They are Ready for a Rebound But Data Point in Question, DOE MH Energy Rule Too Facts, Analysis; plus, MHVille Stocks, Markets Update, Clayton-Next Step Off-Site Built White Paper-Manufactured Homes, ThinkND Magic of the Mind-Everyday Illusion, Misdirection, Deception MHI Members Claims Analyzed; plus MHVille Markets Update, Small Businesses are Victims Job Creators Network (JCN) American Small Business Prosperity Plan-Tax, Reg, Change Supports Job Creating Small Businesses-Action; plus MHVille Markets Update, Nobility Homes, Inc. Communities is one of the nation's largest owners and operators of manufactured home communities, with 213 communities across 18 states containing over 54,000 . You stated that it was completel Please credit my account with $100.00 ($50.00 for two months). While visiting her my tire on my car went flat and it wasnt out ther over 3 days. I have called the office and they never return the call. This Trailer is a joke. 5. We have only recently moved into the Smokecreek park in Snellville, Ga. A right hand of communist China. YES COMMUNITIES YES COMMUNITIES, YES . Communities - Tenant landlord lease crystal springs 500 Chaffee Rd S. Jacksonville, FL 32221. (wg) Download PDF Subscribe Now ( I have many pictures for what it is worth!) Public Records Policy. Allowed neighbors to continuously do what they want despite numerous complaints. Then she told me we had put up a 720.00 deposit when we moved in on June 30 2009, and even if I paid the August rent which I would not be ther for any of the month of Aug. So I broke down and called the state attorney general's office, the county health inspector, the department of environmental quality and an attorney. I will be filing a lawsuit for neglect on a elderly and disabled person. YES Communities - This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. Yes! Communities | Complaints | Better Business Bureau Profile Little did we know that living here would mean unsanitary living conditions. for. He has charged people in the day and night hours. NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender. In January you charged me an addition al $50.00 because I did not have a new signed lease on file. I have several times and only received one email back with broken promises of someone reaching out to me. Again someone will be following up with you shortly. It would be nice if you would put somebody on staff to patrol the park and sit and watch the unleashed dogs that I see every single week and the rottweiler multiple times a day. I opted out! With affordable manufactured housing communities across many states we offer housing options for those looking to own or to rent their next home. Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. Communities - incredily lousy landlords, YES! Customer Service Number: 1-303-483-7300. Unfortunately it is hard for us to track down anonymous complaints left on online boards like this one. Miami Florida, Old Town Atelier Dan Kolar Alexandra Kolar Press and Ink Scamming and Blocking Paying Customers Temecula California, Full Service Network Jason Soltis, David Schwencke (CEO) They could not provide phone services needed, had to change providers after working with them for months to fix things. I do not know how much more suscint I can bef. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. If you read one of these complaints and it sounds like it was written for your community but in another state, that should tell you that it is not entirely the community managers fault. I'm a resident at Westlake mhp in Oklahoma City. I have made the company aware of the problem and I've gotten zero results so far. I actually moved out mid-month because my new place was ready. YES! Wondering if a report is missing? The young guy in charge has been causing extreme stress on my immediate family. I do not want any family member, neighbor, or myself to get bit. Using the virtual reality glasses, fans could see the action in 360 degrees in real time. When I say that I mean less than a month ago. People are moving out a lot lately because this is by no means a community more like a trashy trailer park! It claimed all kinds of bogus damage such as 2 broken toilets (a total lie) and damaged walls and floors. Communities guidelines address items such as vehicles being parked only in designated parking areas, late fees and other repercussions for late payments and the residents responsibility to cover ALL court costs, as well as several other items. Well, it's been a little over 2 years since your post. Mine was 0 because a pet deposit was paid, but not one said 40, The day i went up there and the office was rude has heck to me and yes i have it recorded yes but you never wanted to get back with me so i guess i will have to air it on you tube but their people says i have to pay 40 because they say it is that and that it dont have to be written down. Case Details Parties Dockets Case Details YES Communities | Denver CO - Facebook Columbia South Carolina, Yes communities Yes communties rented me and my son a fema trailer That exposed us to formaldehyde Tampa Florida, Village Oaks (YES Communities) YES Communities does not adhere to rules and laws. } 3 months to find a place to live. Don't contact them unless you have an alternate plan because they will retaliate and evict you with corporate on their side. Court documents are not available for this case. Communities Rent Goes Up, Up, and Up and Constraints Keep getting tighter and tighter. width: 33.33%; I stopped at the office and there was a long line of people. I am a mobile home owner in the Village green mobile home park in Rossvile Ga. . YES! How To Contact Yes Communities Corporate Office Headquarters. Hes a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and I signed a lease on 10/29/22 afternoon at 4pm the lease starts on 11/19/22. I own my trailer out right I owe them nothing except my lot rent September 30 @ 3:30 pm Sincerely.Kristen Gray [protected]. The repairs have already started and the community hopes to have to water back on later this afternoon. I guess I finally got to my breaking point today. . They are always telling me things they dont mean. They are psychotic creeps! all they care about is getting you in and taking your money. Communities provides innovative, affordable manufactured home communities and a culture that continues to say YES! Phase 1 is rundown and downright nasty. The water is constantly shut off for hours at a time for "maintenance" sometimes several times a week. I simply need a reset code to continue to pay monthly bill online. We are waiting for him to take us to court. Nothing has changed what so ever. We had always paid our rent on time and never had a problem until clayton sold out to yes communities keep in mind this is suppose to be a family park. No one answers the phone or is in the office and lately its starting to look like slobs live out here. One is a medium mixed dog (dirty look beige) that slips between the gate and fence post. Camino Creek Yes! I wanted to file a compliant, I was wrongfully terminated from my position due to covid, this is unfair to me. The leasing off said they still. When she went to put up her deposit yesterday afternoon July 22.2015, they would not except and that the home could not be moved until August rent was paid. . He did his best to help us correct as much of the mistakes made from the previous guys but without taking it all out and starting over, it was hard. must work together to develop virus vaccine, US companies are discovering dark side of coronavirus business boom, New York exodus: Virus prompts residents in richest parts of Manhattan to flee, Stocks post worst weekly performance since March, Office Depot closing stores, laying off 13,000 workers, United says flights down 90%, cuts routes and worker hours, Will you get a second coronavirus stimulus payment? My credit score was high my whole life! A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. Does she have a boss that she answers to? I dont want a different company. I have two small children and not having air in this 90 degree weather is horrible. I don't know do you think the news would be interested. . So thats it in a nutshell they dont care to listen to what we have to say, I am still fighting with them. More bids, no work. File your review. Communities YES! What the heck is that?