ADRIA Tour sve je bliže i teniski tereni na Višnjiku pripremaju se za spektakularne mečeve koji će se održati 20. i 21. lipnja. The final of the Adria Tour in Zadar has been cancelled after Grigor Dimitrov tested positive for coronavirus.. "Adria Tour", u organizaciji najboljeg tenisera sveta, biće održan u Beogradu, Banjaluci, Zadru, Sarajevu i Crnoj Gori. Tour je nastao na inicijativu srpskog teniskog asa Novaka Đokovića kako bi promovirao sport, pozitivne vrijednosti i fair-play, ali i skupio sredstva za one kojima je pomoć potrebna. Novak Djokovic is the fourth Adria Tour participant to have tested positive for Covid-19. Zadar Travel app Zadar Travel is a mobile phone application which enables travellers to easily find and book available accommodation in Zadar, chosen from facilities registered in the database of Zadar … ZADAR, June 21, 2020. ... Direktor turnira u Madridu smatra da je Novak Đoković preko ADRIA Tura morao da pošalje mnogo bolju sliku u svet. Djokovic will be joined there by Croatia’s 2014 US Open winner Marin Cilic and Borna Coric. The second leg of the charity event in the Balkan region is taking place in Croatia’s coastal resort Zadar this weekend. 4,082 likes. Subscribe for more videos of NOVAK DJOKOVIC !!! Uoči teniskog megaspektakla na zadarskom Forumu danas u 17.30 održat će se Kid's Day. Zadar will host some of the top names in tennis during the humanitarian Adria Tour on June 20 and 21. Zadar was the second stop of Djokovic’s Adria Tour exhibition series, with the first coming in Belgrade last week, where World No. ZADAR, June 20, 2020. Novak Djokovic is moving full speed ahead as the Adria Tour arrives in Zadar. United Grupa, sa svojim članicama Tele2 Hrvatska i Sport Klubom, zlatni je sponzor regionalnog teniskog turnira Adria Tour koji se održava u Zadru od 19. do 21. lipnja. The Adria Tour was an exhibition tennis tour held in June 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia and Zadar, Croatia.It was organized by the world No. The Croatian Tennis Association, as a co-organizer of Adria Tour, which took place last weekend in Zadar, joined the project with the best intentions, which aimed to promote tennis and sports with a humanitarian note to it. 1 on the list who really delivered with its colleagues with so many stars playing for their fans, tourists and locals and it is really a great start of the tourist season in Zadar and this part of Croatia! 1,411 Likes, 20 Comments - Adria Tour (@adriatourofficial) on Instagram: “The music program of the #AdriaTour in Zadar began with emotional concerts by the world-famous…” "All of us who participated in the organization gave our best. Tenis adria tour Andrej Rubljov sletio u Zadar, teniski spektakl počinje danas u 17 sati ZdTube ADRIA TOUR 2020 Pogledajte video izjave slavnih tenisača nakon košarkaškog okršaja protiv KK Zadra Đirada NOVI TERMIN Koncert Petra Graše na Adria Touru prebačen u nedjelju: ‘Raduje me što sviramo na otvorenom na ovom prestižnom turniru!‘ U trećem meču će Novak Đoković igrati protiv Serdarušića, a program će zaključiti Čilić i Petrović.Finala starta nakon 20 sati. Teniske zvijezde u lipnju u Zadru na inicijativu Novaka Đokovića u suradnji s HTS-om kao najljepša razglednica za početak ljetne turističke sezone.Dolaze i Thiem, Čilić, Ćorić, Dimitrov i to 20. i 21. lipnja. Sports Event. Otvorena je prošlog vikenda u Beogradu, gde je trofej osvojio Dominik Tim . – To što je Đoković uradio nije pomoglo. jul). Sunday’s final of the Adria Tour in Zadar between World No. The clay-court event is held at the TC … Učitavanje komentara Subotnji teniski program počinje u 12 sati egzibicijskim mečom Donne Vekić i Olge Danilović, a nastavlja se prvim dijelom programa koji počinje u 14 sati i drugim s početkom u 19 sati. 1 Novak Djokovic and Russia’s Andrey Rublev has been cancelled following Grigor Dimitrov‘s announcement of his positive test of Covid-19: “Hi Everyone-I want to reach out and let my fans and friends know that I tested positive back in Monaco for Covid-19. 1 ranked player Novak Djokovic during the ATP Tour's shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.. 20/08/20 “Da li ću doveka biti kriv što sam pogrešio? četvrtak 4.6.2020. Adria Tour tournament in Zadar will be organized on the initiative of Novak Đoković with the help of Croatian Tennis Association, currently the best tennis player in the world and no. Još samo dva dana ostalo je do spektakla u Zadru gde će biti održan drugi po redu humanitatni turnir Adria Tour, na čelu sa najboljim igračem sveta Novakom Đokovićem. The Adria Tour -- an event founded by Djokovic -- ended in disaster after a total of four players tested positive for the coronavirus. Novak Djokovic won both of his matches and booked a place in the final as the second leg of his Adria Tour got under way in Zadar, ... — Adria Tour Official (@AdriaTennisTour) June 18, 2020. Novak Djokovic won both of his matches and booked a place in the final as the second leg of his Adria Tour got under way in Zadar, Croatia. Adria Tour počinje u petak svečanim otvaranjem u 17 sati, a zatim slijede egzibicija Novaka Đokovića i zvijezda Toura (17.30 sati) te ždrijeb u 19 sati. On June 20 and 21, the Adria Tour tournament will move to Zadar, on Croatia’s Adriatic coast. The draw for the second tournament of the Adria Tour series was made on Friday. U organizaciji našeg šampiona, "Adria Tour" će biti održan u gradovima širom Balkana, a prvi turnir kreće iz Beograda, na terenima TC Novak (13/14. Turneja počinje u glavnom gradu Srbije 13. i 14. juna, a Zadar će biti domaćin 20. i 21. juna, a za direktor turnira u Hrvatskoj delegiran je Ivanišević. The Bulgarian revealed the news on Instagram on Sunday. Novak Djokovic & Mats Wilander about Adria Tour 2020 (HD) #NovakDjokovic #Djokovic #DjokerNole The Croatian Tennis Association, as a co-organizer of Adria Tour, which took place last weekend in Zadar, joined the project with the best intentions, which aimed to promote tennis and sports with a humanitarian note to it. Watch the premium Tennis video: Adria Tour - Day 4, Zadar (3/5) - 01:05:07. Nedjeljni program počinje dvobojem Ćorića i Krstina u 14 sati. Grigor Dimitrov, who played in Belgrade and Zadar, was the first followed by Borna Coric, who played in Zadar. The Adria Tour is a set of exhibition matches which begin in Belgrade, Serbia and will have its second round in Zadar, Croatia. The event was called off following the second leg in Zadar, Croatia. jun) i u Banja Luku (3/4. Nije šala kada najbolji na svetu dolazi u vaš grad i zato je veliko interesovanje u Zadru za ovaj spektakl, a tribine su namontirane da prime 9.000 ljudi. The event fell under heavy criticism due to its lack of social distancing procedures, and allowing a full crowd, unlike the simultaneous Ultimate Tennis Showdown. Zadar će ovoga vikenda ugostiti drugi u nizu iz serije humanitarnih turnira Adria Tour koji je pokrenuo i osmislio prvi tenisač svijeta Novak Đoković. U Zadru će se igrati od 19. do 21. juna, a nastupiće, osim Novaka , svetske zvezde Aleksandar Zverev , Grigor Dimitrov , Andrej Rubljov kao i domaći teniseri Marin Čilić , Borna Ćorić … Vesti: Adria Tour 1. Zatim na teren Rubljov i Zverev u meču u kojem Zverev mora pobijediti kako bi imao šansu za plasman u finale. Subscribe now to watch instantly. In an interview on the show court in Zadar, Djokovic explained that the 9,000-seat stadium will be at half-capacity. Adria Tour počinje u petak svečanim otvaranjem u 17 sati, a nakon toga slijede ekshibicijski mečevi. jun), da bi se potom preselio u Zadar (20/21. The 26-year-old, who lost to Djokovic in the Melbourne final, said he was “shocked” when he got the news from the Adria Tour. jun), zatim u Crnu Goru (27/28. Adria tour je serija egzibicionih turnira humanitarnog karaktera u organizaciji Novaka Đokovića. He returned home to Monaco after feeling unwell during his Saturday match against Borna Coric. The opening round in Belgrade begins 13 June. The organisers of the Adria Tour say Sunday's final in Zadar was cancelled "as a precaution and to protect the health of all participants and visitors". About this year's exciting Adria Tour. Adria Tour.