500Hz updates every 2 milliseconds and 1000Hz updates every millisecond. Go to Tools, select Defragment now and Defragment disk. CS:GO Video Settings. H1Z1. It doesn’t end there, however. As you can see on the right a lot of CS:GO pros even prefer very low DPI settings. Launch Commands. dupreeh vs. Click on Use my preference emphasizing and set Performance to maximum. A good headset (or pair of headphones) can definitely help you win battles; it’s not uncommon for pros to start spraying just a bit before an enemy rounds the corner because they can hear them approach, for example. There really is a reason why not a single professional is using an overall sensitivity that only requires a couple of millimetres for a 360. This command is for OSX (Mac). Buy binds can also be made; these will allow you to buy a certain weapon (or even an entire loadout) by pressing just a single button. Go to Video Settings, then select Advanced Video. Simply put, DPI is the hardware part and sensitivity is the software part of the equation. Both oft hem used the FPS-Benchmark Map, made multiple runs in it and calculated the average FPS when setting this option. Resolution and aspect ratio might be the most obviously noticeable changes you can make to your configuration. Feel free to use a setting that you personally feel most comfortable with. The difference between 500Hz and 1000Hz is a bit less pronounced, which is why you see some pros on 500Hz despite 1000Hz being objectively better. If you want to know how to find your DPI you can read about that here. You can also set your autoexec.cfg file in the same way. This could be because pinpoint precision isn’t as important with an AWP (a body shot results in a kill as well) and because they want to be a bit more mobile with their aim and playing style but of course we’re just theorizing here. If you turn on raw input, which we highly recommend, CS:GO ignores every input that comes from outside of the game like drivers and Windows. With settings that are similar to the pros you won’t feel a competitive disadvantage. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Counter Shooter CS GO. 0 effect below 70% cpu load in idle…. It is an option for L4D. Also, FPS drop may be related to PC config and settings: programs, video card, performance settings. Some pros keep their Raw Input off because there might be packet loss caused by it. We will do it manually. Having a good mechanical keyboard will not only increase your comfort but it’ll also allow for more precise and reliable inputs. You might have already heard about terms like sensitivity, raw input or mouse acceleration. For maximum performance you should choose the following graphics settings: Open Windows start menu, choose My Computer, right-click on the empty area in the opened window and go to Properties. Rocket League Item. Easy To Setup. As we mentioned, eDPI (effective Dots Per Inch, sometimes referred to as ‘true sensitivity’) is the easiest way to compare sensitivities. CS:GO. Using it, we’re able to change almost every option related to the appearance and technical aspects of the game. People who’ve been in the scene for a while know this: high refresh rates are the name of the game for competitive shooter games. In general it is strongly advised to play with a 16:9 aspect ratio if you get enough frames however. This value is obviously important for AWPers but everyone should spend a bit of time here since you don’t want to be like a deer in headlights if you’ve picked up your teammate’s AWP to save, for example. About mouse acceleration: in general, turning this on is considered a bad idea. Feel free to use a setting that you personally feel most comfortable with. There might be some arguments to be made about this number (and it’s also dependent on the mice the players are using) but it seems to be the case that most players are comfortable around the default setting, which is 1. Plus, vote for your favorite games in the 2020 Steam Awards. -threads … hyper outdated tip … even Valve devs confirmed that this tip should not EVER be followed, as it is proven to decreace the FPS in every case. -noaafonts … outdated. We also use targeted ads. Insane skins are waiting for you! In summary, keep the resolution and aspect ratio low if you are below the critical 144 (or 240, depending on your monitor) frames threshold. To set your launch options go into your steam library, right click on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> properties -> set launch options and copy paste the following: After that we go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\730\local\cfg – this is where you place your config/autoexec. Most mice have several options you can choose from. Right click on the desktop and open AMD Radeon Settings. Causes input lag and makes the game not look as crisp and clear. For the best experience you want to be able to see the entire map (or most of the map) so that you can see things like spotted enemies at all times without having to rely on verbal information from your teammates. After that we click on: Adjust desktop color settings. Open STEAM Library, choose CS:GO, click on Properties, then Set launch options and write the following commands: -novid - Removes the in-game introduction movie, -high - Starts the game in a high-priority mode. The easy to understand concept coupled with an insanely high skill ceiling and a large amount of avenues to better yourself keeps drawing people in, both as players and spectators. Press Win + R keys together on the keyboard and type msconfig in the Run box. Choose 3D Settings - Adjust Image Settings. -processheap … not working anymore, got patched like 3 years ago. This helps immensely with spotting enemies in darker places. Welcome to our CS:GO Pro Settings and Gear List. 2. Our main goal with the video settings is to configure the game in the least demanding way possible to have the highest framerate possible without making the game look blurred or difficult to watch. We hope you enjoyed reading this. Test #20 shows a test with optimized settings. A CS:GO demo is recorded in-game material that can be watched again like a replay. Let’s take a look at the two most popular graphics cards, for which game settings in CS:GO and many other games can be applied. Keep this disabled unless you get noticable screen tearing. A good spot to check your brightness levels is the dark corner on bomb spot B on de_inferno. Just make sure you’re able to hear important things such as footsteps without destroying your ears. Go to Gaming and select Global Settings. Then adjust settings the same way you see on the screenshot. But the part about the startoptions could hardly be more wrong: -novid … won’t add FPS, but it will remove the annoying intro tot he game. Only up it if your PC can handle a big FPS hit. The polling rate (in Hz) of your mouse determines how often it sends information to your PC. Also you can check in cs go pro settning launch commands. The best video settings for CS:GO will vastly depend on the individual you’re asking. From a competitivie point of view there is no upside to keeping this higher than LOW. 0. Come in :) To change your brightness you go on Display Color and change the saturation slider to your liking. The most relevant value when controlling your mouse is called eDPI. If you want to learn more about the subject you can always check out our full GPU guide for the game. 0. Post Comment. Select Hardware and Sound on Control Panel and click on Power Options, then choose High performance. Proper graphics and sound settings can affect the comfort of the gameplay significantly, thus contributing to getting better results in the game. If you want to learn more about this feature you can read about it. Optimal start options for maximum FPS are: -novid -console and maybe -tickrate 128 when playing at faceit or something to train smokes, flashes and other nades on an offline server. We recommend the following settings: These are the basic settings to have the full overview in your minimap. So if you were ever wondering why pro players sometimes seem to go crazy when their game drops to ‘just’ 250 frames per second instead of the usual 300+ you now know why. Click "properties", go to the "Local Files" tab then click "Browse Local Files". So, check FPS you are currently playing and lets begin to boost it. Next Proper configuration Training server settings Prev Proper configuration Mouse configuration. A lot of pros change their crosshair all the time so feel free to experiment with this! This can help with deciding to stick that defuse or not. Instant withdrawal on Steam! Year by year FPS is getting more demanding to PC characteristics. Then adjust settings the same way you see on the screenshot. It makes no sense to have a state of the art 240Hz monitor coupled with a 2080 Ti if you’re just going to be running it through a 10 year old processor and 8GB of RAM. Of course it’s also important to note that your GPU (or ‘graphics card’) isn’t the only factor in reaching these framerates. The CS:GO pros aren’t alone in that. Something you might notice when looking at eDPI is that CS:GO pros have a rather low overall sensitivity compared to most ‘casual gamers’. Pay by SMS. Access the settings by clicking the gear button. 3. Increase this to spot enemies in darker places. It’s done by multiplying the DPI with the sensitivity: On the right you can see the average eDPI for all of our analyzed CS:GO players. This hinders your ability to develop muscle memory (which is a crucial thing to develop if you want to have consistent aim). After reinstalling, your software will run faster and more dynamically. These tips will definitely bring no harm to your PC and help optimize performance in the game as well as increase the average FPS. Download Nvidia drivers: http://www.geforce.com/drivers, Download AMD drivers: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download. To input launch options, head over to Steam, right click on CSGO and go to properties. ). How to change the polling rate depends on what mouse you’re using but for most you can change it in the software or on the mouse itself. SLAM lets you share sounds over the built in communication system of source games. After you have chosen which mouse you are going to use (check out our recommended mice for CS:GO here) you might be wondering which ingame settings you’re supposed to pick. CS GO Launcher. It might sound unbelievable, but it is 100% true. Brightness. +exec autoexec … no FPS boost at all and only necessary, if you still have your autoexec at the wrong location. bind_osx: bind_osx [Bind Key] ["Bind Command"] This command will bind a command, or list of commands, to a key on your keyboard or button on your mouse. If you are not playing at 16:9 (which is the native aspect ratio for pretty much all gaming monitors) you can choose between different scaling modes , namely black bars and stretched. Vitality - ACE at BLAST Premier Fall 2020 Finals | CS:GO CS: GO features new maps, characters, weapons, and game modes, and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content (de_dust2, etc. If you’ve got FPS to spare you can set this higher to see crisper looking shadows. If you reinstalled Windows long ago, do it again to minimize processes running. We’ve analyzed the sensitivity, DPI & eDPI, resolution, monitor refresh rates (in Hz) and much more and distilled all of that into this guide for you to use. So how do I set the launch options & config/autoexec? CSGO NET - The Most Profitable CS: GO Case Opening Site! -lv … not outdated at all. This one is debatable, but since this can be a real FPS hog and you still see shadows of enemy players perfectly fine on low we recommend setting this to low. Go to Boot, click on Advanced options and choose a maximum number of processors. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (or CS:GO, as most people call it) seems to only be getting more and more popular. -nojoy … outdated. In any case, though: given that over 90% of professionals are on 240Hz systems we consider that the competitive standard. Increase this to spot enemies in darker places. Graphics Card Drivers. Csgocases.com - Open CS:GO cases and get the best csgo skins! We have added no information about special software and other FPS boosters, which are unreasonable to use in our opinion. It’s important to note that for some people 500Hz feels different than 1000Hz so you can definitely experiment with this a bit. Do you want to boost FPS in CS:GO? We also want to change the brightness. What are the best CS:GO launch options? En Son Eklenen İlanlar, Tüm CS:GO Skin İlanları, CS:GO Son Satılan 100 Skin; CS:GO Hızlı Teslimat. DPI has always been something that mouse manufacturers use to advertise just how advanced their newest sensor is. -nod3d9ex … only working on DX8 graphics cards… you can look up, how old this „tip“ is then. CS:GO is a highly configurable game so we definitely recommend you to change some binds here and there. Launch Nvidia control panel on your desktop by right-clicking on the screen. Keeping this to none will save you a lot of FPS, so only turn this on if you really have FPS to spare. A good spot to check your brightness levels is … If you’re being rushed by five enemies you don’t want to be frantically scrolling through your nades until you get to your incendiary, so at the very least we recommend you to make binds for your nades. If you experience frequent stuttering or you’re on low end hardware you can experiment with turning this on, but otherwise having this on doesn’t seem to yield very different results as far as framerate goes so we recommend leaving it disabled. Of course it’s important to know the ingame sensitivity to calculate eDPI but aside from that there’s nothing really interesting to be distilled from this setting. We learned opinions of pro players, studied detailed recommendations of some players on REDDIT and prepared a guidance of how to increase FPS for CS:GO. Just copy them to your config (or in the console) and you’re good to go! It’s something that’s pretty much unique to this game, but there are dozens of resolution and aspect ratio combinations that are actively being used by professionals at any given point in time. It’s also recommended to turn off all music since that only serves as a distraction and doesn’t help you perform in any way, except for the ten second warning. Average Zoom-Sensitivity of CS:GO Pro AWPers: of analyzed CS:GO pros, with a few exceptions using a 120Hz monitor, Best CS:GO Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Video Settings, Best Resolution and Aspect Ratio for CS:GO, of CS:GO PROS turn mouse acceleration off, check out our recommended mice for CS:GO here, Read Our Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure. c) Next, go to CS:GO in your steam library and right click on it. Launch options used to have significant impact on your game, but these days that’s no longer the case apart from perhaps ‘-novid’ which basically just turns off the intro of the game. If you see a pro streaming and you like how their radar looks or you just want to see how your favorite pro does it you might want to consider downloading a config from our Player Database.