CBS International Business School © 1993-2021 |, BM – Logistik und Supply Chain Management (B.A. To apply you need to have a Bachelors degree (or equivalent) and a minimum of three years work experience. Die Cologne Business School bietet ein Executive MBA Programm in Kooperation mit der renommierten Maastricht School of Management (MSM) an. Further information can be found. ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. Considered to be one of the best universities in Germany for liberal art education, Cologne Business School has an enrollment of around 1,900 students.. International admissions at Cologne Business School are open for English-taught bachelor, master and MBA … The school was established in the year 1993 with the objective to offer a wide range of English Language study programme. Today, the decision to study is about so much more than just choosing a suitable subject. It is known to be Germany’s top business school, being the first to offer internationally recognized bachelor’s degree. Der Executive MBA in International Business ist ein von der Cologne Business School (CBS) und der Maastricht School of Management (MSM) gemeinsam konzipiertes modulares Programm für Berufs-tätige. Das Programm richtet sich an Manager mit Führungserfahrung, die Positionen im Spitzenmanagement anstreben. Approximately 1,400 young people from about 75 nations are studying at Cologne Business School, embedded in a large network of partnerships with around 100 universities all over the world and numerous large companies. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA ist ein Studium nach dem ersten akademischen Grad in Form eines berufsbegleitenden Master of Business Administration. ), Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (M.A. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and is counted as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools Students have the option to study for a semester at one of the numerous renowned CBS partner universities and combine this with a placement abroad Invest in your future and secure your optimal start in your career with a renowned university degree. Further information can be found. ), Management von Familienunternehmen (M.A. During the corona pandemic, you can reach our student advisors Kristina Behr and Leah Krug by phone at the Campus Cologne & Potsdam at +49 221 931 809 31 or at the Campus Mainz under: +49 6131 88 0 55 31, by email at [email protected] or Skype. Great, then you have gained a first overview of the costs of a CBS course. Das Studium vermittelt den Studierenden wichtige betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse und modernste Management-Methoden … So if you are wondering how much does it cost to study Bachelor’s, Master’s, or an MBA at CBS in Germany, you can find the fees on the respective pages of the study programmes. Kap. Im Portrait: University of Cologne Business School mit dem Programm 'Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA' - Bewerbung As a university, we want to enable, encourage and inspire students to actively participate in shaping this change and to lead a life according to their own wishes. It is about people who make the difference and partnerships that move together. Eine Vorreiterposition nahm die Hochschule auch bei der Einführung der sogenannten konsekutiven Studiengänge ein. Studieren Sie berufsbegleitend und … ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. 24-8 Nw.indd 368 26.09.2013 12:40:49 Thus, the university offers the right course of studies in the field of economics for almost every phase of life. Here you find an overview of our tuition fees. Apply online now. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is a state-recognised, private business school which emerged in 2020 from the individual brands Cologne Business School (CBS) and European Management School (EMS). CBS International Business School © 1993-2021 |. Bachelor, Master & MBA Management Studiengänge an Deutschlands bester privaten Hochschule*. Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zu den Studiengebühren für Bachelor, Master, MBA & dem Studienkolleg der CBS International Business School! Aufgeteilt sind die Studiengänge der Cologne Business School in Bachelor-, Master- und MBA-Programme. View … [1] Erfahren Sie alles über die Vorteile und Voraussetzungen des Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA der Business School der Universität zu Köln. Campus Köln & Potsdam:+49 (0) 221 93 18 09-31, The lecture period for the upcoming summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/2022 is expected to start as planned both virtually and on campus adhering to all the precautionary measures. 300 € per semester: If you take up a CBS study programme, you pay a one-off registration fee of 600 € before the start of your studies. Die CBS wurde 1993 gegründet und bot ein englischsprachiges Bachelorprogramm an, das 1997 von der FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) akkreditiert wurde. Betriebswirtschaft & Management This form of study is interesting for everybody who on the one hand wishes to learn the typical economics contents of an MBA programme but on the other hand is prepared to do without the extra offers of our classical MBA programmes. CBS is one […] One MBA degree of the University of Cologne and one MBA degree of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Cologne Business School (CBS) is a private business and management school located in Cologne, North Rhine- Westphalia, Germany. At CBS, we settle the following items with the semester fee, which currently amounts to approx. This is about all of us. An der Cologne Business School (CBS) gibt es derzeit etwa 1400 Studierende, die aus 75 verschiedenen Nationen stammen. Die meisten Vorlesungen werden hierbei in der englischen Sprache unterrichtet. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. Seit 2016 ist die CBS Cologne Business School GmbH Teil der Stuttgarter Klett Gruppe. ), Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc. Als Student der Cologne Business School (CBS) hast du auch die Möglichkeit, die anfallenden Kosten der CBS Köln über Stipendien zu tilgen. The CBS International Business School has been part of the Stuttgart Klett Group since 2016. We would be happy to provide you with further information on our tuition fees and semester fees in an individual consultation and develop an optimal strategy for financing your studies! Home / Advice & Admission / Tuition fees. International Business Acquire your MBA title at Cologne Business School in just one year! Bachelor programmes We are looking forward to getting to know you! Do you have any questions about our tuition fees? ), IB – Strategic Management and Consulting (M.A. Im Portrait: University of Cologne Business School mit dem Programm 'Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA' - Studienangebot MBA-Studium in Teilzeit, Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA mit Spezialisierung auf Management, Dauer 24 Monate - Informationen bei Der-MBA-Guide. Held in Cologne and Barcelona on the basis of two universities: Kolnsk second business school's and the Central University of Catalonia UVic-UCC; The main goal is to deepen and expand the knowledge of undergraduate students studying marketing, management, advertising and international business. ), Strategisches Management und Consulting (M.A. Take a look at our current overview: Our tuition fees depend on the choice of study programme and the place of study. Im Vergleich zu anderen Einrichtungen hat die CBS daher große Erfahrungen mit den Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen gesammelt. Get more information about our tuition fees. Admissions at Cologne Business School are offered in diverse academic programs both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. ), Management von Familienunternehmen (M.A. Die Internationalität der Hochschule zeigt sich auch daran, dass sie die meisten Studienprogramme englischsprachig anbietet … CBS was founded in 1993 as a pure business school and is characterised by a wide range of English-language study programmes. Cologne Business School (CBS) is a private business school in Cologne, Germany established in 1993. Das Programm richtet sich an Manager mit Führungserfahrung, die Positionen im Spitzenmanagement anstreben. Founded in 1993, Cologne Business School (CBS) was one of the first schoolsin Germany to introduce a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International Business.Today CBS is rated as one of Germany’s top institutions of higher educationin the area of business studies. The Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA has been established on the basis of mutual co-operation and respect between the University of Cologne (UoC) and the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM).We consider this partnership between RSM and UoC a natural fit; a highly ranked university and a triple-accredited business school. Die Cologne Business School (CBS) hat eine eigene Finanzbroschüre, mit der du dich über eine Auswahl an relevanten Förderwerken informieren kannst. Business Psychology. We would be happy to answer them! Die nachfolgenden Bachelorstudiengänge gehören diesem Modell an: International Business ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. ), IB – Digital Transformation Management (M.A. Sie wurde 2015 gegründet und bietet ein englischsprachiges Executive MBA (EMBA)-Programm sowie kompakte Managementseminare für Einzelpersonen oder Unternehmen an. It is a state recognized university of applied sciences characterized by a range of English-language study programs. Entry Criteria: IELTS ,TOEFL. Looking to study in Europe?Founded in 1993 as a complete Business School, Cologne Business School firstly hosts over 1500 youths from 75 nations across the globe. Die University of Cologne Business School ist eine der führenden Business Schools und das organisatorische Dach für Management-Weiterbildung an der Universität zu Köln. You are here: This joint Executive MBA programme brings RSM’s expertise in … As soon as personal consultation appointments are possible at our campuses, we will publish this here. You can easily choose between different payment methods: Our fees can be paid per month, per semester, per year, or as a total amount. ), International Management Fast Track (MBA), Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 3+1 Programmes for International Students, Center for Advanced Sustainable Management, DFG-Project: The effects of non-financial reporting, How much does it cost to study at CBS in Germany? Acquire your MBA title at CBS International Business School in just one year! The CBS International Business School has been part of the Stuttgart Klett Group since 2016. We are interested in real talents with a passion for business and enable you to use your time as a student to gain your own first experiences in the business world: In our practical phases, such as our Business Projects or Business Simulation Games, you will learn how to efficiently apply your newly acquired knowledge in the working environment. The M.Sc. The Cologne Business School provides the best quality available. As usual, they will answer all your questions about your studies and give you individual advice on financing your studies. Well, that is the Cologne Business School slogan for business fraternity. Current note: Virtual consultations on student financing. The University of Cologne Business School offers innovative and high-quality executive education since 2015, including an Executive MBA programme as well as … This form of study is interesting for everybody who on the one hand wishes to learn the typical economics contents of an MBA programme but on the other hand is prepared to do without the extra offers of our classical MBA programmes. It is about the next conscious step into a self-determined life. Inzwischen ist sie eine der wenigen privaten Hochschulen, die staatlich anerkannt sind. Das Studium vermittelt den Studierenden wichtige betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse und modernste Management-Methoden … ), IB – Digital Transformation Management (M.A. This is how you lay the foundation for a successful start to your professional life. Everything ticked off? Each university charges a semester fee, but the purpose for which it is used is often different. Sounds good? And our future. Top Rankings Studienerfolgsquote 94,8% Jetzt mehr erfahren! ), Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc. For many managing positions of different industries and for certain professions in research and teaching, a master is indispensable. Die CBS – Cologne Business School wurde 1993 gegründet. Zusätzlich fallen noch Einschreibegebühren in Höhe von €450 an. ), Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (M.A. Surround yourself with young professionals from around the world for 12 months of full-time business education in the global hub of Rotterdam. The Südstadt region of Cologne, wherein the business school is located, is amongst the most pleasant neighbourhoods of the city. You create added value to yourself and your employer, without interrupting your career. Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA an der Hochschule University of Cologne Business School gGmbH in Köln. Technical University of Munich. Hochschulporträt. B.Sc. At the CBS, we offer you over 40 study programmes according to international standards in which theory and practice are closely interlinked. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA schließt mit einem Doppelabschluss - der Universität zu Köln und der Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University ab. We believe that an academic education can and should do more than just produce excellent professionals who are successful in a constantly changing world. Klicken Sie hier um einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fakten über den Executive MBA an der Business School der Universität zu Köln zu erhalten. B.A. ), IB – Strategic Management and Consulting (M.A. Private Wirtschaftshochschule; Campus Köln: 6 Bachelor-Studiengänge, 26 Master-Studiengänge, 4 berufsbegleitende Master-Studiengänge, 2 MBA-Studiengänge; Campus Mainz: 5 Bachelor-Studiengänge,13 Master-Studiengänge, 8 duale und berufsbegleitende Studiengänge That is to say, how better to describe CBS than to say, “You Career, Our Mission”! Through our network of partner companies and our close connection to the business world, you can already gain practical experience and make valuable contacts during your studies. This is possible with our Fast Track MBA. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. Business Administration at the WiSo-Faculty of the University of Cologne widens your knowledge gained in your bachelor studies and makes you an expert in your respective area. ), Strategisches Management und Consulting (M.A. We reward talent and, if you wish, offer you a range of support options that will allow you to finance your studies cleverly: In some programmes, you can get up to 50 percent of the funding you receive for tuition fees, etc. You've already chosen your study programme? ), International Management Fast Track (MBA), Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 3+1 Programmes for International Students, Center for Advanced Sustainable Management, DFG-Project: The effects of non-financial reporting, Charity Donations in Lieu of Christmas gifts – CBS supports social projects at home and abroad. After 24 months, you are awarded with a double MBA degree from two of Europe's most prestigious universities. If you are looking for a global career in business and you have the ambition and drive to succeed, this is the programme for you. This is possible with our Fast Track MBA. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. Cologne Business School Kosten & Stipendien. At its locations in Cologne, Mainz and Potsdam, it offers approximately 1,900 students its predominantly English-language business management study courses with the … Start your Bachelor's, Master's or MBA studies in English now! During the corona pandemic, you can reach our student advisors Kristina Behr and Leah Krug by phone at the Campus Cologne & Potsdam at +49 221 931 809 31 or at the Campus Mainz under: +49 6131 88 0 55 31, by email at [email protected] or Skype. The programme portfolio of the CBS covers all educational levels – from bachelor`s to Master of Business Administration (MBA). To this end, we bring together education and personality, academic standards and practical relevance as well as an international community and individual support. ), BM – Unternehmensführung und Personalmanagement (B.A. BM – Logistik und Supply Chain Management (B.A. B.A. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is one of the top private business schools in Germany. Die Cologne Business School bietet ein Executive MBA Programm in Kooperation mit der renommierten Maastricht School of Management (MSM) an. Get to know the CBS personally, get advice on the range of studies offered and visit us in Cologne, Mainz or Potsdam. Location: Munich, Germany. Daten und Fakten zur CBS International Business School. How much does it cost to study at CBS in Germany. Campus Köln & Potsdam:+49 (0) 221 93 18 09-31, The lecture period for the upcoming summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/2022 is expected to start as planned both virtually and on campus adhering to all the precautionary measures. ), BM – Unternehmensführung und Personalmanagement (B.A.

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