The depth of layers of live bivalve molluscs must not impede the opening of shells during purification. "Bivalve molluscs" means filter-feeding lamellibranch molluscs. "Poultry" means farmed birds, including birds that are not considered as domestic but which are farmed as domestic animals, with the exception of ratites. Water used for this purpose must be potable water or, on board vessels, clean water. (21) Official Publications Office is to insert official number of Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs. wild game, in compliance with Section IV, Chapter II. If, after chilling, MSM is not processed within 24 hours, it must be frozen within 12 hours of production and reach an internal temperature of not more than -18oC within six hours. The storage rooms must be kept in a satisfactory state of cleanliness and repair, so that they do not constitute a source of contamination for the raw materials. Buoys, poles or other fixed means must clearly identity the boundaries of the sites. Small wild game delivered to a game-handling establishment must be presented to the competent authority for inspection. April 2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. These temperature requirements must be maintained during storage and transport. Food business operators must, in accordance with Article 18 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, have in place systems and procedures to identify food business operators from whom they have received, and to whom they have delivered, products of animal origin. If waste is stored and processed on board with a view to its sanitation, separate areas must be allocated for that purpose; a water intake situated in a position that avoids contamination of the water supply; and. There must be a minimum distance between relaying areas, and also between relaying areas and production areas, so as to minimise any risk of the spread of contamination. Food business operators deciding to accept animals onto the slaughterhouse premises after evaluating the relevant food chain information must make it available to the official veterinarian without delay and, except in the circumstances mentioned in point 7, no less than 24 hours before the arrival of the animal or lot. Further cutting and boning must be carried out in a cutting plant. Annexes II and III may be adapted or updated in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), taking into account: the development of guides to good practice; the experience gained from the implementation of HACCP-based systems pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No /2004 (34); the technological developments and their practical consequences and consumer expectations with regard to food composition; scientific advice, particularly new risk assessments; microbiological and temperature criteria for foodstuffs; 2. "Fleisch" alle genießbaren Teile der in den Nummern 1.2 bis 1.8 genannten Tiere, einschließlich Blut; 1.2. Food business operators receiving batches must date-stamp the document on receipt of the batch or record the date of receipt in another manner. Verordnung (EG) Nr. März 2017 über amtliche Kontrollen und andere amtliche Tätigkeiten zur Gewährleistung der Anwendung des Lebens- und Futtermittelrechts und der Vorschriften über Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz, Pflanzengesundheit und Pflanzenschutzmittel, zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. Such devices must achieve a chilling rate that ensures that the mix of fish and clean seawater reaches not more than 3oC 6 hours after loading and not more than 0oC after 16 hours and allow the monitoring and, where necessary, recording of temperatures. They must use this information, particularly information on environmental and weather conditions, to determine the appropriate treatment to apply to harvested batches. CHAPTER VIII: TRANSPORT OF FISHERY PRODUCTS. (4) Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. … 1244/2010, die Verordnung (EU) Nr. Frozen fishery products must be kept at a temperature of not more than -18oC in all parts of the product; however, whole frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned food may be kept at a temperature of not more than -9oC. 465/2012 und die Verordnung der Kommission (EU) Nr. Food business operators must follow any instructions that the official veterinarian may give after post-mortem inspection concerning the use of the meat. It is however enough if at least one person of a hunting team has the knowledge referred to in paragraph 1. The slaughtered animal must be fit for human consumption following post-mortem inspection carried out in the slaughterhouse in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (3), including any additional tests required in the case of emergency slaughter. 883/2004 2. All meat, including minced meat and meat preparations, used to produce meat product must meet the requirements for fresh meat. With regard to public health, these rules contain common principles, in particular in relation to the manufacturers' and competent authorities' responsibilities, structural, operational and hygiene requirements for establishments, procedures for the approval of establishments, requirements for storage and transport and health marks. Whenever a food business operator moves a batch of live bivalve molluscs between establishments, up to and including the arrival of the batch at a dispatch centre or processing establishment, a registration document must accompany the batch. (10) Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. (32) Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption (OJ L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11). Food business operators must ensure that establishments collecting or processing raw materials for the production of rendered animal fats and greaves comply with the following requirements. To this end, food business operators must ensure in particular that: meat intended for cutting is brought into the workrooms progressively as needed; during cutting, boning, trimming, slicing, dicing, wrapping and packaging, the meat is maintained at not more than 3oC for offal and 7oC for other meat, by means of an ambient temperature of not more than 12oC or an alternative system having an equivalent effect; and. The criteria should not be maximum figures beyond which raw milk cannot be placed on the market. "Raw milk" means milk produced by the secretion of the mammary gland of farmed animals that has not been heated to more than 40oC or undergone any treatment that has an equivalent effect. "Relaying" means the transfer of live bivalve molluscs to sea, lagoon or estuarine areas for the time necessary to reduce contamination to make them fit for human consumption. There must be lockable facilities for the refrigerated storage of detained fishery products and separate lockable facilities for the storage of fishery products declared unfit for human consumption. If they accept the animals for slaughter, they must give the documents mentioned in subparagraphs (a) and (c) to the official veterinarian. L 139 vom 30.04.2004 S. 55, ber. processed cows' milk used to prepare dairy products has a plate count at 30oC of less than 100 000 per ml. 1924/2006 Lebensmittel für spezielle Verbrauchergruppen ... Verordnung (EG) 853/2004… April 2004 angenommen1. The trained person must carry out an examination to identify any characteristics that may indicate that the meat presents a health risk. 2074/2005 der Kommission vom 5. "Offal" means fresh meat other than that of the carcase, including viscera and blood. If no abnormal characteristics are found during the examination referred to in paragraph 2, no abnormal behaviour was observed before killing, and there is no suspicion of environmental contamination, the trained person must attach to the animal body a numbered declaration stating this. The risk of contamination of the meat with scalding water must be minimised. April 2004 zuletzt geändert durch die Verordnung (EG) Nr. Harvesting techniques and further handling must not cause additional contamination or excessive damage to the shells or tissues of the live bivalve molluscs or result in changes significantly affecting their suitability for treatment by purification, processing or relaying. B C1 VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. It may be provided through electronic data exchange or in the form of a standardised declaration signed by the producer. "Fresh fishery products" means unprocessed fishery products, whether whole or prepared, including products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere, that have not undergone any treatment to ensure preservation other than chilling. Where more than one slaughter line is operated in the same premises, there must be adequate separation of the lines to prevent cross-contamination. Food business operators may not remove a health mark applied in accordance with Regulation (EC) No /2004 (27) from meat unless they cut or process it or work upon it in another manner. A veterinarian must carry out an ante-mortem inspection of the animal. During the chilling operations, there must be adequate ventilation to prevent condensation on the surface of the meat. They must have organoleptic characteristics associated with freshness and viability, including shells free of dirt, an adequate response to percussion and normal amounts of intravalvular liquid. CHAPTER V: HYGIENE DURING AND AFTER CUTTING AND BONING. Persons performing milking and/or handling raw milk must wear suitable clean clothes. 882/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates sowie zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. Dezember 2005 mit spezifischen Vorschriften für die amtlichen Fleischuntersuchungen auf Trichinen7, However, to preserve certain hunting traditions without prejudicing food safety, it is appropriate to provide for training for hunters who place wild game on the market for human consumption. Food business operators producing or, as appropriate, collecting raw milk must ensure compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter. Verordnung (EG) Nr. (26) Official Publications Office is to insert official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls (see Article 4(3)). Food business operators operating establishments producing minced meat, meat preparations or MSM must ensure that they: are constructed so as to avoid contamination of meat and products, in particular by: have rooms for the separate storage of packaged and exposed meat and products, unless stored at different times or in such a way that the packaging material and the manner of storage cannot be a source of contamination for the meat or products; have rooms equipped to ensure compliance with the temperature requirements laid down in Chapter III; have equipment for washing hands used by staff handling exposed meat and products with taps designed to prevent the spread of contamination; and, CHAPTER II: REQUIREMENTS FOR RAW MATERIAL. III. 2. To this end, the European Food Safety Authority should be consulted whenever necessary. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs. have freezing equipment with sufficient capacity to lower the temperature rapidly so as to achieve a core temperature of not more than 18oC; have refrigeration equipment with sufficient capacity to maintain fishery products in the storage holds at not more than -18oC. 853 und 854/2004: 1. 30.4.2004 Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union L 139/1 DE I (Veröffentlichungsbedürftige Rechtsakte) VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. However, Member States should be allowed to establish stricter rules within their territories to take account of specific risks. The provisions of Section I apply to the production and placing on the market of meat from even-toed farmed, game mammals (Crevice and Suede), unless the competent authority considers them inappropriate. Raw materials must come from establishments registered or approved under Regulation (EC) No .../2004 (25) or under this Regulation. Food business operators manufacturing collagen must ensure compliance with the requirements of this Section. Food business operators may not place meat from animals having undergone emergency slaughter on the market unless it bears a special health mark which cannot be confused either with the health mark provided for in Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (3) or with the identification mark provided for in Annex II, Section I to this Regulation. The work on meat must be organised in such a way as to prevent or minimise contamination. Use, Other sites managed by the Publications Office, Datum der Veröffentlichung + 20 Siehe Art. Food business operators operating slaughterhouses in which domestic ungulates are slaughtered must ensure compliance with the following requirements. However, these requirements do not apply to products to be de-sugared, if de-sugaring process is performed as soon as possible. Where gutting is possible from a technical and commercial viewpoint, it must be carried out as quickly as possible after the products have been caught or landed. This Article shall not prevent an establishment from placing food on the market between the date of application of this Regulation and the first subsequent inspection by the competent authority, if the establishment: is subject to approval in accordance with paragraph 2 and placed products of animal origin on the market in accordance with Community legislation immediately prior to the application of this Regulation; or. In the case of bovine and porcine animals, and solipeds, the peri-renal capsule must also be removed. No crustaceans, fish or other marine species may be kept in a purification tank in which live bivalve molluscs are undergoing purification. STRUCTURAL AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2): the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 may be updated to take account in particular of changes to Member States' control programmes or the adoption of microbiological criteria in accordance with Regulation (EC) No /2004 (33); and. The Commission may, and when it receives written comments from one or more Member States shall, consult Member States within the committee referred to in Article 12(1). Oysters must be wrapped or packaged with the concave shell downwards. When they are washed, the water used must be either potable water or, where appropriate, clean water. November 2006 zur Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Food business operators producing minced meat, meat preparations or MSM must ensure that the raw materials used satisfy the following requirements. 1662/2006 der Kommission vom 6. In addition to the general requirements for identification marking laid down in Annex II, Section I, consignments of egg products, destined not for retail but for use as an ingredient in the manufacture of another product, must have a label giving the temperature at which the egg products must be maintained and the period during which conservation may thus be assured. 396/2005, (EG) Nr. When vessels have a water intake for water used with fishery products, it must be situated in a position that avoids contamination of the water supply. The carcases must not contain visible faecal contamination. 882/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates sowie zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. With the exception of the provisions on purification, it also applies to live echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods. (27) Official Publications Office is to insert official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. Slaughterhouses must have adequate and hygienic lairage facilities or, climate permitting, waiting pens that are easy to clean and disinfect. However, for fermented products, this value must be the one recorded before the fermentation process. SECTION XII: RENDERED ANIMAL FATS AND GREAVES, CHAPTER I: REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO ESTABLISHMENTS COLLECTING OR PROCESSING RAW MATERIALS. if appropriate, suitable equipment for the preparation of products consisting of rendered animal fats mixed with other foodstuffs and/or seasonings. 854/2004 und (EG) Nr. The registration document must be in at least one official language of the Member State in which the receiving establishment is located and contain at least the information specified below. be transported, and stored until rendering, in hygienic conditions and at an internal temperature of not more than 7oC. food business operators must ensure that separate rooms are available for that purpose. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs zur Fussnote [1] zur Fussnote [2] zur Fussnote [3] zur Fussnote [4] (ABl. 853/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom vom 29. In particular: the trachea and oesophagus must remain intact during bleeding, except in the case of slaughter according to a religious custom; contact between the outside of the skin and the carcase must be prevented; and. (30) Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of the Regulation on the organisation of official controls. Frogs and snails that die otherwise than by being killed in the establishment must not be prepared for human consumption. In the case of establishments, including vessels, engaged in primary production and associated operations they supplement the requirements of Annex I to that Regulation. 5. SR 0.831.109.268.1 Verordnung (EG) Nr. Verordnung eg nr 853 2004 - Die Auswahl unter der Menge an Verordnung eg nr 853 2004. Member States may adopt national measures to apply the requirements of this Regulation to retail establishments situated on their territory to which it would not apply pursuant to subparagraphs (a) or (b). It should provide, where necessary to resolve disagreements, for discussion within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and for the Commission to coordinate the process and take appropriate measures. In particular, measures must be taken to prevent the spillage of digestive tract contents during evisceration. Meat from animals that undergo slaughter following an accident in a slaughterhouse may be used for human consumption if, on inspection, no serious lesions other than those due to the accident are found. Fishery products derived from poisonous fish of the following families must not be placed on the market: Tetraodontidae, Molidae, Diodontidae and Canthigasteridae. Rapid cooling must follow cooking. Should a purification tank contain several batches of live bivalve molluscs, they must be of the same species and the length of the treatment must be based on the time required by the batch needing the longest period of purification. Meat must attain the temperature specified in point 1 and remain at that temperature during storage. Verordnung (EG) Nr. Tanks and water storage containers must meet the following requirements: Internal surfaces must be smooth, durable, impermeable and easy to clean. Immediately after production, minced meat and meat preparations must be wrapped or packaged and be: chilled to an internal temperature of not more than 2oC for minced meat and 4oC for meat preparations; or. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs (ABl. 854/2004 (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR) L 338: 83: 22.12.2005: M 3: 32006R1662 "Milk production holding" means an establishment where one or more farmed animals are kept to produce milk with a view to placing it on the market as food. Operations such as filleting and cutting must be carried out so as to avoid contamination or spoilage of fillets and slices. Liquid egg must be obtained in accordance with the requirements of points 1,2,3,4 and 7 of Part III. Equipment and material used for working on fishery products must be made of corrosion-resistant material that is easy to clean and disinfect. 3. 853/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. "Liquid egg" means unprocessed egg contents after removal of the shell. operations carried out on board vessels take place in accordance with the rules laid down in Part II. (34) Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of the Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs. However, raw materials may be stored and transported without active refrigeration if rendered within 12 hours after the day on which they were obtained. I. to approve equivalent processes for the production of gelatine or collagen. Mechanical separation must take place immediately after deboning. the evisceration of delayed eviscerated poultry. 2. In the case of liquid, granulate and powdered products of animal origin carried in bulk, and fishery products carried in bulk, an identification mark is not necessary if accompanying documentation contains the information specified in paragraphs 6, 7 and, where appropriate, 8. gestützt auf die Verordnung (EG) Nr. Food business operators need not comply with point l(b) when frozen fishery products are transported from a cold store to an approved establishment to be thawed on arrival for the purposes of preparation and/or processing, if the journey is short and the competent authority so permits. Food business operators must ensure that establishments for the manufacture of egg products are constructed, laid out and equipped so as to ensure separation of the following operations: washing, drying and disinfecting dirty eggs, where carried out; breaking eggs, collecting their contents and removing parts of shells and membranes; and. 1. 1224/2012. However, this Regulation shall apply to retail when operations are carried out with a view to the supply of food of animal origin to another establishment, unless: the operations consist only of storage or transport, in which case the specific temperature requirements laid down in Annex III shall nevertheless apply; or. 853/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs vom 29. Verordnung eg nr 853 2004 - Die Auswahl unter der Menge an Verordnung eg nr 853 2004. 988/2009 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 16. 1666/2006 DER KOMMISSION vom 6. Unless the competent authority authorises boning immediately before mincing, frozen or deep-frozen meat used for the preparation of minced meat or meat preparations must be boned before freezing. Food business operators shall not place on the market a product of animal origin handled in an establishment subject to approval in accordance with Article 4(2) unless it has either: a health mark applied in accordance with Regulation (EC) No /2004 (27); or. 853/2004, (EG) Nr. Handling of live bivalve molluscs, particularly conditioning, calibration, wrapping and packing, must not cause contamination of the product or affect the viability of the molluscs. Slaughter of the animal may not take place until the official veterinarian so permits. (19) Official Publications Office is to insert official number of Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Frozen blocks prepared on board vessels must be adequately wrapped before landing. (7) Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (OJ L 31,1.2.2002, p. 1). If goats are kept together with cows, such goats must be inspected and tested for tuberculosis. The slaughtered birds must be accompanied to the slaughterhouse by a declaration by the food business operator who reared the animal indicating any veterinary products or other treatments administered to the animal, dates of administration and withdrawal periods, and the date and time of slaughter. However, minced meat and meat preparations used to produce meat products need not satisfy other specific requirements of Section V. This Section applies to live bivalve molluscs. "Small wild game" means wild game birds and lagomorphs living freely in the wild. This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to: relevant animal and public health rules, including more stringent rules laid down for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; requirements concerning the identification of animals and the traceability of products of animal origin. Verordnung (EG) Nr. Zulassung nach der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Directive as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession. MSM meeting the requirements of Chapter III, point 3(d). Directive 2004/.../EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ofrepealing certain Directives on food hygiene and health conditions for the production and placing on the market of certain products of animal origin intended for human consumption (17) achieves this. In the latter case, the hunter must present the wild game to the gamekeeper or game manager and inform them of any abnormal behaviour observed before killing. Wir als Seitenbetreiber haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Verbraucherprodukte aller Variante ausführlichst zu analysieren, damit Sie als Kunde schnell den Verordnung eg nr 853 2004 sich aneignen können, den Sie für geeignet halten. Procedures based on the HACCP principles must be in place to verify the uniform distribution of heat. 2074/2005 (D023049/06 – 2013/2720(RPS)) 853/2004 des Europä- ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. CHAPTER V: HEALTH STANDARDS FOR LIVE BIVALVE MOLLUSCS. II. A declaration by the food business operator who reared the animal, stating the identity of the animal and indicating any veterinary products or other treatments administered to the animal, dates of administration and withdrawal periods, must accompany the slaughtered animal to the slaughterhouse. Conditions for relaying must ensure optimal conditions for purification. In addition, in purification centres, purification tanks must be suitable for the volume and type of products to be purified. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs zur Fussnote [1] zur Fussnote [2] zur Fussnote [3] zur Fussnote [4] (ABl. other raw material is subjected to a treatment with acid or alkali, followed by one or more rinses. (3) Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. The following raw material may be used to prepare meat preparations: meat meeting the requirements of point 1; and. REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING SEVERAL PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN. L 338 vom 22.12.2005 S. 27; The raw materials used must satisfy the following requirements. 4. 854/2004 und (EG) Nr. April 2004 über Lebensmittelhygiene (ABl. (17) Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19). "Carcase" means the body of an animal after slaughter and dressing. (35) Council Directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996 on measures to monitor certain substances and residues thereof in live animals and animal products (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10). of wild game animals after killing; and. To take account of technical and scientific progress, close and effective cooperation should be ensured between the Commission and the Member States within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. The rules laid down in Section I, Chapter V, apply to the cutting and boning of large wild game. Fragen und Antworten zur Gemeinschaftsliste nach Artikel 13 Absatz 3 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Directive as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 806/2003 (OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p.1). Eggs must be broken in a manner that minimises contamination, in particular by ensuring adequate separation from other operations. provided the establishment with conditional approval. A validated methodology must be used. By way of derogation from Directive 2000/13/EC, the date of minimum durability may be replaced by the entry "these animals must be alive when sold". EU: Kerninhalte. Handlers may use spiked instruments to move large fish or fish which might injure them, provided that the flesh of the products suffers no damage. Both kidneys must be removed from their fatty covering. Eggs other than those of hens, turkeys or guinea fowl must be handled and processed separately. Food business operators must not produce live bivalve molluscs in, or harvest them from, areas that the competent authority has not classified, or which are unsuitable for health reasons.
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