„Platform 1094“, abgeleitet vom allseits bekannten Bahnsteig 9 3 / 4 – in Englisch auch „Platform 9 3 / 4 “ – heißt der Laden, und ist von oben bis unten im magischen Stil mit eindeutigem Wiedererkennungswert eingerichtet. Кафето приготвяме силно, а храната вкусна. The interior of Platform 1094 follows the Harry Potter theme closely. Ever since J.K. Rowling penned her hugely popular Harry Potter series (the first book was released in 1997) there has been somewhat of a cult following around the fictional wizarding world. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Ein Beitrag aus unserem Monatsschwerpunkt #reise. Inside, a poster advertised the play Romeo and Juliet staged by the Carneiro Players at the Regency Playhouse in the summer of 1997. He sneered, leading Harry over to cart area. Another chef’s recommendation that we tried was the Suhnitzel Sous-vide Duck Breast ($19). "Harry Potter." ! Our review of the awesome Harry Potter themed cafe in sheffield, The whole set up of the drink is done right in front of your eyes, where Bacardi is lowered into Blue Curacao liquor before being ignited with a blowtorch. Harry scrambled in pulling his trunk with him as the goblin sat in the driver's seat. Harry Potter-Themed Cafe In Ipoh Photo: @maykwan (Instagram) Photo: @mr.faris_shah (Instagram) Wizards and witches, we are sure that you know all about the famous Diagon Alley. Because of its name, we expected a more distinct pesto flavour, so finding out that there was only a hint of the herby taste I was looking forward to was a little underwhelming. The goblin strode over and eyed Harry before nodding. Im Urlaub war ich in Klagenfurt in Österreich und habe dort ein sehr cooles Harry Potter Café entdeckt und MUSSTE darüber einen Vlog für euch drehen. A new Harry Potter inspired café has opened just a short drive away from the city centre in Ormskirk, complete with official merchandise and themed food and … Im Harry-Potter-Cafe in der Klagenfurter Innenstadt ist eine Erweiterung des kulinarischen Angebotes geplant. She conceded, however, that she did write some of Potter in the café. The Witch’s Cup is a pumpkin sponge-based cupcake, but the taste of pumpkin wasn’t really apparent, so it felt like I was eating a plain vanilla cupcake. Muggles who are wistfully wishing to be part of the magical realm can do so at Platform 1094 – food-wise, at least. Die Hauptstadt ist Wien. Phantastische Tierwesen 2: Grindelwalds Verbrechen, https://harry-potter.fandom.com/de/wiki/Österreich?oldid=105802. Thumbs – or should I say, wands up! And with recent developments in the Potter franchise like Fantastic Beasts, and The Cursed Child, the hype surrounding the wizarding world has once again resurfaced. Add a little magic to your fire at Platform 1094. Warum sich die vielleicht größten Harry Potter Fans aus Österreich für das Nuki Smart Lock als moderne Zutrittslösung für ihr Café entschieden haben und wie es den Alltag im geschäftlichen Umfeld nachhaltig effizienter macht, möchten wir euch in diesem Beitrag genauer erklären. The space is filled with clever "Harry Potter" references and vintage decor. Für alle Harry-Fans und Zaubereibegeisterten ist dieses Harry Potter Café in Singapur (ja, leider viel zu weit weg) ein absolutes must-see! The services seem to be as poor as its appearance, as the waitress was chewing on gum while at work, and gave Ro… Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. Wer das Buchcafé Phönix am Alten Platz in Klagenfurt betritt, fühlt sie wie in eine andere Welt versetzt. An exquisite plated dessert that tastes as mystical as it sounds, Bloodberry ($18, contains alcohol) stars two chocolate ball shells – one filled with yogurt parfait, and the other with Hoegaarden Rosee mousse, topped with berry foam and honey caviar. Instead of the typical menu, order off these wooden boards etched with that trademark lightning font, and drink from glass beakers. Upstairs of Cafe. Platform 1094Address: 1094 Serangoon Rd, Singapore 328192 Telephone: 6204 6003 Opening Hours: Tue – Fri: 11am – 10pm | Sat – Sun: 10am – 11pm | Closed on MondaysWebsite. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald™ Albus Dumbledore™ ArtFX+ Statue. Das Café, das sich über zwei Etagen erstreckt, widmet sich voll und ganz den Schülern und Zauberern der Harry Potter Bücher und Filme. Das Phoenix Book Café befindet sich in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee und ist die perfekte Anlaufstelle für alle, die nie genug von Hogwarts, Zauberern und den magischen Künsten bekommen. Das Lokal, das im Sommer eröffnet wurde, wurde nämlich ganz der Harry Potter Filmreihe nachempfunden und dürfte Fans des Zauberlehrlings in großes Staunen versetzen. JK Rowling has debunked a café's claim that it's the birthplace of "Harry Potter." Potter fans know the story by heart: If it weren’t for a delayed train, J.K. Rowling may have never created Harry Potter. Needless to say, I’ll be returning here for more magic to satisfy my wizardly cravings. Supposedly located in London, the entryway to enter the wizarding alley and shopping area is through Leaky Cauldron. Situated a stone throw's away from Boon Keng MRT lies Singapore's answer to a Harry Potter-themed cafe. Lovingly baked by the folks at Platform 1094, the white chocolate truffle-topped Witch’s Cup ($3.50) and Wizard’s Cup ($3.50, contains alcohol) feature cute chocolate deco – in spook-tacular motifs like a gold frog and witch’s face. It was my preference of the two mains we had, and one of the tastier Western duck dishes I’ve had in Singapore. There are also other indulgent little confections you can buy off the counter, such as rainbow cakes, opera cakes, brownies and more. KINGSTON — Attention all wizards and witches: a Harry Potter-themed cafe is opening 3 p.m. today inside The Strange and Unusual antique store and oddities parlor at 467 Wyoming Ave., or its staff. While the mains were satisfactory, what did it for me were the desserts and star beverage which really got me spellbound, because you’ll never find anything like those in an average cafe. He had last seen Harry when he had placed him with his relatives, the Dursleys. Platform 1094 - Harry Potter-Inspired Themed Cafe Now Open In Boon Keng! All rights reserved 2012 — 2020 TheSmartLocal.com. The Elephant House in Edinburgh, Scotland, has a sign that says "birthplace of 'Harry Potter,'" but Rowling said she had "been writing Potter for several years" before visiting it. It’s home to Wheeler’s Yard version 2.0! Es gibt einige Überraschungen. Eigentlich heißt das Lokal ja Phoenix Book Café. Then he yelled at another goblin in an odd language. Platform 1094 serves a selection of Western dishes, artisan desserts, confections, and drinks – some with ethereal-sounding names like “Arendelle”, “Amnesia Blend”, and “Fairy’s Garden”. I also loved the mango mustard espuma that was served alongside the meat – enjoy it on its own, or dip the pork pieces into those dollops for a zesty kick! The Butterbeer latte is as delicious as you'd expect, while the Love Potion #9 3/4 was the surprise highlight. Nevertheless, the pork was extremely tender, and slid right off its bones in barely a few cuts – extremely easy to eat, so you don’t have to resort to using your hands a la Hagrid in hangry mode. Doch in der Szene ist es als Harry Potter-Café bekannt. Denn dort dreht sich alles um die Charaktere aus J.K. Rowlings Büchern. Menus offered. The meaty goodness was complemented with bacon cream sauce, mashed potato, pomelo, and assorted vegetables which provided a burst of freshness. Erstes Harry Potter Café in Klagenfurt eröffnet. Remus Lupin also came to tell them a… The entrance fee is one cup of coffee per person which starts from 5000 won. Platform 1094 – This Harry Potter-Themed Cafe Has Quietly Opened With A Dramatic ‘Goblet Of Fire’ In Flames, St John's and Lazarus Island: Singapore’s Hidden Beach Getaway 45 Minutes From The Mainland, 16 Things To Do In January 2021 - Sanrio Beach Exhibit, Singapore Art Week & Largest Dog Waterpark, 10 Top Singapore Pools Outlets Ranked By The Most Wins, For TOTO & 4D Players, 13 Nature Reserves & Parks In Singapore For A Dose Of Greenery And Scenic Walking Trails, How To Buy TOTO & 4D In Singapore - A Guide To Place Bets Online Or At Singapore Pools Outlets. Harry Potter Café mit Büchern & Snacks. The Store of Requirement is a Harry Potter themed shop for all your wizarding needs. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Denn hier bekommt ihr unter anderem offiziell lizenzierte Merchandise-Artikel und Harry Potter Sammel- und Erinnerungsstücke, sowie guten Kaffee und ganz viel Hogwarts-Feeling. Goblet of Fire ($15, contains alcohol) is an enchanting concoction – and not just because of the alcohol involved. Mehr als 62 Prozent seiner Staatsfläche werden von alpinem Hochgebirge gebildet (Wikipedia Österreich). Discovering magic-inspired cafe Platform 1094 just a stone’s throw from our office was almost like stumbling upon The Three Broomsticks, in real life – if I can’t be part of The Wizarding World, at least I can still dine like a Hogwarts witch. Which is probably why fantasy series like Harry Potter and LOTR have remained long-standing favourites throughout the years – they help us escape to a whole new dimension. Klagenfurt So sieht das erste Café für Harry-Potter-Fans aus Das "Phoenix"-Buchcafé am Klagenfurter Alten Platz wird am Freitag eröffnet. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Griphook 1/6 Scale Action Figure. Dumbledore jumped to his feet, Harry Potter was the boy-who-lived, the boy responsible for stopping Voldemort and Dumbledore knew he was the boy of the prophecy. Read on to find out how this new hole-in-the-wall joint fares in our (spell)books. With most basic cocktails in bars being priced from around $17 to $25, I’d say this is a really good deal. Von magischen Geschenken, Harry Potter Erinnerungs-, und Sammlerstücken bis hin zu den Fantastischen Tierwesen wird jeder einige „unverzichtbare“ Geschenks- und Fanartikel bei uns finden. Harry said softly. Harry Potter Café in Österreich - Auf ein Butterbier nach Kärnten Echtes Harry Potter Feeling mitten in Österreich - das gibt's im Harry Potter Cafe in Klagenfurt. Singapore Office If anything, this only ensured that the meat was tender, providing a good contrast to the crispy breaded skin. Outside view of Cafe. Die Republik Österreich liegt im Herzen Europas, eingeschlossen von Deutschland und Tschechien im Norden, Slowenien und Italien im Süden, die Slowakei und Ungarn im Osten sowie der Schweiz und Liechtenstein im Westen. Don’t expect a sprawling Hogwarts-style table – after all, that wouldn’t be feasible in a cafe since we muggles – or even squibs – value our privacy. As recommended by the chef, we ordered the Pesto Mayo Pork Ribs ($22). However, Platform 1094 still brings in the homeliness with warm lighting and wood panelled walls, complete with tabletop candles and a ceiling candelabra for magical vibes. Regular price $134.95 $121.46 (Save 10%) Sale. 2. Those who enjoy sweet cocktails will slurp this up faster than you can say Incendio! When you step through the front door of this coffee shop in Pennsylvania, you might feel as though you’ve entered the magical world of Harry Potter. Wenn Sie uns nicht persönlich in unserem FANtastischen Café besuchen können, gibt es eine Auswahl an Produkten in unserem Online-Shop. Вкус от върха на езика до същината на сърцето. Das Café für Harry Potter-Fans in Österreich Wer jedoch nicht so weit reisen möchte, die oder der kann auch einen Abstecher nach Klagenfurt machen. The cafe is called Kings Cross Cafe, located in Hongdae area (5 mins walking from the subway station). $18 might be a bit of a splurge for a sweet treat, but considering that most atas artisan desserts are similarly priced, this was reasonable for me. The waitressthere served "foamy, greyish coffee" to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The customer service is also commendable – the staff were friendly and attentive towards us, and very open to feedback, so if there are any tweaks you’d like to suggest for their dishes, give them a holla’ and they’ll be more than happy to listen. Now this is one Goblet of Fire that Dumbledore won’t mind you messin’ around with. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was decently sized, and didn’t compromise in quality either. Amidst the monotony of the day-to-day grind, we all crave a little magic in our lives. The place has a warm, minimalist aesthetic: wooden chairs, a bar, and tables perfect for enjoying the coffee prepared by Natalia Montoya, the café's barista and fan of the Harry Potter … Viel Spaß!! Also, massive props to Platform 1094 – literally, hur hur – for providing a witch’s hat and even a range of magic wands for photo opportunities. Wir waren schon vorab vor Ort. J.K. Rowling worked on the first manuscript and sipped coffee and tea at The Elephant House, which is now a … 267 likes. Simply present your Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ticket to receive a 20% discount on admission to Eureka Skydeck. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Princess Theatre, Spring St Melbourne . This cafe was made really well as you can see the beautiful european style interior design which adapt the Harry Potter’s Hogwarts library and dinning room. Das musikalisch Beste aus allen Harry Potter Filmen mit dem London Philharmonic Symphonic Film-Orchester und Chor Definitely worth a visit, even with the trip down to ulu Boon Keng and 10-minute walk from the MRT. It was described as being small and shabby, with a "light layer of grease" on all the Formica-topped tables. Watch the flames rise in mesmerising swirls as you shake in cinnamon powder! I’m a cupcake snob who hates a crumbly and air-filled cupcake, but these were pleasantly moist and dense. This small and adorable cafe is the birthplace of Harry Potter. In fact, I was expecting this to be rather insubstantial, much like the two-bite desserts that you get in those chichi fine-dining restaurants. Mmm, such decadence. While there, Arthur Weasley's Patronus told them that the members of the Order of the Phoenix at the Burrow were safe and not to contact them, as they were being watched by Death Eaters. Österreich ist ein demokratischer und föderaler Bundesstaat und besteht aus neun Bundesländer dem Burgenland, Kärnten, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, die Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg und Wien. Feeling like a true blue witch of Hogwarts while conjuring up the fire from this “potion”! The Wizard’s Cup, on the other hand, had a noticeable taste of Stout. There are eight films, there’s a play, and there is more merchandise inspired by Harry Potter than any individual would care to count.. Harry Potter Cafe, Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria. Quick View. Harry Potter Wiki ist eine Fandom-Literatur-Community. Phone: 6514 0510, The opinions expressed by our users do not reflect the official position of TheSmartLocal.com INSIDER got the chance to stop by for a tour and taste test. While cosy, we thought the decor could be a little more elaborate – then again, the cafe opened its doors barely 2 months ago. A new cafe has opened in Singapore that serves a range of magical dishes inspired by the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter, including Goblet of Fire, Liquid Luck and Truth Venom cocktails, Wizard’s Cup sponge cake and Black Magic panna cotta. Inspired by the famous Harry Potter movie, there’s a new cafe in Ipoh ( Platform 9 ½ Cafe) which is named after the legendary Platform 9 ¾ of Kings Cross Station in the movie. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place for a month afterwards. Platform 9 ½ Cafe is now open for business. The citrusy notes of the Blue Curacao contribute to an almost lemonade-like flavour, while the cinnamon adds some earthiness. Ich verrate euch, was auf der Speisekarte steht. 219 Kallang Bahru, #04-00 Chutex Building, Singapore 339348. It’s still early days, but this new atas food enclave in Jalan Kayu may one day be the new Dempsey Hill. Melbourne’s Harry Potter Shop – The Store of Requirement. Mit Harry-Potter-Büchern, Memorabilia und einer nachgebauten Großen Halle. "Follow me." Harry Potter World allows fans to wander through sets used in the making of the movies Credit: Warner Bros. Move over, Butterbeer. I’m used to Schnitzel made with chicken, but this duck one was oh-so-superb. Das Café für alle Harry Potter Fans und Liebhaber des Außergewöhnlichen Das Phoenix Book Café in Klagenfurt begeistert die Klagenfurter Fan-Szene. Sit down, sip a butterbeer latte, and get your own wand at Muggles Mug Coffee Shop, a quaint Harry Potter themed coffee shop In Pennsylvania. Hogwarts liegt in Klagenfurt: Erstes Harry-Potter-Café Kärntens Am Alten Platz hat das "Buchcafé Phoenix" eröffnet. Snape and Slughorn would be so proud. We’re hoping to see more hanging candles, fairy lights, heraldic coats of arms and the like in time to come! Chairs are adorned with deer designs – we’re guessing it’s a nod to Potter’s Patronus. Die Republik Österreich liegt im Herzen Europas, eingeschlossen von Deutschland und Tschechien im Norden, Slowenien und Italien im Süden, die Slowakei und Ungarn im Osten sowie der Schweiz und Liechtenstein im Westen. The goblin raised a brow. A "Harry Potter"-themed café called Steamy Hallows recently opened in New York City. Regular price $99.95 $84.96 (Save 15%) View all Harry Potter: Die Highlights live in Österreich erleben Magisches Filmmusik-Erlebnis. While the duck was a little pink in the centre, there was virtually no taste of bloodiness, so those who are sensitive towards or squeamish about undercooked meat need not worry.