The master’s thesis is an independent scientific work, either within an ongoing project or on a self-chosen topic. Based on an issue relevant to physiotherapy, you will apply your knowledge and skills acquired during your studies. Physiotherapie und Trainingstherapie im Zentrum von Bern, ... Master in Public Health, Sport-Physiotherapie ESP, Dry Needling, Fasziendistorsions-Therapie, Biomechanische Therapie nach Sohier Gygax & Zurbuchen GmbH. BFH will help you acquire the hardware and software required for the programme. Voraussetzungen für das Master-Studium Therapien | Ergotherapie, Logopädie, Physiotherapie. Auch Weiterbildung, Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Dienstleistungen zählen zu den Kernkompetenzen der BFH. This varies by canton. Man Ther. (2016). Application processing fee of CHF 100 (credit card) or CHF 110 (paper invoice*); the fee must be paid whatever the outcome of your application. There are also numerous private foundations and funds that offer financial support to students. 2015-2017 Physiotherapeutin Applied Health Care Bern. 2014 Sep-Oct;59(2):305-11. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2014.06.005. Die BFH bietet Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden eine beschränkte Anzahl Kitaplätze an. – BFH Health Professions, Schwarztorstrasse 48, Bern and online via Microsoft Teams. Vogler A, Janssens J, Nyffeler T, Bohlhalter S, Vanbellingen T. (2015). At our information event, you’ll get first-hand information about our master’s degree programme and career prospects. Hellweg S, Schuster-Amft C. (2016). Visit one of our informational events. PLoS One. (2014). der internationalen Hochschule für Physiotherapie, oder zu unseren Studiengängen wünschst, so zögere nicht und nimm Kontakt mit uns auf. 2003 Stattsexamen zur Physiotherapeutin an der DAA Bonn. Beyond clinical work, you will also be prepared to enter a range of positions in research, education or management. A standardized motor imagery introduction program (MIIP) for neuro-rehabilitation: development and evaluation. Gait Posture. You will become an expert in your specialisation and the point of contact for colleagues in other areas of healthcare. 2012-2015 Physiotherapie am Postmarkt Grenchen. (Master of Science) Dauer: 6 Semester 2016 Jan;20(1):65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.06.002. Die Physiotherapie ist eine selbständige Disziplin im Bereich der Therapie, die zusammen mit anderen Berufsgruppen des Gesundheitswesens eine wichtige Aufgabe zum Wohl der Menschen übernimmt. Upon graduating, you will obtain the title ‘Master of Science in Physiotherapy’. Gait Posture. Der Bachelor ist die Grundlage für den Master of Science in Physiotherapie. 2016 Jul 19;14(1):106. doi: 10.1186/s12955-016-0511-x. Front Hum Neurosci. Phys Ther. Either way, our consecutive master’s degree programme in physiotherapy is the next step for a successful, exciting professional career. 031 848 33 01, Elektro, Energie- und Informationstechnik, Berner Fachhochschule BFH | Departement Gesundheit, Muskuloskelettal (OMT - in Akkreditierung): Durchführung 2020 und 2022, Professionsentwicklung: Durchführung 2019 und 2021. Reliability and practicability of the straight leg raise test in children with cerebral palsy. student, research, financial aid, etc.). Walking with a four wheeled walker (rollator) significantly reduces EMG lower-limb muscle activity in healthy subjects. Fee for social, cultural and sport facilities: CHF 24, Optional membership fee for the BFH student body association (VSBFH): CHF 15. Have you just completed your Bachelor of Science? Master of Science in Physiotherapy - neurology focus area. Hannover, Germany, International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology World Congress 2013, Sydney, Australia, 23. – BFH Health Professions, Schwarztorstrasse 48, Bern and online via Microsoft Teams, 02.12.2021, 19.00-20.00 o'clock The fee for the aptitude test is CHF 200. Short-term effect on pain and function of neurophysiological education and sensorimotor retraining compared to usual physiotherapy in patients with chronic or recurrent non-specific low back pain, a pilot randomized controlled trial. Students who have been tax residents in the Canton of Bern for at least two years are able to apply for cantonal grants and loans. Die angegebenen Daten werden ausschließlich an diesen Bildungsanbieter übermittelt und selbstverständlich nicht an Dritte weiter gegeben. Es erleichtert Ihnen die internationale Mobilität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und ermöglicht Ihnen die weiterführende akademische Ausbildung zu einem naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorat. 2015 Feb;33(2):155-62. doi: 10.1002/jor.22746. enables you to develop and implement new, evidence-based concepts in physiotherapy or to carry out research. Translation and construct validity of the Trunk Control Measurement Scale in children and youths with brain lesions. You will take current findings, patient education and interprofessional cooperation into consideration throughout. 2015 Aug 19;45-46:343-352. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.08.007. Kessler J, Radlinger L, Baur H, Rogan S. Effect of stochastic resonance whole body vibration on functional performance in the frail elderly: A pilot study. Want to expand your clinical and scientific expertise in physiotherapy? Bruderer-Hofstetter M, Fenner V, Payne E, Zdenek K, Klima H, Wegener R. (2015). [Epub ahead of print]. Reproducibility of a new signal processing technique to assess joint sway during standing. You will acquire skills for pain education, electrophysiological and thermal interventions, graduated mobility training, graded motor imagery (GMI), and much more. In the physiotherapy for pain management focus area, you will develop knowledge and skills to become a specialist in non-medical pain therapy. Master of Science in Physiotherapy - sport focus area. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. This will determine your admission to our consecutive MSc programme in physiotherapy. Neurosci Lett. An der Effingerstrasse 16 in Bern bietet med&motion Bern AG auf 650m 2 ... Ihre Experten für Sport- und Physiotherapie, Sport Trainings, Fitness und Kältetherapie. During your part-time study, we recommend that you work part-time (30 to 60%) in your chosen focus area. is based on the financial guidelines provided by the MSc programme in physiotherapy. Language skills of English at level B2 are recommended for the programme and language skills of level C1 are recommended for applicants whose mother tongue is not German. German version, inter- and intrarater reliability and internal consistency of the "Agitated Behaviour Scale" (ABS-G) in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Physiotherapeuten und Physiotherapeutinnen sind Fachleute für Bewegung, Leistungsfähigkeit, körperliche Funktionsstörungen und Schmerzen. Our programme starts in calendar week 38. 2017 Jan 25;51:133-136. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.11.054. Bauer CM, Heimgartner M, Rast FM, Ernst MJ, Oetiker S, Kool J. The electronic foundation directory administered by the Federal Department of Home Affairs offers a comprehensive summary of these organisations and can be searched by keywords (e.g. Basics of health economics (only with the professional development focus area), Nutrition in pain patients (only with the physiotherapy for pain management focus area), Pain education / movement group (only with the physiotherapy for pain management focus area), Transfer 2: Elective internship in research, disciplinary development or clinical practice, Executing and presenting your master’s thesis, World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 1. Gait deviations and compensations in pediatric patients with increased femoral torsion. We developed the modules in this group with an interprofessional focus. Our instructional team includes domestic and international experts in neurophysiotherapy and rehabilitation. Klinische Tätigkeit. Portmann Bergamaschi R, Escorpizo R, Staubli S, Finger ME. Marloes Steenhuisen, alumnus Fysiotherapiewetenschap en fysiotherapeut in het UMC Utrecht. Tip: keep all required documents to hand in electronic format. 2017 Mar;53:115-120. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.01.003. © Bern University of Applied Sciences 2021. Master Physiotherapie. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, die Rekrutenschule und den Ersteinsatz im Zivildienst vor Beginn des Studiums vollständig zu absolvieren. Raab AM, Harvey LA, Baumberger M, Frotzler A. These are closely tied to new challenges in healthcare. 2015;2015:437650. doi: 10.1155/2015/437650. School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM, Administration master’s degree programme in physiotherapy, Physiotherapy for pain management focus area, Abstractband 2020: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2017), Abstractband 2019: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2016), Abstractband 2018: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2015), Abstractband 2017: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2014), Abstractband 2016: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2013), Abstractband 2015: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2012), Abstractband 2014: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2011), Abstractband 2013: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2010). Evaluation of expectations and expectation fulfillment in patients treated for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Grants are one-off or ongoing payments that don’t usually have to be paid back provided you complete your course. Hier können Sie kostenloses Informationsmaterial zu diesem Studiengang direkt vom Bildungsanbieter Berner Fachhochschule BFH | Departement Gesundheit anfordern. * The curriculum was developed according to International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (IFSPT) guidelines; we are currently working towards official recognition of our title. Murtenstrasse 10 During your studies, you will develop clinical skills related to the various professional roles and areas of specialisation in sports physiotherapy. If you hold a qualification in physiotherapy from a former professional college, you may still enrol in the master’s degree programme as long as you can document that you have completed the required advanced training courses. 2014 Mar;52(3):225-30. doi: 10.1038/sc.2013.129. Schweiz. Master of Science in Physiotherapie (MSc) Anbieter: Berner Fachhochschule BFH | Departement Gesundheit Ort, Bundesland, Land: Bern, Raum Bern, Schweiz Typ: berufsbegleitend Abschluss: M.Sc. Our researchers often develop and validate specific problems and measurement methods themselves. Res Dev Disabil. In our master’s degree programme in physiotherapy, you will become an expert in the field, gaining research skills and making significant contributions to the development of the discipline and profession. Beide Abschlüsse sind eidgenössisch anerkannt, europakompatibel und gelten international als Hochschulabschluss ... Gesundheit Bern Sägemattstrasse 1, CH-3098 Köniz Telefon 031 970 40 70. 2015 Sep;42(3):289-94. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2015.06.003. Dass die Studieninhalte sowohl den Praxis- als auch den Bildungsanforderungen in hohem Masse gerecht werden, zeigt sich in den guten Berufs- und Aufstiegschancen unserer Absolventinnen und Absolventen. We will contact you to arrange a date for the aptitude test after reviewing your documents. Sportphysiotherapeutin, Manualtherapeutin nach Sohier, Mitglied Medical Team Swiss Athletics You will learn advanced research methods in various contexts, ranging from physiotherapeutic and medical to interdisciplinary and interprofessional. : +41 (0)81 300 01 70 Fax: +41 (0)81 300 01 71 E-Mail: Interessierte Studierende und Mitarbeitende finden die Unterlagen auf dem BFH Intranet. You will learn to differentiate between the various types of chronic, somatic, and neuropathic pain as well as performing and interpreting an analysis of pain transmition and processing. They are relevant not only to physiotherapists but also to nutrition specialists, midwives and nurses. Reliability of lumbar movement dysfunction tests for chronic low back pain patients. Loans are one-off or ongoing payments that must be paid back after you finish your course. Seit 2013 arbeitet er als Physiotherapeuten-Coach im Kanton Zürich. Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapie, SUPSI, Landquart (2007-2011) 2017 Mar 2;11:87. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00087. You will become acquainted with different areas of physiotherapy and gain practical skills for clinical work, research and disciplinary development. Fröhlich-Zwahlen AK, Casartelli NC, Item-Glatthorn JF, Maffiuletti NA. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015 Jul 10;10(7):e0132068. You must hold a recognised degree as a qualified physiotherapist. Die Preise sind einkommensabhängig und richten sich nach den kantonalen Tarifen gemäss der Verordnung über die Angebote der sozialen Integration (ASIV) des Kantons Bern. Marsico P, Tal-Akabi A, Van Hedel HJA. Diese wird in der Schweiz nur an Fachhochschulen durchgeführt. Costs may range between CHF 600 and CHF 800, depending upon how much you acquire. > Bachelor Physiotherapie > Übersicht Alle Infoveranstaltungen Hinweise betreffend Infotage in Bern und Online-Anmeldung Auskünfte / Kontakt. 2011-2014 Master of Science in Physiotherapy, Bern Travail de Master: “Test-retest reliability of thermal quantitative sensory testing on two sites within the L5 dermatome of the lumbar spine and lower extremity” 2007-2011 Bachelor of Science HES-SO en physiothérapie, Lausanne Travail de Bachelor : "Les effets d’une prise en charge Das Inselspital verfügt als medizinisches Zentrum und Universitätsspital über einen gesetzlichen Ausbildungsauftrag durch den Kanton Bern. Reliability of parameters during stair ascent measured with Leonardo Mechanograph((R)) Stair A in healthy subjects. Im Masterstudiengang Physiotherapie kann zwischen verschiedenen Schwerpunkten gewählt werden. Standort und Einrichtung. It facilitates international mobility on the job market and enables you to pursue a doctorate in the natural sciences. Upon completing your studies, you will work primarily in a clinical setting as an expert in physiotherapy. Jetzt für den virtuellen Infotag anmelden! Tel. (2015). Multidiscip Respir Med. The methods used depend on the focus of the project. Student performance is measured and recognised according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). 2015 Mar;40(3):483-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2014.10.066. Master's Degree in Evidence Based Manual Therapy, Thim van der Laan, Landquart (2011-2013) Tätigkeiten als Physiotherapeut in verschiedenen Praxen, Reha-Kliniken und Akutspitälern in der Schweiz und im Ausland. 2004 -2008 MRT Praxis für Physiotherapie. We’re happy to advise you in a personal consultation. A standardized motor imagery introduction program (MIIP) for neuro-rehabilitation: development and evaluation. (2014). You can find more information on cookies in our Data Protection Declaration. The portion that students must pay (semester fees, etc.) "Door deze master krijg je een kritischer blik op je vak. Your clinical expertise will grow in the three focus areas of musculoskeletal studies, neurology and sport. 2014 Sep 5;579:157-62. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.07.023. German Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the STarT Back Screening Tool. You may teach in a bachelor’s degree or continuing education programme, or you may choose the research route and work in planning, securing acquisitions, implementing or publishing research projects. Planen und koordinieren Sie Studium und Dienstpflicht frühzeitig. Retroactive title from a non-academic training programme, Kleine Positivliste der Fachhochschulen «physiotherapeutische Fachvertiefung», Specialist course «Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten – Reflektierte Praxis», Master-Studiengang Physiotherapie - Informationen zur Eignungsabklärung, Profession-specific competencies of the master's program in physiotherapy, Department of Education of the Canton of Bern, Addresses for cantonal grant-awarding bodies, foundation directories for individual cantons, Bern University of Applied Sciences Burgdorf Foundation, The Swiss Business Foundation for the Promotion of Further Training in Wood Technology, Verordnung über die Angebote der sozialen Integration (ASIV), Information zum Rekrutierungsprozess (VBS), Kanton Bern, Polizei- und Militärdirektion, Checkliste für die Anmeldung zum Master-Studium Physiotherapie.