Welcome of the … Information system of Universität Kiel © Config eG : Collection/class schedule: Home | Contact | Help : search: . two Clusters of Excellence; two Deutsche Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung; and numerous other national an international projects. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry Institute of Physical Chemistry. Kiel University’s Research As Schleswig-Holstein's only fully-fledged university with 27,000 students and more than 2,000 scientists, Kiel University (CAU) offers a cross-disciplinary academic environment. Veranstaltungsorte werden i.d.R. Oct 29, 2020 … Kiel University is keen to transfer knowledge to society. You may also view the schedule and room plans. I: Grundlegung für die Arbeitsmethoden der Rechtspraxis, Berlin, 10. UnivIS; Login Webservice; Login OpenOLAT ; Login Mentoring Programme; Kiel University Library; Family Service; UKSH; Study buddy programme; News. Detailed information are available on Univis; News of the Bachelor/Master Study of Biology Section; Contact us Prof. Dr. Stanislav N. Gorb, Chair . Harvard University 2007-08. iLearn has been moved to a new server: https://ilearn.informatik.uni-kiel.de Please update your bookmark! / M.Sc. In summary, please (1) start you labs early, (2) keep calm and trying, (3) read the docs and the code. Information from the Faculty of Engineering. Please e-mail for an appointment A Link to the Univis page is here. UniVis Guide for Incomings What is an academic calendar? Publication takes place as part of performance of the public tasks assigned to the University. Mathematics for Chemists 1; Mathematics for Chemists 2 Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Sammlung/Stundenplan Modulbelegung: Home | Rechtliches | Kontakt | Hilfe Open OLAT. We apologize for this loss of service. More… Research. It also provides contact details and persons responsible within the facilities. Fax: +49 431 880-3366. Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. • In this case you might use previous semesters for orientation. Thanks to the very thorough work by the data protection officers of the university, we are not allowed to publish any exam results, neither here nor in printout form. Appointment process. 24118 Kiel Telefon: +49 431 880-3375. Kiel University (CAU) was founded back in 1665. Zooarchaeology and Stable Isotope Science. Please send questions to pruefungsamt@informatik.uni-kiel.de. Here you will find information on the various online platforms of CAU Kiel. Bd. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences Institute of Economics. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of Kiel University. Wherever you will go after university, this will be the reality and so the training you receive in this course will be key soft-skill in this domain. Vorlesungsverzeichnis Aktuelle Semestertermine finden Sie unter http://www.uni-kiel.de/140/b/termine.shtml. pre-course Mathematics for Chemists; B.Sc./M.Sc. It also provides contact details and persons responsible within the facilities. Courses. Die angebotenen Sommersemesterkurse : Univis ... + May 2015: Chair of Geomechanics and Geotechnics become member of Kiel Marine Science Network (www.kms.uni-kiel.de) + May 2015: Lecture by Dr. G. Overbeck, IGB Ingenieurgesellschaften + May 2015: Geomechanics & Geoetchnics welcomed Mr. Aditya Bindra, WISE - Internship Student, hosted by the DAAD + May 2015: Geomechanics and Geotechnics … You can find information on the student council's website or their Facebook page. pre-study courses. For more detailed information about the lectures, see UnivIS of the University Kiel. UnivIS; Login Webservice; Login OpenOLAT ; Login Mentoring Programme; Kiel University Library; Family Service; UKSH ; Study buddy programme; Info. UnivIS; Login Webservice; Login OpenOLAT ; Login Mentoring Programme; Kiel University Library; Family Service; UKSH; Study buddy programme; News. Directions; Medien; Internal; DE Aoife Hanley Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz 1. The list of lectures and courses of the semester can be found via the information system UniVis of the University of Kiel. The disciplines offered by its eight faculties are connected by constant dynamic interfaces that are reflected in the university's teaching and integrative research profile. Aufl. Aufl. Bachelor Physik des Erdsystems: more information about the study program can be found on the website of GEOMAR (German only). Here you will find an overview of the current appointment process used at Kiel University’s Faculty of Medicine, as well as information on the application process. SWETLANA SCHAUERMANN RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION PUBLICATIONS TEAM MEMBERS FUTURE MEMBERS TEACHING TALKS CONTACT NEWS SHORTCUTS Info. Siehe UNIVIS: Literatur: Friedrich Müller/Ralph Christensen, Juristische Methodik. lectures. E-Mail: Aoife.Hanley2[at]gmail.com Sprechstunde: Preferably Tuesdays. In the interest of joint academic work, teaching and learning in presence may be additionally facilitated in smaller seminars and tutorials and on a voluntary basis. Publication takes place as part of performance of the assigned public tasks. curriculum vitae PhD. Raum: 514. 2009 Claus-Wilhelm Canaris/Karl Larenz, Methodenlehre der Rechtswissenschaft, Berlin u.a., 3. Nov 11, 2020 Personalmeldungen Oktober 2020 Nov 05, 2020 Ist unser Sehen manipuliert? phone: +49 431 8804513 fax: +49 431 8801389 email: sgorb@zoologie.uni-kiel.de Angela Veenendaal, Secretary. This is achieved by exhibitions at the CAU's museums, collections and gardens and by lecture series. Research area. c.makarewicz@ufg.uni-kiel.de. • It also possible to make changes in … Navigation. Molecular Physiology. Navigation About us Team Research Publications Theses Teaching Bachelor of Science Master of Science B.Sc. In the academic calendar you find information about all the courses (lectures, tutorials, seminars) of the current semester. … Prof. PhD. Kiel University's search system (UnivIS) Academic Examination Office (german only) Joint Examination Office (german only) Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz) Teaching obligation agreement online; OLAT-Login ; Degree programmes from A-Z (german only) Statistics (german only) Recent news. 2008 Joachim Vogel, Juristische Methodik, Berlin/New York 1998 Ino Augsberg, Die Lesbarkeit des Rechts. Study Buddy Programme . Studies ≡ Navigation Home Managing Director Professors Staff Studies Semester abroad Important Facilities Related Institutes Economic Working Papers Research Seminars Jobs Info. Univis In Univis you will receive all information about your events, e.g. It is also the only fully-fledged university in the state. Information from the University. UnivIS for Incomings International Center – Erasmus Incomings • Please note, that not all institutes update their course catalogue instantly and in the same speed. Page information Contact Christoph Böttner Last changed Sep 16, … Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Biology Zoologisches Institut. Home. It is an international program, taught entirely in English, and it is based on the fruitful collaboration with the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön. Kiel University (CAU) uses the www-based information system, UnivIS, and its websites, to present information on the range of lectures on offer and the university's facilities. Teaching ≡ Molecular Physiology. Publication of work-related data on UnivIS Kiel University (CAU) uses the www based (computer supported) information system, UnivIS, to present information on the range of lectures on offer and the university's facilities. • E-Mail: voss@economics.uni-kiel.de • Office: Institute for Economics, Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz 1, room: 312a . Public events such as the "Night of the Profs", exciting experiments at Kieler Woche or workshops at the Kieler Forschungswerkstatt attract guests of all ages. Evolution of Foddering Practices in the Southern Levantine Pre-Pottery Neolithic. We therefore ask you to pay attention to the announcements of the particular courses in UnivIS and in OpenOlat. It is Schleswig-Holstein's oldest, largest and best-known university, with 27,000 students and around 3,700 members of staff. Sprechstunde: Mittwoch 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr Wintersemester 2018/2019: Forschungsfreisemester Lehrveranstaltungen im UnivIS. Master Geophysik: More information can be found on the website of Instituts für Geowissenschaften (German only). News (in … Kiel University Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Psychology. Kiel University's search system (UnivIS) Academic Examination Office (german only) Joint Examination Office (german only) Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz) Teaching obligation agreement online; OLAT-Login; Degree programmes from A-Z (german only) Statistics (german only) Recent news. Study Buddy is a mentoring programme for international and German students, with the intention to encourage the contact Seven Nobel prize winners have worked here. Seminar and colloquium announcements on specific topics in Physical Chemistry can be found via the menu item "news". The Master curriculum begins every winter semester. mawi-412: Materialwissenschaft 2 Proseminar (MaWi 2 PS) Raum: Seminarraum II Geb. The Kiel International Student Organisation (KISO) is a campus group at the Kiel University, which was founded in April 2019 and is funded by the International Center. Studies. The Team ≡ Navigation Current The Team Our employees Hints for new team members Research Teaching contact Info. We closely cooperate with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and became an ESN Candidate Section in July 2019. projects Downloads Contact External Links. The Biology Center at the University of Kiel (CAU) welcomes you to the webpages of the new Master curriculum in Molecular Biology and Evolution (MAMBE)! Times. Location plans. Info. Information from the department's examination office (German only) The examination office can be reached by e-mail between 9 and 12 o'clock. time and place as well as the teacher. The WiSo student council will also provide video tutorials at the start of your studies. Notes to the Corona-Pandemic. Check UNIVIS for details of the Block Seminar for Wintersemester 2015/2016! Outstanding top-level research is evidenced by participation in. TEACHING. EXAMS Information on exams under corona pandemic conditions at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences can be found here: Corona Pandemic - Exams. TEACHING ≡ Research Group Prof. Schauermann Prof. UnivIS; OLAT Login; QIS Onlineportal; Student council WiSo; Graduation ceremony ; WiSo on Instagram. General and Biological Psychology.