Immensity my thought sinks ever drowning. It seems like my entire life is gone, spent out in the death of my loved one and in the depth of my sorrows. Reveal the riches of your glorious inheritance in the saints, especially as I contemplate the rich life and deep faith of my loved one, and display the immeasurable greatness of your power toward us who believe. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Make them new to me, let me see your faithfulness, be my portion and my hope.**. I am grateful to you for all the ways he/she has touched me and others in so many helpful and significant ways. (Ps 23:4) Into your hands I commend my spirit. Our sister in Christ is brokenhearted over the death of her [husband/mother/friend/etc], and our hearts break with hers. At the time of his death . I also ask that you provide what you have promised, which is rest for her soul. Let me take refuge underthe shelter of your wings! We are struck down with grief at the passing of our loved one, but we praise you that the earthly body is exchanged for paradise and the promise of a redeemed and glorified body. I do not give to you as the world gives. You will swallow up death forever, wipe away our tears, and take away all disappointment and disapproval to be replaced by gladness and joy at your salvation. It's considered bad luck to speak about the dead following the mourning period, and Italian funerals are large, somber affairs. Help me to remember my relative with joy, walking in their example of faith and love for you., Scripture: Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14, For it is you who light mylamp; theLordmy God lightens my darkness. Continue reading, Italian Funerals: Traditions, Songs & What to Expect, 30+ Popular Italian Funeral Songs for a Service or Repast, By Belinda McLeod, BA in Secondary Education. I amshut in so that I cannot escape; my eye grows dim through sorrow.Every day I call upon you, OLord;Ispread out my hands to you. Amen. O Lord, life and death are in your hand. You will prepare a wonderful feast for all the people of the world who trust in You. You ease the sorrow of those who expectantly wait on you. Losing a loved one can bring about a sudden feeling of shock and deeply trouble your heart. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. For in you do we trust; cause us to know the way we should go, for we lift up our souls to you., Scripture: And my Godwill supply every need of yoursaccording to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. advice. I am sad, and my heart is weighed down with grief. May I find the comfort I desire in you and the strength I need in your name. On that day my heart will rejoice with a joy that no one can take away. So I know that today, here, with me, you weep alongside me. Many Catholics are saying a Novena prayer to St. Rocco, who has been venerated for centuries as the protector against the plague and all contagious diseases. Note: Dear mourner, I believe this Scripture passage is about how loss makes us (the living) meditate on our end and lay it to heart. When our loved ones die, it can cause us to think deeply about the meaning and purpose in life. As my grief feels overwhelming, I ask that you would hold me secure. Jesus died and rose again, and is seated at your right hand, interceding for your people. Even still, help her to be mindful of you and endure in faith as she grieves., Scripture: Forthis light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. O Lord, my defender and redeemer, you have seen the death of my beloved, and you know my searing loss. (John 14:27), And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. When we are weak, you are strong. May Christ who was crucified for you, bring you freedom and peace. It's considered bad luck to speak about the dead following the mourning period, and Italian funerals are large, somber affairs. You have laid up for him a crown of righteousness, not because of his own merit but because he loved the appearing of Christ, in whom is every merit and in whom we trust for our righteousness and redemption and eternal life. I do not know how long this night will last, but I believe you Word help my unbelief! You loved me so much that you gave your life so my loved one and I can be with you forever. I place my hope in your eternal life. Have you not heard? So I cast my cares and anxieties upon you. O God, you are the God of all strength and all hope. Here is his very short poem, Soldati. Do this according to the working of your great might that you have worked in Christ when you raised him from the dead and seated him at your right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. So we weep together. To you be glory and honor, forever and ever. I believe that in Christ you bore our pain and griefs and sorrows (though I sure feel heavy-burdened right now). You promised that one day, sorrow and sighing would flee away. Be our stronghold. May your power be shown to be perfect in this time of loss and weakness. Amen. Please bring comfort and peace to those who mourn their loss, and may they find hope in your loving presence and the promise of eternal life. Tap the link to jump to that section: Scriptures quoted are from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise indicated. and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Amen. For my joy, you have sent the Comforter even now. o in Italian: Nella vecchiata, la vita pesa e la morte spaventa. Im distressed, restless, sad, lonely. The Bible is filled with Gods words of comfort, all of which you can pray when reeling from the death of someone you love. I fix my eyes on what is unseen and eternal. Whether we live or die, we are yours. Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). My foot slips, and the cares of my heart are many, but your steadfast love holds me up, and you can cheer my soul with your consolations even now. In despair, bring hope. Non vedo nella mia vita altro compagno, non vedo altra gioia. My loved one will live again, because Jesus died and rose again. Until that day, help me to walk in faith, fight the good fight, and finish the race myself, walking in the footsteps of my dads example of faith, and, best of all, in the footsteps of my Savior., Related: Sympathy Quotes for Loss of Father, Scripture: Beloved, we are Gods children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. I mourn his passing, but look to you in hope, knowing that someday we will be together again in your presence, with all pain and sorrow behind us, full of life and perfected in the worship of you. That somehow, in all of this, my heart will be made glad. All night I flood my pillow with tears at the pain of losing my dear one. Lord, I have to admit that I am restless and unsatisfied. a fierce nostalgia of the lover. And I can grieve knowing that through all my ups and downs you love me still., Scripture: Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. She has been brought low, and needs a gentle friend to lighten the load. Let me rest in the thought of your love: the pardon for sin granted to me by faith in Christs work, my adoption into your family and title to heaven, my future unspotted (and ungrieving!) I praise you, Lord, for you are gracious, and righteous, and full of compassion. Take away his dismay in the knowledge that you are his God. You are gracious, preserving the simple and hearing our cries. Hear my prayer and heal my wounded soul. I groan, I grieve, I long to put on our heavenly dwelling, but I also want to be faithful to your while I am here. To read if youre the one grievingAny of the Scriptures mentioned above would be helpful to read through, meditate on, and pray. Your Word says that my believing loved one has fallen asleep and will wake on that day when you bring those who trust in Jesus to yourself in glory. Psalm 121:1-2. Continue reading, Consider using one of these Italian funeral songs to honor a loved
Lord, you understand me perfectly, and you know how hard it can be to find rest in the midst of pain, worries, and doubt. Help me through this, O God of Help, sustain and restore me. Or do you have a favorite Italian poem that we failed to mention? in the middle of the plain, I had a window that looked out. Give me a holy hunger to redeem the time, to be awakened for every call to charity and righteousness, that I may feed the hungry, clothe the naked, instruct the ignorant, forgive the offender, spread the gospel, and show neighborly love to all., Scripture: Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart isfaint. Lord, I believe that your resurrection has conquered death and granted life to all who believe in you. Dear Lord, youve told us to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. For my soul is full of troubles,andmy life draws near tothe realm of the dead.I am counted among those whogo down to the pit; I am one who has no strength,like one set loose among the dead,like the slain that lie in the grave,like those whomyou remember no more,for they arecut off from your hand. Amen., Scripture: The steadfast love of theLordnever ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are newevery morning; great is your faithfulness. As I grieve my precious little one, give hope and healing and grace. My King and my God, help me to feel the connections which unite me to others in your body. My heart is troubled and grieved because I miss them so much. 144:4). Search for a group near you here. Your word promises that after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,who has called you to hiseternal glory in Christ, will himselfrestore,confirm, strengthen, and establish you.*. o in Italian: La speranza e l'ultima a morire. Your promises are full of life. Another famous Italian writer, Giovanni Pascoli was considered the greatest poet in the beginning of the twentieth century. *, But this I bring to mind, and therefore have hope: Your steadfast love never ceases. Thats a lot of love! Tell your grieving friend, Id like to just pray through Psalm 23 for you. Amen. O Lord, you told us to call upon you in the day of trouble. Lord, in this sorrow it seems like you have forgotten me. This link will open in a new window. Help Me Remember Prayer Lord, in my grief, help me remember the times of joy I shared with my departed loved one. Amen. We have your sure promise that one day you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. I dont see healing or happiness anytime soon. Proverbs 3:5-6. As my friend mourns this death, what she needs more than anything is your abundant life. Absolutely; you can freely use any of these prayers for private use or to share with friends. Be mindful of us and have mercy on us while we struggle to comprehend lifes hardships. Youve known what its like to have people avoid you and hide their faces from you. I love Ungaretti. They believe that life after death is like another journey, with the soul continuing to see, hear and taste. Comfort for Loss Prayer Father, thank you that I am never alone, your presence calms the troubled sea of my life and speaks peace to my soul. Amen. Help me to grow in faith, trusting you for all things, and let me know more of your compassion and steadfast love., Scripture: This ismy comfort in my affliction, that your promisegives me life. - May God remember forever my dear ones, (Name . you send shadows and darkness into the world, you descend summoned always, and gently hold, che vanno al nulla eterno; e intanto fugge, that vanish into eternal nothing; meanwhile, this cursed time flees, and with it, the throng. Henceforth there islaid up for methe crown of righteousness, which the Lord,the righteous judge, will award to me onthat day, and not only to me but also to allwho have loved his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8. O God, you are the God of blessing. Psalm 5:1-2. You have been infinitely more attentive to my happiness than I have ever been. A Prayer to Say On the Day of a Person's Death or Burial - O God, Whose property is always to have mercy . o in English: Hope is the last thing to die. You have said to the let the little children come to you, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. These rituals and beliefs influence their views around life, death, and everything in between. Help me to run and not be weary, walk and not be faint. All I can do is come to you and ask that you would bless and heal and comfort., Scripture: Have you not known? It is you who determines our end from our beginning, and it is you who sets the span of our days. That Glorious Day Prayer God, I weep for my dear departed one. Prayer for Comfort in Gods Tender Love God of all comfort, please be near me today. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. I thank you, Lord, for the comfort I receive from your promises. Apply this redemption to my heart. Which one on this list do you like best? Prayer #31 was written for when the person you are mourning was not a believer. Bear her up to the place that you have prepared for her as an adopted daughter, clothed in the righteousness of Christ. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. Today, Lord, my heart is faint. Bring healing, comfort, and peace. Some religions and cultures have well-defined mourningperiods and specific events which mark various moments after death. Psalm 147:3. state. Prayer for Wisdom God of wisdom, direct my mind as I make needed decisions today as we deal with the death of our loved one today. If you want to listen to an interpretation of Il Lampo, check out this video. Uphold him with your righteous right hand. 2 Corinthians 13:14. Even though my feelings are churned up through distress and grief, I confess that you are my God, and my times are in your hand.