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March 2, 2023 Dear Air Canada AMEs and Skilled Trade Groups: I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce myself to your skilled, professional trade groups at Air Canada. Aviation Conferences in USA 2023/2024/2025 This conference is the tenth in a series of triennial conferences established to inform the international aviation community about recent, ongoing, and planned research activities in transport category airplane fire and cabin safety. The overall goal is to enhance safety through the sharing of experiences and resulting improvements. Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS), Human Error in Aviation and Legal Process, Stabilised Approach Awareness Toolkit for ATC, Flight Deck Procedures (A Guide for Controllers), General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC), Federal Aviation Administration Report to Congress: Report on the Status of Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) Capability Acceleration, Fact Sheet Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing Program, Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) Architecture and Advanced Analytic Capabilities Support, Safety Data Collection and Processing Systems (SDCPS). Aviation Safety InfoShare is a semi-annual (Spring and Fall) conference where safety concerns and best practices are shared in a protected environment. With its sophisticated design, culinary delights and southern charm, the Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center delivers an unforgettable experience. The founding idea of ASIAS is that the federal government and aviation stakeholders given a conducive environment and ground rules will see benefit from cross-querying de-identified aggregate data distributed across airline network servers and related data on government servers. Hello everyone! With a portable attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) unit and an iPad or Android tablet running the GAARD app, which was developed by MITRE, operators can record the flight parameters collected by the AHRS unit for analysis. Best-known examples of its directed studies and projects from the late 2000s included: Since the 2007 launch of ASIAS, The Center for Advanced Aviation System Development at the MITRE Corp., a federally funded research and development center, has provided the high-level architecture, synthesized databases and conducted flight data analysis of air carrier operations as a trusted intermediary between the participating airlines and the FAA. accidents and current risk picture during his IASS 2022 keynote. The highly networked ASIAS data repositories include FAA data (i.e., surveillance radar data and navigational information), airline operator proprietary safety data (i.e., digital flight data and safety reports), publicly available safety data, manufacturer information, and other data from flight operations and air traffic control entities in the NAS, FAA said. Aviation Conferences 2023/2024/2025 Help us fine tune this years program by completing this survey. Our commitment to Liked by Thomas Breen Homepage | Safety Standdown We can use the data to see the hot spots. Phone: +1 703 739 6700 Fax: +1 703 739 6708 The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) held its first Shop Representative Training Program class of 2023 in Orlando, FL. International Conference on Aviation Systems, Operations and Management (ICASOM), International Conference on Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ICATIO), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Technology (ICAET), International Conference on Composite Materials and Aviation Composites (ICCMAC), International Conference on Air Traffic and Aviation Management (ICATAM), International Conference on Composites Aerospace and Aviation (ICCAA), International Conference on Aviation Performance and Management (ICAPM), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Management (ICALM), International Conference on Aviation Engineering, Technology and Management (ICAETM), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Operations Management (ICALOM), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Management (ICCAM), International Conference on Data Science for Aviation (ICDSA), International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology (ICASAT), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ICALSCM), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Environment (ICATE), International Conference on Nondestructive Testing of Materials in Aviation (ICNTMA), International Conference on Marine, Aviation, Transport, Logistics and Trade (ICMATLT), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Transportation (ICALT), International Conference on Aviation Management and Safety (ICAMS), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites (ICAAC), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Technology (ICAACT), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Advanced Composite Manufacturing (ICAACACM), International Conference on Aviation Management and Operations (ICAMO), International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation Engineering (ICAAE), International Conference on Aviation Management and Administration (ICAMA), International Conference on Aviation Flight Technology (ICAFT), International Conference on Aviation Management and Services (ICAMS), International Conference on Aviation Administration and Management (ICAAM), International Conference on Aviation Management and Flight (ICAMF), International Conference on Aviation Management and Flight Operations (ICAMFO), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Composite Manufacturing (ICACCM), International Conference on Aircraft Design and Advanced Aviation Engineering (ICADAAE), International Conference on Aviation and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (ICAAME), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Engineering and Technology (ICAMET), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Composite Manufacturing (ICAACCM), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Weather Forecasting (ICAMWF), International Conference on Data Science in Aviation (ICDSA), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Weather (ICAMW), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Principles (ICAMP), International Conference on Aviation, Composites and Technology (ICACT), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology, Modeling and Operations (ICAMMO), International Conference on Air Traffic Management and Aviation (ICATMA), International Conference on Aviation and Aerospace System Engineering (ICAASE), International Conference on Sustainability in Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Aviation Security (ICAS), International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Mechanics (ICTFM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance, Safety and Security (ICAMSS), International Conference on Airspace Management and Aviation Administration (ICAMAA), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Advanced Composite Manufacturing (ICACACM), International Conference on Aviation, Air Traffic Controlling and Management (ICAATCM), International Conference on Engineering, Aviation and Technology (ICEAT), International Conference on Aviation and Air Transportation (ICAAT), International Conference on Flight Test and Aviation Engineering (ICFTAE), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Composite Materials (ICACCM), International Conference on Advanced Composites in Aviation (ICACA), International Conference on Aviation Management (ICAM), International Conference on Aviation and Air Traffic Management (ICAATM), International Conference on Civil Aviation Airport Planning, Operations and Management (ICCAAPOM), International Conference on Aviation Composites, Maintenance and Equipment (ICACME), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Logistics (ICATL), International Conference on Civil Aviation Performance and Management (ICCAPM), International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics (ICTFD), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Management (ICATM), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Maintenance (ICAEM), International Conference on Civil Aviation, Safety and Security (ICCASS), International Conference on Science in Aviation Maintenance (ICSAM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance and Aircraft Structural Technology (ICAMAST), International Conference on Turbomachinery (ICT), International Conference on Air Transportation and Civil Aviation (ICATCA), International Conference on Advanced Aviation and Aerospace System Engineering (ICAAASE), International Conference on Advanced Aircraft Design and Aviation Engineering (ICAADAE), International Conference on Civil Aviation (ICCA), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Traffic Management (ICCATM), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Engineering (ICSAAE), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Technologies (ICSAAT), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Green Aircraft (ICSAGA), International Conference on Aviation Security and Research (ICASR), International Conference on Aviation Security Systems (ICASS), International Conference on Aviation Security and Security Mechanisms (ICASSM), International Conference on Aviation Security and Terrorism (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Security and Emergency Management (ICASEM), International Conference on Aviation Sustainability (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation and Turbulence (ICAT), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology and Engineering (ICAMTE), International Conference on Aircraft Structures and Aviation Technology (ICASAT), International Conference on Airport Engineering and Aviation System Planning (ICAEASP), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management (ICCAM), International Conference on Aviation and Space Technologies (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Technology (ICACT), International Conference on Sustainability of Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Flight Safety and Aviation Security (ICFSAS), International Conference on Airport Engineering and Aviation Systems (ICAEAS), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Research (ICCAR), International Conference on Aviation Administration (ICAA), International Conference on Airplane Structures and Aviation Composites (ICASAC), International Conference on Science in Aviation Maintenance Technology (ICSAMT), International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Aviation (ICASA), International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery (ICFMT), International Conference on Software Challenges in Aviation Systems (ICSCAS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Security Systems (ICASSS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Risk Control (ICASRC), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology (ICAMT), International Conference on Aviation Composites (ICAC), International Conference on Airport and Aviation Security (ICAAS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Security (ICASS), International Conference on Aviation Science and Management (ICASM), International Conference on Aviation and Space Technology (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Aviation Security (ICASAS), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Applications (ICAEA), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Systems and Technology (ICAMST), International Conference on Civil and Recreational Aviation (ICCRA), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance and Manufacturing (ICAMM), International Conference on Aviation Safety (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology and Systems (ICAMTS), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance (ICAM), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Flight Operations (ICCAMFO), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Air Traffic Management (ICCAATM), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Big Data (ICCABD), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology, Observations, Modeling and Operations (ICAMOMO), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Operations (ICCAMO), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Aircraft Technology (ICCAMAT), International Conference on Aviation and Sustainability (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation Nondestructive Testing (ICANT), International Conference on Aviation Law and Policy (ICALP), International Conference on Hybrid-Electric Propulsion for Aviation Applications (ICHEPAA), International Conference on Aviation Law and Regulations (ICALR), International Conference on Aviation Regulatory Law and Policy (ICARLP), International Conference on Civil Aviation Law and Regulations (ICCALR), International Conference on Transportation, Aviation and Logistics (ICTAL), International Conference on Civil Aviation Law (ICCAL), International Conference on Aviation Law, Regulations and Policy (ICALRP), CAPA Latin America Aviation & LCCs Summit, International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Engineering (ICAME), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Management (ICAEM), International Conference on Aircraft Design and Aviation Engineering (ICADAE), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Airplane Structures (ICACAS), International Conference on Composites in Aviation (ICCA), International Conference on Aviation Operations, Maintenance and Management (ICAOMM), International Conference on Aviation Operations and Technology (ICAOT), International Conference on Aviation Security and Control (ICASC), International Conference on Air Transportation and Aviation (ICATA), International Conference on Aviation Operations and Management (ICAOM), International Conference on Aviation Operations (ICAO), International Conference on Big Data and Civil Aviation (ICBDCA), CAPA Asia Aviation Summit & Sustainability Awards 2023, International Conference on Aviation Meteorology (ICAM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Management (ICAMM), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Offering a broad range of consulting services in aviation, regulatory affairs, and training, PAI is well-equipped with a diverse and well-trained staff committed to developing long-term business relationships by providing industry-specific technical services and customized solutions that will . Home Aircraft Operations Safety Safety Statistics Sharing Aviation Safety Data Is a Good Thing. Sharing Aviation Safety Data Is a Good Thing - NBAA This equates to eleven and a half percent (11.5%) increase for each step in the Alaska wage scale. In fact, it is the biggest tech conference in CEE. Infoshare Conference. Sharing experiences utilising data showing unstabilised approaches. AMFA National @AMFANational , Twitter Profile - Aviation Safety InfoShare recognizes there is an inherent risk of exposure to communicable diseases such as COVID-19 in any place where people gather. Include old address as well as new, and an address label from a recent issue if possible. By sharing information, resources and tools, we help enable the business, charter and fractional ownership industry to offer the safest aviation operations in the world. Safety in the Air Begins with Quality Maintenance on the Ground. The NBAA Business Aviation Taxes Seminar provides a comprehensive understanding of how the appropriate tax laws and regulations apply exclusively to business aviation operators. COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE l'OTAGE OLIVIER VANDECASTEELE EMPRISONNE EN IRAN - 28 ANS SINON RIEN (14 Dcembre 2022). More details to come! Fusion will enhance safety analysis capabilities for the community and offer insight into safety issues at a level that was previously not possible when working with individual data sources. These safety enhancements are direct results of ASIAS data collection and analysis. Training the Next Generation of Maintenance Professionals. Aviation Conferences in 2023/2024/2025 - World Academy of Science In fact, confidentiality and non-punitive reporting are foundational values of ASIAS. Frank Raymond, an aviation safety manager for Vulcan, Inc., which was one of the first GA participants in ASIAS, puts it simply: "ASIAS is a free program. ASIAS participants trust us to take in their data, secure it and produce results. //The Rise of Workplace Violence in Healthcare Facilities "),d=t;a[0]in d||!d.execScript||d.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===c?d[e]?d=d[e]:d=d[e]={}:d[e]=c};function v(b){var c=b.length;if(0PDF ConnectConnectC - UAA The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) are joining forces to advance aviation safety through global leadership at the 2022 International Aviation Safety Conference in Washington, D.C., June 14-16, 2022. This sharing has led to some tangible safety improvements. Thursday. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. For operators of aircraft that do not have an installed flight data recorder, there are additional ways that you can analyze and share FOQA-like data with ASIAS. The scope of ASIAS for general aviation safety includes, in part, advanced safety analysis and safety metrics for rotorcraft operators. Perela Bavand - Legal Officer - The International Civil Aviation We will not discuss or share information about InfoShare using social media outside our organizations. The ASIAS system enables users to perform integrated queries across multiple databases, search an extensive warehouse of safety data, and display pertinent elements in an array of useful formats.