333 Grand Street, Jersey City, Articles C

En los ltimos meses se han registrado varios eventos violentos relacionados con el crimen organizado , incluyendo el asesinato de 12 civiles en la regin de Caborca el pasado 20 de junio. Tres frentes criminales detrs de violencia en Sonora, Mxico Reports say that El Gigio and El 20 have several drug plantations in the area. According to the news outlet Milenio, the Caborca Cartel took shape in 2017 after Quintero allegedly called a . The Caborca Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Caborca) is a Mexican criminal organization commanded by the veteran drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, (founder of the defunct Guadalajara Cartel) and concentrating its drug trafficking operations in the border municipality of Caborca. Interesting aliases. Tras la detencin de uno de los narcotraficantes mexicanos ms buscados por EE.UU, una de las agrupaciones criminales ms recientes buscarn su hegemonia en los municipios de Caborca, Guaymas y Magdalena de Kino, en el estado mexicano de Sonora. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother Tony Navidad. Padres y esposas claman para que les regresen a sus seres queridos que fueron privados de la libertad durante ms de seis horas de guerra entre grupos criminales, en Caborca, Sonora. Hoteles cerca de Plaza Comercial Omega en Caborca, Sonora | Expedia OTHER NAMES: Los Siete Demonios A travs de redes sociales se exhibi el momento en que elementos de la Guardia Nacional estaban presuntamente inhalando cocana durante su servicio. . Las cruenta "narco guerra" que actualmente protagonizan en el norte de Sonora los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa, y el grupo de Caborca . The banner wants to make it seem like it was written by law abiding citizens who want to keep the peace, and avoid the Quinteros from advancing in their rivals turf. Along with Carretera Internacional as well as another in front of the Municipal Palace of Caborgo. VIDEO: Narco graba balacera entre sicarios de Caro - La Opinin One person was killed and two more were kidnapped. Caborca Cartel - Wikipedia @3:45 a comment was made when he turned himself in that he had a dispute with Isidro and in hi last interview RCQ said he was making up lies about him to save himself. (, El Pelo Chino is the son of Eulogia Quintero Payan. PROFILE: El Primo was the cousin of El Antena and the owner of the restaurant "La Palapa Del Bucanero". In the attack two state police officers were injured and three gunmen were killed. (, ) Known associates of El Pablito include Chapo Alfredo, from Los Olivas. La guerra entre narcos por apoderarse de territorios en Mxico no para. (Source), PROFILE: He is a close associate of Chapo Alfredo and considered to be his right hand man. El regreso del fundador del extinto crtel de Guadalajara y la disputa por el territorio con Ismael El Mayo Zambada y Los Chapitos, hijos de Joaqun Guzmn Loera, marc un antes y un despus en la violencia en ese municipio, que en un slo ao pas de 32 a 127 homicidios dolosos y actualmente se encuentra en color rojo en el . Chapo Alfredo also has strong Beltrn Leyva (BLO) associations, as his brother Trinidad Olivas Valenzuela alias Chapo Trini was allegedly a BLO plaza boss. Autos Autos. En Caborca, Sonora, fueron colocadas un par de narcomantas con mensajes al presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, quien realiza una gira de tres das por la entidad. Nadie durmi", cuenta la mujer, que prefiere no dar su nombre por miedo a represalias del narco. Notable Figures articles try to focus on contemporary cartel operators that have had major relevance within the last five years. I love writing and researching about cartel activity in Tijuana. Regular towns folk are not going to spend the money it costs to print these pretty large mantas nor are they going to spend to have 3 of them made. Very few comments here reflect accurate information from people living in Mexico. (, STATUS: He was the presumed leader of the hitmen in the service of La Barredora 24/7. Salazar alias el Alfredillo y Ovidio Guzmn Lpez alias el Ratn o Nuevo Ratn, eso se termin y ahora el Narco de Narcos . Captura de cuatro delincuentes, entre ellos un lder criminal, provoc enfrentamientos con el Ejrcito y bloqueos en Altar, Sonora; un militar muri.S parte. In 2013, after Caro Quintero had served 28 years of his 40 year sentence, a Jalisco State court ruled Caro Quintero should be released on the basis that he had been improperly tried in a federal court for a crime that should have been treated as a state offense. Reserva tu hotel cerca de Plaza Comercial Omega en Caborca. He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexicos most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, alias Don Neto. Hey ELMO why you no get wee wee pee pee ? Fue perpetrado por un grupo asociado al Crtel de Caborca, que opera bajo el mando de Rafael Caro Quintero, Fuentes de la Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) . The victim was a suspected cartel member who worked for Jess Humberto Limn alias "El Chubeto" in Altar municipality. Ismael felix rodriguez mendigutia was also close to Klaus Barbie the nazi escapee in charge of producing Cocaine for german pharma and both got Pablo Escobar and Carlos Lehder in the business, rodriguez also helped kill escobar to keep him quiet about their dirty dealings. The earliest member of the clan that was involved in drug trafficking was Pedro Paez Soto, the uncle of Rafael Caro Quintero. (Source), REGION: Nogales, Magdalena, Santa Ana, Cucurpe. Los Gigios is a Sinaloa Cartel group based in Nogales and its surrounding areas. All three have since died and their plazas (San Jose Bacum, San Ignacio Rio Muerto) were possibly inherited by El Antena. (Source, Source) He was named as part of the cartel leaders operating in Sonora in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. La Direccin de Proteccin Civil y brigadas forestales han atendido cerca de 16 incendios en zonas boscosas y pastizales, Asaltantes golpearon en la cabeza a un empleado de Coppel en Tehuacn para quitarle el celular y la cartera, Jess N. de tan slo 15 aos de edad, fue hallado suspendido con un lazo del cuello del techo de una vivienda en Miahuatln, Helena Monzn inform que vino a Puebla en busca de que se realice una audiencia intermedia en el caso que se sigue por el asesinato de su hermana, El presidente del Congreso local, Eduardo Castillo, dijo que la Ley de Movilidad lleva mano para destrabarla y aprobarla, El lder de Sonido Pirata, Julin Ramrez, fue acorralado por un hombre, que estuvo a punto de agredirlo durante un sonidero en Puebla, Rfagas de armas de fuego de grueso calibre y reportes vehculos con hombres armados, hicieron que habitantes de Caborca vivieran una noche de terror, INFIERNO EN CABORCA; narcos provocan balaceras, levantones y asesinatos, Muri "EL MENCHO"? Ahora se filtr un fuerte video en el que un grupo armado quema vivo a un hombre. Ante este hecho, la Guardia Nacional confirm que el incidente se suscit en Sonora, por lo que la Unidad de Asuntos Internos ha iniciado una investigacin. Ms opciones de viaje. Los Sabori were led by Raul Flavori Cisneros, alias "El Negro", who was arrested in 2011. (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. The idiot Speedy Mares , never had nothing in life, gets his 10 minutes of fame, Flaquito has less heat and his name is mentioned less. En 2021, Sonora registr 2,354 homicidios dolosos, siendo uno de los estados ms afectados por los asesinatos pese a tener . Caborca, Sonora: AMLO Tour Received With Narco Messages #Caborca - metatube.com La ola de violencia se desencaden en la mitad de la ciudad, segn el alcalde, al menos en 40 de 72 colonias que hay en la demarcacin. (, He reportedly has drug shipments shipped or flown over tp Quintana Roo. He was executed by a hitman while he was in the parking lot of his restaurant in Obregon city on July 25 2020. Regresa 'El Narco de Narcos', Caro Quintero; intenta recuperar la plaza Come on bro you're honestly either a huge speedy fanboy, his best friend or just delusional. Caborca Cartel: Miguel Caro Quintero. Arizona family visiting their Sonora condo are terrorized on Caborca (Source, Source), POSITION: Leader of Caborca Cartel in Guaymas, Empalme Area (Source), PROFILE: Juan Pablo Navidad is believed to be the leader of the Caborca Cartel operations within the municipalities of Guaymas and Empalme. (, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. In reality it was written by contras or enemies of the Quinteros, hoping the federal goverment gets involved in preventing them from attempting to advance in Sonora. He should've stayed focused on the prize instead of how many likes he can get! He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexico's most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with . Son gente que trabaja normal y yo no s de los otros, pero es una comunidad chica que es gente muy trabajadora de por s, y bueno jvenes, ojal los devuelvan con vida, es lo que queremos, estamos pidiendo por ellos. - A travs de las redes sociales, familiares de la Joven Erika Altamirano Maciel, confirman su muerte, luego de que fue localizado su vehculo incinerado con sus restos en el interior del mismo. Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Asking for his old pals at DEA. Colachi : Acaban sicarios con El gavilan - Blogger He was apprehended by the US government on October 11, 2017 at the San Ysidro International Gate, California. He is the brother of El Telcel. Considerada como una de las entidades con ms municipios dominados por el narcotrfico, en Sonora se recrudece la llamada "pelea por las plazas". But neither J3 or chango or you for ghat matter are leaders of the demonios, Lo del 6-3 y el soldado si est lnea . Narcos queman vivo hombre: El impactante video se filtr (, PROFILE: El Pablito was believed to be the second in command of the Caborca organization, under Rafael Caro Quintero and El R. He is the nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero. REGION: San Pedro de la Cueva, Ures, Villa Pesqueira. En una fotografa de 2020, un polica local hace guardia en una avenida de la ciudad de Caborca, Sonora. (, PROFILE: El Gigio is the leader of Los Gigio, a group with a long history in the Nogales area. Sonora | Blog del Narco oficial | Narcotrfico | elblogdelnarco.net Really has me laughing still. (Source). El hombre fue quemado vivo en el municipio de Caborca en el estado de Sonora. Some of you guys think you're smart. Por favor, a las personas que se llevaron a mi esposo ayer en la noche, por favor, se los pido, se los suplico que me lo entreguen, l es inocente, l es una persona que trabaja, l es albail y yo trabajo en el hospital, nosotros estamos luchando para sacar adelante a mi nia que est enferma, pide una mujer. Over time during the rise of El Chapo, Los Paez formed alliances with Sinaloa Cartel groups/cells like Los Paleteros and Los Saboris who were affiliated with the clan of Los Salazar, a family that ran the state of Sonora for El Chapo. Un juez federal vincul a proceso a Carlos " R", presunto sobrino de Jos Gil Caro Quintero, lder del Crtel de Caborca, por su probable responsabilidad en la comisin de los delitos . (Source), POSITION: Chief of Sicarios for Los Gigios (Source), PROFILE: He was named as a Sonora cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. PROFILE: La Cara de Cochi leads the armed wing of the Caborca Cartel, which is known as La Barredora 24/7. The Olivas family first grew to prominence in the cartel world under the auspices of the Beltrn Leyva brothers who led the Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO). El Crtel de Caborca: la clula armada que marc el resurgimiento del Never fails. Esto es Caborca, nuestro alcalde Abraham Mier, esta es la realidad, no el Caborca bonito, como l quiere ver, esta es la realidad, triste y lamentable. - Rafael Len Pineda pic.twitter.com/NIpD88kCQf. Look up his corridos lol. All three have since died and their plazas (San Jose Bacum, San Ignacio Rio Muerto) were possibly inherited by El Antena. Do better people. Bunch of lame pochos drinking too many bud lights thinking they need to cheerlead murderers who ordinary Mexicans despise. La grabacin, de un minuto y 17 segundos de duracin, mostr a dos elementos del cuerpo de seguridad . Le dispararon en ms de 50 ocasiones en el estacionamiento de un Oxxo en Caborca, Sonora. . Reply Delete. Skipped town went to mex, did his thing to get where he is now (give him credit for getting to where he is now) but he's no one. He may get the rifles (cheap 3D printed guns) for his crew but he's nothing more than a Secretary for Flaquito. (Source, Source). The individuals responsible for all of this are Felipe de Jesus Sosa Canisales aka El Gigio or El Yiyo, Leonardo Lopez aka El 20, Ramon Quintero Pez aka El Tiko, Jose Gil Caro Quintero, and Rodrigo Pez Quintero. 603 right? VIDEO: Sicarios del Crtel de Sinaloa humillan a Caro Quintero, el He is suspected of being behind the murder of police officer Carlos Omar Aguilar Alard in Laguna de Nairani. Man since BB came back from hiatus there seems to be no moderation to speak of. Nno esta pelada con ese cara de cochi todos van a matarlo y nadie a podido ese lo deve apoyar el gobuerno del gabacho o algun alto mando de mx. Tierra controlada aparentemente por Rafael Caro Quintero, mejor conocido como "El Narco de Narcos". 5:59 que te valga verga gey, Find the sign maker and make him or her sing LoL. He's El Flaquitos secretary bro that's it. (Source) In 2016, El Pelo Chino, allegedly by order of his uncle Rafael Caro Quintero, moved to South America and allied himself with a cell that is dedicated to the planting of poppies and cocaine. The federal report alleges El Pelo Chinos discreetness may put him ahead of El R as a potential successor to Rafael Caro Quintero. Theyre the ones who want to snatch these towns from their enemies. As descubrieron que el 21 de febrero de 2015, cuando llevaba dos aos en fuga, el 'Narco de Narcos' supo a tiempo que un operativo intentara atraparlo. Rafael Caro Quintero (La Noria, Badiraguato, Sinaloa; 24 de octubre de 1952) es un narcotraficante mexicano, fundador del crtel de Guadalajara junto con Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo y Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo.Es considerado uno de los narcotraficantes ms famosos de Mxico, motivo por el que fue apodado como El Narco de Narcos durante la dcada de 1980. The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. Crtel de Caborca. He allegedly coordinates drug dealing activities in several areas such as: Libertad, Posadas del Sol, Las Fuentes, Prados del Tepeyac, Las Brisas, and Benito Jurez. Other known associates of El 20 include "El Coyotito and "El 6-3", who leads the region surrounding Hermosillo with El Negro previously reporting to him. Indeed, although Rafa's last appearance as a side character in Narcos: Mexico season 2 sees him imprisoned, the real Rafa is still at large. Enfrentamiento en Caborca deja ocho muertos, entre ellos un militar El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother Tony Navidad. Crtel de Caborca: La organizacin delictiva que perdi a su lder Rafael Caro Quintero. Caborca, Sonora.-. The Attorney Generals Office (FGR) secured an arrest warrant for El Pablito based on his probable participation in a homicide in Mexico City that occurred November 2020. You need to put a stop to this already. Multiple news publications describe Chapn as Caro Quinteros most trusted friend. (, Some sources such as Riodoce have alleged that in December 2020, Rafael Caro Quintero made various trips to create peace between El R and Los Salazars leader Jos Crispn Salazar Zamorano (, ) Regardless of the validity of these reports, the violence between Los Salazar and the lieutenants reporting to El R continued in 2021. If Flaquito goes Caf, SM is CAF, if Flaquito goes CJNG SM will too. We the citizens of Magdalena, Santa Ana, Caborca, and Nogales are tired of the violence that doesnt stop within the municipalities. Enfrentamientos entre el Crtel de Sinaloa y un grupo local aterrorizan a la poblacin. Have his pals at the DEA ask Felix Rodrguezhe may know 7:23 today's DEA may be a Corrupt Racqueteer Influenced Organization bossed around by the CIA, but they have never been "pals" with felix ismael Rodriguez mendigutia, cuban refugee, CIA asset, contra nicaragense, drug trafficker and a soldier in more than a thousand operations, partner of his honduran boyfriend juan ramon Mata ballesteros and german rat line escapee in Bolivia Klaus Barbie who ordered the kidnapping torture and murder of Kiki Camarena, one REAL DEA AGENT like Sandy Gonzales, Hector Berrellez, Phil Jordan, Cele Castillo and Michael Levine That guy Rodriguez the Cuban working for CIA killed Che Guevara and like camarena. BLING88 - Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini, Link Slot88 & Pragmatic (, PROFILE: Head of sicarios in northern and western Ciudad Obregon. (Source, Source, Source), La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. He is also the cousin of Rafael Caro Quintero. (Source)Some sources such as Riodoce have alleged that in December 2020, Rafael Caro Quintero made various trips to create peace between El R and Los Salazars leader Jos Crispn Salazar Zamorano (Source, Source) Regardless of the validity of these reports, the violence between Los Salazar and the lieutenants reporting to El R continued in 2021. (Source,Source,Source), OTHER ALIASES: El Charral, El Grenas, Narco de Narcos(Source). Man fuck these cartels and you cartel fan girls : r/NarcoFootage Ir a la seccin principal de la pgina. Some allege that following the 2018 attempts on Chapo Alfredo's life, Alfredo suspected El Telcel had sold him out so he had him executed. For being a son of "El Barn de Babunica" his actions haven't demonstrated any similarities to his Father 7:42 there was also a corrido about chapo Isidro that says si unos se han ido es porque no han querido entender pretty sure hes talking about cadete there, He had a fallen out with his uncle el pelo Chino. (, PROFILE: El Oliver is believed to be the plaza boss of Empalme. ELMO ! Some allege that following the 2018 attempts on Chapo Alfredo's life, Alfredo suspected El Telcel had sold him out so he had him executed. Now him and his patron are suck each other off and shit!! (Source, Source) Captured La Plaza operative Jacobo Prez Flores detailed on video that he reported to El Pitayo in March 2021. According to an OPD report, officers with the intelligence division received information Brandon Lee The authorities know this very well and act like they cant see whats happening. (, PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. "The citizens of Magdalena, Santa Ana, Caborca and Nogales are fed up with the violence that doesnt stop in these municipalities", quotes the first part of the message. (. You're the same nutthugger who was really sad that Speedy Mares wasn't posted on the "High Ranking Cartel Members in Baja California" a couple months back right?? Adems, los involucrados ya fueron identificados y se les har evaluaciones toxicolgicas. Hector Guerrero. [7][8], On 15 July 2022, Caro Quintero was captured by Mexican authorities in San Simn, a settlement within the Choix Municipality of Sinaloa. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother, Juan Pablo. At the time of his arrest it was said that an important route of drugs and weapons operating between Nogales Sonora and Phoenix, Arizona was discovered by law enforcement authorities as a result. This message goes out to the president of the Republic. (, El Pitayo is believed to be the plaza boss of the Valle de Empalme and Guaymas areas. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the Plaza Boss of San Jose Bacum. (Source), Chapo Alfredo is the brother of Chapo Trini, from whom he inherited the organization from. A voice note emerged in which El Barbas expressed his discontent for a fellow member of La Barredora, El Canton. Enfrentamientos, bloqueos carreteros y movilizacin de personas armadas se han registrado la tarde de este sbado en Altar Sonora. El Picipi is originally from San Ignacio Rio Muerto and reportedly has a presence in Guadalajara, Jalisco (, El Picipi has been accused of organizing certain La Plaza crimes such the September 2019 arson that killed two children in Empalme, the September 2019 homicide of police Commander Gustavo Nafarrate and the murder of a Marine in an ambulance in October 2020. At 6:30 in the afternoon he will be in Nogales to present the advances in urban improvement and tomorrow at 10:00 he will be in Cananea. Lmao what does Speedy mares have to do with Caborca and Sonora in general. (Source). The second-in-command was a man nicknamed El Sera, who was arrested this year. Cada vez se pone ms intensa la disputa por el estado de Sonora en la que Los Salazar, brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa (CDS) y el Crtel de Caborca encabezado por Rafael Caro Quintero, alias el Narco de Narcos, se pelean el control del narcotrfico. Mexicos Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said in a statement that he was worried about the courts decision. where did you get J3 is not a high-ranking member? (Source, Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: In addition to being the father of singer Alfredo Olivas, he is a well-known drug trafficker who has been directly linked with Rafael Caro Quintero and his nephew El Pablito. I understand he's your friend but really bro hahahaha. The federal report alleges El Pelo Chinos discreetness may put him ahead of El R as a potential successor to Rafael Caro Quintero. These people are true POS and need to be exterminated. Just last December 4, the state secretary of Public Security, David Anaya Cooley, denied the presence of the "narco of narcos" in Caborca. Sobrino de Caro Quintero fue vinculado a proceso - Infobae Acaban sicarios con El gavilan. PROFILE: El Tiko is a nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero. INFIERNO EN CABORCA; narcos provocan balaceras, levantones y asesinatos Caro Quintero has the highest bounty of all the fugitives listed on the DEAs most wanted list, with a reward of $20 million dollars being offered. (. Cuz yo smelly boy ? Caborca municipality in specific has a growing mining industry that cartels in the area are fighting to control. Abraham Mier relat que los supuestos sicarios de la delincuencia organizada irrumpieron en varios domicilios, realizaron disparos contra fachadas de viviendas y se llevaron a un grupo indeterminado de pobladores. El Picipi is originally from San Ignacio Rio Muerto and reportedly has a presence in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of Empalme Valley and Guaymas Valley, PROFILE:El Pitayo is believed to be the plaza boss of the Valle de Empalme and Guaymas areas. The other municipalities make up the Yaqui Valley region of Sonora. La captura este viernes de Rafael Caro Quintero ha estado precedida . Sonora.- Caborca, ciudad sonorense al noroeste de Sorona, . (Source, Source, Source, Source), POSITION:Lieutenant of Caborca Cartel- Former. Pls go come up for air, speedys balls must taste good to you. Hasta las 16:00 horas no se haba registrado un refuerzo por parte de agentes federales y, previamente, el presidente municipal ha pedido que devuelvan a los levantados.