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Impact attenuator vehicles are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system.
DES-PPM&OE - Bidder Inquiries Viewing - California Nighttime closures of two or more lanes on a freeway with three or more lanes of travel in the same direction. Chapter 2: Safety and Traffic, Section 2: Traffic. Do not sever or move a pedestrian route for nonconstruction activities such as parking for vehicles and equipment. If a change order modifies the plans, construction engineers should take steps necessary to verify that the modified plans are adequate to provide the highest level of traffic safety and service consistent with conditions actually encountered. Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, directs the contractors attention to the. Some reviews should take place at night, particularly when a major traffic change has taken place. The local CHP contact person will note in the cancellation form if Caltrans is being charged a cancellation or 4-hour overtime fee. Provide the contractor with the message content and the thresholds used for triggering when the messages will be displayed. For public convenience, such as routing traffic through detours when not shown on the plans and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent. For details related to preconstruction conferences, refer to Section 5-003, Preconstruction Conferences with the Contractor, of this manual. Verify that the color of the portable transverse rumble strips is black or orange and arranged in accordance with Standard Plan T13. The state representative assigned to the project should make sure the local agency resident engineer performs the duties as outlined above. A pedestrian traffic handling plan may be required if the contract plans do not identify the affected facility. When conditions prevent starting the temporary surfacing at a square joint on the existing pavement, a treatment such as a light sand seal can establish the continuity of the traveled lane. Once the task order is completed and signed by the Caltrans person requesting the services, fax, email, or send it to the local CHP area office. The contract item for the traffic control system includes payment for portable signs, cones, delineators, and flashing arrow signs as shown on the plans for the traffic control system and impact attenuator vehicle. How the contractor will meet the projected rates for material delivery to the job site. Anticipated length of time, rounded to the nearest 5 minutes, to pick up the closures. If an existing pedestrian route will be affected by the work activities, verify the project includes Bid Item No. Verify the contractor protects Type K temporary railing blunt- ends within 15 feet of the edge of the traveled way with temporary crash cushions. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), "Lane Closure System," of this manual. Traffic control systems conform to the Standard Plans, unless the contract specifies otherwise. Verify that temporary automated end of queue warning systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.39 Temporary End of Queue Warning System, of the Standard Special Provisions. If an impasse occurs, the district COZEEP coordinator and the designated CHP division office contact should act as the second level of review. During the project initiation or planning stage, Caltrans considers TMP measures with associated road user costs and additional construction costs to the fullest extent feasible. All closure information is continually updated and subject to change. Acts as the single focal point for all traffic decisions resulting from planned activities on the State Highway System. The lump sum payment for this item includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the Automated Work Zone Information System. of the lane closure unless the end of work area is 48" x 24" as appropriate, shall be placed at the end A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign, with minimum size of the locations indicated for lane closure during Each flag shall be at least 16" x 16" in size with at least two flags for daytime closure. Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, requires that the contractor provide for the safety of the public during construction. Facilitates review and approval of TMP measures and planned lane closure requests. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. Where possible, compensate for a required reduction of one by an improvement of another. The cost of covering, uncovering, and removing signs (when they are no longer needed) is included in the contract price for construction area signs. For guidelines on publicizing information, refer to Section 1-206, Relations With the Media and Traveling Public, of this manual.
District 4 Lane Closures - California The Angeles CREST Highway (SR-2) is in the jurisdiction of Caltrans. Consult with the district traffic engineer for other acceptable means to protect the sign instead of the Type K temporary railing required by the specifications. Checking fire safety requirements may require coordination with personnel from the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, or California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Any contractor requests for COZEEP that are denied by the resident engineer should be in writing to the contractor stating the reasons for denial of the COZEEP support. Type K temporary railing placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane requires a reflector on each rail unit. When the work has safely progressed beyond the supplemental taper, remove the upstream taper and tangent. The special provisions provide detail for railroad requirements including contractors responsibilities with the railroads to move materials or equipment within the limits of the railroad property. The design phase of a project considers accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. During routine visits to the project, construction engineers should also review signing, delineation, construction contingency plans, and general traffic handling. Consider these details: CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-38 East / West Active Thu Mar 2 2023, 6:01AM Lasting 14 hours One-Way Traffic closure lasting 14 hours on Conventional Hwy for Emergency Work affecting #1, Right Shoulder lane (s) in District: 8 From: Old Mill Creek Rd Mentone to Jenks Lake Rd Angelus Oaks View on Google Maps ID: C38EA-0004-2023-03-02-06:01:52 If this equality is not possible, confirm that the design speed differential is no more than 10 mph. District Construction should review the traffic control plan before the district submits the plans, specifications, and estimate to headquarters. The last level of review will be the COZEEP statewide coordinator. During the inspection process, check that all contractor-installed finished elements comply with dimensions and installation requirements. Verify the traveled way is free of obstructions and residue before opening the area to traffic. Construction situations frequently require a lateral shifting of traffic in relation to the normal path of travel and may involve dropping a lane. Provide the contractor with the internet link to access the LCS web-based training. If sight distance is not adequate, contact the district traffic engineer for suggestions or recommendations. During daylight operations, the vehicles facing oncoming traffic should have their headlights and their flashing amber lights turned on at all times. To provide extra maneuvering room, provide wider lanes or additional surfaced shoulder width in transitions and critical alignment. Confirm that the task order, which has five parts, is completely filled out. Verify that the weight of the attenuator and the weight of the support truck are within the specified limits as shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. If they dont, the Standard Special Provisions govern. Caltrans Highway Information Network (CHIN) Incidents CHIN incidents that involve closed lanes are indicated by orange triangular markers. Verify that the sign complies with the requirements of Section 12-3.32, "Portable Changeable Message Signs," of the Standard Specifications, including number of lines and characters in a line, display modes, power source, and devices to plumb and level the trailer. Confirm the contractor maintains barricades in good condition and keeps the reflective surfaces clean. Changes to any of these plans may alter the need for temporary crash cushion modules. The selected speed should be what a driver exercising due care would drive in normal conditions of light and weather. Refer to the Oversight Resident Engineer Guidelines, Sections 3.2.2(d), Safety, and 5.2.1, Encroachment Permit, for further guidance. Design crossover transitions to the highest geometric standards within tolerable limits of cost. The project engineer should include adequate COZEEP funds in the project estimate. To implement COZEEP, use the guidelines below, intended to apply COZEEP resources more uniformly throughout the state. Locate the transition so it is visible to the approaching motorist. At the end of the shift, the senior CHP officer onsite should estimate travel time and mileage for each officer from the project site to the CHP office. Refer to Part 6, Chapter 6D, "Pedestrian and Worker Safety," of the California MUTCD. For current road conditions call 1-800-427-7623.
Caltrans lane closure charts - Pay special attention to locations where vertical or horizontal curvature restricts the sight distance. Supporting justification for use or nonuse of COZEEP should be documented in Category 21, Construction or Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, of the project files. A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or ends within a larger project's limits. Directs the termination or modification of active planned lane closure operations when traffic delays become significant, without compromising traveler or worker safety. For updates on Angeles Crest Highway, call Caltrans Public and Media Affairs at (213) 897-3656, or visit With approval from the District Lane Closure Review Committee, you may exceed the 30-minute maximum delay. Travel Alert California Winter Weather Wind, rain and snow -- heavy at times -- are forecast through early March Winter Driving Tips : be prepared, pack your patience and travel safely Know before you go: National Weather Service - Caltrans Social Media - Road Information or call 1-800-427-7623 Options Zoom to. Verify telescoping flag trees maintain an upright position when being used. If the proposed materials have been previously used, check them for acceptability listed in the ATSSA publication. Municipal Code. Direct the contractor to remove any temporary pavement delineation that conflicts with the permanent pavement delineation. The district railroad liaison agent should report to the Public Utilities Commission any proposed detours that include an at-grade railroad crossing. Anticipated times for sweeping the roadway following grinding or import borrow haul operations to allow public travel with little to no visible dust when the lane is opened to traffic. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), Lane Closure System, of this manual. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5-inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized, and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program work zone device letter archive website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Moving closures are 10-97 before the actual start time of the closure, and 10-98 after the actual end time of the closure. The special bulbs used with solar signs have much narrower beams than conventional bulbs and, therefore, require greater care while being aimed. Inspect the signs and equipment the contractor proposes to use, at the contractors or subcontractors yard if possible, before their first use. Do not allow the contractor to close two adjacent ramps in the same direction of travel unless necessary because of the operation or project conditions. Compensation for flaggers shown on the contract plans, including advanced flaggers and additional flaggers will be included in the bid item for traffic control system. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price.
PDF 2010 Standard Plan T10 Lane Closure With Partial Shoulder Use Verify that all traffic control facilities are in good repair with a continuing program of inspection, replacement, and cleaning. Return exceptions to the district and area offices involved for resolution. Determine the methods and equipment the contractor will use for closing lanes, ramps, and roadways, and for flagging and controlling one-way traffic. Rural locations with a high volume of truck traffic, steep downgrades, or both. SignsReview sign line of sight visibility and verify it complies with Section 12-3.11, Construction Area Signs, of the, Vertical and horizontal curvesVerify tapers are visible for their entire length to approaching traffic. Scheduled Dates: 06/13/2022 to 01/16/2023. Review these requirements with the contractors before work starts. Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Confirm the contractor installs a reflector on each rail unit placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane. Contractor will collect 7 day 24 hour traffic counts from Caltrans.
Sign Charts | Caltrans - California Department of Transportation Additional funds may be obtained for capital projects and maintenance funded projects as follows: The resident engineer and project engineer share responsibilities for COZEEP implementation and funding allocation. While the Caltrans' charts did not explicitly dictate that a contractor must perform work during nighttime hours, the charts functionally required that any work requiring a lane closure could only be performed at night. Midblock worksites should not cause pedestrians to skirt the worksite or make a midblock crossing. Remember that the motorist has no knowledge of the traffic control plan and is entirely dependent on the system for warning and guidance. When pedestrians are routed adjacent to live traffic, provide barrier protection to prevent vehicles from entering the pedestrian facility. Request a certificate of compliance for Type K temporary railing. This notification allows Caltrans to coordinate work within the highway corridor. The Caltrans representative can suspend the contract work. Do not allow the use of a damaged impact attenuator vehicle. Resolve any accounting differences between the information Caltrans gives the CHP and the internal information CHP obtains from its payroll system. Category 2 devices include barricades and portable sign supports. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers instructions for the portable transverse rumble strips. Economy will be a factor only as necessary to obtain balance between benefits and resources. The California MUTCD Part 6 contains figures that can be adapted for traffic-handling plans. Containment may require modestly increasing the spacing between signs or require the placing of additional signs. Verify there is enough shoulder width before allowing the use of an impact attenuator vehicle for placement and removal of components on two-lane, two-way highways. Regulatory speed limit signing may be considered during work activities when workers are present on foot and have direct exposure to vehicular traffic. Visit for latest road info. Extend exit ramp tapers back through the closure as an extension of the ramps shoulder line. Check with the COZEEP coordinator to determine location of the nearest CHP office that will be supporting your project. The following guidelines are intended only to guide engineering judgment and ingenuity: Following are guidelines for the design of roadways carrying traffic through work zones.
Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 12: Temporary - Caltrans Invoices should include the agreement number and be submitted monthly in arrears, in triplicate, within 60 calendar days of date of service. Verify that pallet height is 4 inches or less. Anticipate needs for special treatments such as lighting. If you authorize the devices for use, record the authorization in the daily reports. Verify that automated work zone information systems comply with the general system functionality, motorist information messages, system communications, traffic data acquisition, and user interface specification requirements. Check railing alignment for any substantial offset to each other. Confirm that lighting intensity complies with the Cal/OSHA requirements. Pallets that exceed this height raise the sand in the crash cushions above an acceptable level. The request has been submitted in a timely manner. Design for the speed that vehicles will travel. This will be paid under a contract bid item. Caltrans reimburses CHP officers who provide COZEEP services on overtime at time and a half. The pending file for the project maintained by the resident engineer should include the basis of that estimate.
PDF TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE - California Require at all times the presence on the job of personnel representing the contractor who are capable of and empowered to make decisions quickly if the need arises. If properly shielded, most lights can be mounted on construction equipment. Operation work schedule with a timeline set at 20-minute intervals. Camino, CA 95709 Verify the lights are not glaring into approaching traffic, especially truck traffic. The CHP memorandum of understanding requires a minimum payment of 4 hours per officer. For example, anchor guardrail ends and install crash cushions. The objective of traffic control is to provide for worker protection and the safe passage of public trafficincluding bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestriansthrough and around the work zone with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. A contractors failure to perform is cause to suspend work. Verify that the contractor uses the LCS Mobile website to status closures in a timely manner. Dated photographs or video recordings, particularly of points of transition, may be especially valuable. Then remove the devices and signs in the reverse order of placement. Advisory speeds are not enforceable by the CHP. Take special care to consider areas in schools or senior citizen center locations.
2.0 Work Zone Impacts Assessment Process Example The following guidelines are for measuring and paying for various traffic control devices for construction areas. View from List View from Map One Stop Shop Traveler Information link for Western US states: California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. The path must have a clear width of no less than 48 inches. Every five minutes LCS reports all approved closures planned for the next 7 days, plus all current lane, ramp, and road closures due to maintenance, construction, special events, etc. Request the user interface software and provide it to the Transportation Management Center for installation. Request the guidelines from Construction headquarters. Confirm that the temporary roadway is engineered to the same design considerations as those in new construction: Geometrics of alignment and roadway section, Surface of the traveled lanes and shoulders or marginal areas. lcs ver This application is being updated for digital accessibility and will continue to function while updates are in progress. Length of closureAvoid long closures with no evidence of activity. The contractor develops a contingency plan and submits it within 1 day of the resident engineers request or as specified in the Standard Special Provisions. Document why an item does not comply with the ADA checklist in Category 46, Assistant Resident Engineers Daily Reports, of the project records. Make the environment like the approach highway.
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - California The following guidelines apply to the color and texture of pavement surfacing materials: The following guidelines apply to speed zones: Frequently, special provisions restrict work on the existing traveled way to a specified period at night. Use of 180-day temporary pavement markers on an open-graded surface is not advised; when removed, the marker glue can peel up the open grade. Caltrans lane closure charts. Each flag shall be at least 16" x 16" Task orders must specify by date, time, and location when a service is needed. Do not allow the use of epoxy adhesive to place pavement markers in areas where the removal of the pavement markers is required. Provide notification of planned sidewalk closures. The activities would, therefore, cause the closure to remain past the time allowed in the closure charts. Live Traffic Cameras View live traffic conditions by regions and areas. Require the contractor to set up an off-the-highway detour before closing all ramps in both directions of travel at the same interchange. If there are questions as to flagger competency, contact your construction safety coordinator to have them come and observe the flagging operation. Sep 21 2022 05:56 PM. Imposing a 24-hour-a-day regulatory speed reduction can be difficult to justify and obtain approval for. Consider how the shape and the light versus the shadow of falsework openings will appear in daytime and at night. Confirm flaggers are wearing American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-compliant garments in accordance with the Construction Safety Orders of the California Department of Industrial Relations, or the prime contractors or subcontractors Injury and Illness Prevention Program or Code of Safe Practices, whichever is more stringent. Contractors are required to request closures using the Caltrans Lane Closure System (LCS) and status closures using the Lane Closure System Mobile web page. CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-91 East East Wed Mar 1 2023, 10:01PM Lasting 7 hours Full closure lasting 7 hours on On Ramp for Electrical Work affecting All lane(s) in District: 12 From: Beach Blvd, Rte 39 Buena Park to Artesia Frwy, Rte 91 Buena Park View on Google MapsID: C91QA-0018-2023-03-01-22:01:00 Verify removal of any temporary delineation that conflicts with any subsequent or new traffic pattern for the area. Place a barrier across the full width of a closed sidewalk. Make sure that the contractor places the portable radar speed feedback sign systems as shown on Standard Plans T18, T19, T20, and T21 and as far from the traveled way as practical, where it is visible and legible to approaching traffic, taking into account any vertical or horizontal roadway curvatures. Time and mileage are based on officers starting and stopping times at their reporting station and include travel to and from the project. The status in LCS will change to APPROVED. The LCS will notify the contractor by email of the approval or rejection. Review Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications. A maintaining traffic standard special provision allows assessing the contractor a contract payment deduction for the value of a traffic delay when the contractor exceeds the closure window. Do not use tape, rope, or plastic chain strung between devices as controls for pedestrian movements. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. If the bid item is not included in the project, process a change order to provide a TPAR. To order work by the CHP, complete and use Form CEM-2102, COZEEP/ MAZEEP Task Order. Before ordering the work, and while preparing the task order, check that: CHP support is appropriate for the type of work to be performed. Move the workers and equipment onto the closed lanes only after all system components are in place. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. Subsequent relocations of each barricade are paid for as extra work using the force account method. Verify that no fixed objects, such as cabinets or poles, will reduce the path width at any point. Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary signal system. After placing components of stationary closures, the contractor may place the impact attenuator vehicle in advance of the work area to protect workers and traffic. A spreadsheet may be used for the summary. The maintenance person should have spare cones, signs, and barricades available to replace or restore system elements displaced or damaged by traffic. The following is a list of CalTrans lane closures, road construction, and blocked lanes that are active or plannded for on Highway SR-17 Updated Mar 02, 2023, 9:33 AM CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-17 Caltrans and the CHP have an interagency agreement that is the basis for the Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP). Daytime ramp closures do not usually need COZEEP. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. Verify attendance of subcontractors and other contractors personnel involved with traffic control. Obtain self-certification using Form TR-0030, "Work Zone Category 1 Temporary Traffic Control Device Certificate of Crashworthiness," from the contractor. Verify the contractor notifies and cooperates with local authorities wherever the local authorities regulate traffic. This section provides guidelines for inspecting temporary traffic control devices in construction areas. Timely publicity can significantly improve traffic behavior on a construction project. Allow only one type of plastic traffic drum on the project. Discuss the contingency plan at the project partnering or preconstruction meeting. Verify that Type 1 and Type 2 flashing arrow signs comply with the specification requirements, including number of panel lights, display modes, power source, and devices to plumb and level the trailer.