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And one other thing that I think I have done well on this front, and Im doing this with the Russian RevolutionIm forcing myself to do thisis when we know how the revolution turned out, then we start to back up and write a straight-line history of the event knowing how it is going to end. I guess that is not true, some historians think they are doing a political project. It could have gone to some of Louvertures way, it could have gone Andr Redouts way, it could have been that the British actually wound up conquering San Doming and reimposing slavery and San Doming becomes a British colony, or it could have re-fallen to the French and gone back to being French, but then its going to be under Napoleons rule. I remember when Barack Obama was elected president, that was basically the end of racial divisiveness in the United States, and we were now launching a new ship of a multiracial democracy that was going to sail into the sunny waters. And it turns out that that was not the end of anything. Like, Oh, even Reagan said this.. For tickets to the October dates: Oct. 3 Austin TX @ Paramount Theater. There is something that you really need in terms of historical perspective. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting.Duncan's ongoing series Revolutions explores the great political revolutions that have driven the course of modern history. And so that is how I wound up carrying it forward. Michael Duncan Retweeted. Revolutions (2013-2022) is the second history podcast by Mike Duncan.Unlike his previous podcast, Revolutions is not the history of one society or polity but rather a thematic series focusing on particular revolutions in the history of the modern world.. Haitian Revolution 5. One of the formative books that I ever read was the March of Folly. And Im talking about Aurelian did this, and Aurelian did that, and Diocletian did this, and Diocletian did that, and it can appear, at times, to be great man history. Well I appreciate that. We came out of World War II, we had the Civil Rights Movement, and this is the end of all of that. 9.05. The monarchy went broke, so they called the Estates General, then the Bastille came down. Harrison "wanted to go home" after Isle of Man TT tyre issue Join us in celebrating the paperback release of Mike Duncan's book Hero of Two Worlds! The Porfiriato. But theres also the case that these revolutions take a long time. I mean, you just flip on well, do not flip on the TV, I dont know why I told anybody to turn on the TV to try to get news. There was one called The History of Rome, which is finished up and is excellent and really, really worth getting back to. NoTengoBiblioteca 6 mo. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times-bestselling book, The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic. How do you deal with this? Have things changed so much since the Russian Revolution? I think its important, even though were the hopeful leftist podcast, to be realistic about the challenges that we face. But its a worthwhile question: are revolutions in the future going to look like revolutions in the past? Tour dates and links: Sept. 6 Madison -- Mystery to Me Sept. 7 Chicago -- Seminary Co-Op Sept. 8 Portland -- Powell's Books Sept. 9 Seattle -- Elliott Bay Book Company Sept. 12 Boulder -- Boulder Book Store Sept. 13 . Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ??? 25. Why do you want parliament involved? Like Charles X or Louis Philippe I or Napoleon III could have rolled out cannon after cannon, after cannon of grapeshot. They just cant quite wrap their heads around why its so important. What we are seeing right now is the return of ethnonationalist populism. Thats something that youve really done a good job of avoiding, and I really appreciate that. When I was a teenager, I got really into the American Revolution. Dismiss. For the record, history has not ended. We really appreciate you joining us, though, and going to these dark places with us. The Republican Party knows for itself that its representing a shrinking demographic. To have a sense of how long humans have been at this. I got into podcasting after a couple of things happened at once: 1) I discovered history podcasting back in 2007 and started devouring every show I could find 2) I was simultaneously reading a ton of old Roman . Economist Michael Hudson has published a new, third edition of his book Super Imperialism that updates his analysis for the 21st century, discussing the new cold war on China and Russia and the ongoing transition from a US dollar-dominated financialized system to a "multipolar de-dollarized economy." The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton . But that was not actually the question, and I do understand that. Mike Duncan Revolutions, Bio, Age, Wife, Books, Salary, And Net Worth After a wave of chaos spread across France, the National Assembly abolished feudalism on the night of Aug. 4, 1789. When youre dealing with the Roman Empire, and youre dealing with the sources from the Roman Empire, Im constantly talking about history about kings, emperors, and popes. Because there are plenty of times where these same sorts of problems pertain, but theres nobody out there who is looking for it to be something that they can play to their political advantage. Mike weaves the story of these cataclysms through the eyes and experiences of a novelty: a true believer that actually follows through . So, theres some hope that if something resembling a democratic backlasha small d democratic backlashcan happen and finally swamp the ship and send the modern Republican Party to the bottom of the fucking sea, then maybe we can have something that is good in the future. Duncan Smith, MInstRE, Tech IOSH on LinkedIn: Mental Health First Aid Many, many people do not. . Mike Duncan is an American author and political history podcaster. You just think that it all must have taken place, as you said, in some very short amount of time. Mike Duncan, the ever-impressive podcaster, delivers a really fun page-turner with this book. He started with The History of Rome (the topic of his interview with Dan on Addendum). Hey Bird Feed, this is Lyta Gold, your amusements and managing editor. by Mike Duncan RELEASE DATE: Aug. 24, 2021. Spanish American wars of independence 6. A lot of them have good intentions and theyre working toward good things, and then heres the way that all of these things just go wrong and dont work out, and people end up killing each other over extremely silly differences of opinion. Yes. I kept wanting to teach myself about the who, what, and when of history because I had spent so much on the theory part of it. People are going to have to live in different areas. We can accuse the people who are mass migrating out of Florida. He should never have a moments peace in public ever again, I think. ago. I found the "Hero of Two Worlds" to be an interesting lens to view the events of the American and French Revolutions. I do actually think there was a climate shift aspect to what happened in the third century. Partly you want a parliament involved because they tax themselves at a higher rate than just the despotic regime often does. 8. Of course, if American history has taught us anything, were going to be dealing with him for the next 30 to 40 years, continually recycling into circles and everybody acting as if hes fun and has never done anything wrong. Sparky Abraham is the finance editor, a position he attained by way of nepotism. And please remember I will post one giant bulk order after [00:07:30] all the orders have been taken. Or call 1-800-MY-APPLE. We will leave them nameless, for the moment. I think you can actually look at any of the polls today and find quite a bit more support out there in the general population for these sorts of open-minded, welcoming, and accepting policies. I do not think that the country is primed for it in any way. Alright. Every season of the podcast, Mike focuses on one revolution. What is their motivation? Alright, it sounds reasonable. But Mike's superpower is his storytelling skill. English Revolution 2. Dismiss. Anyway, thank you so much for joining us. filed 27 February 2021 in Interviews. But I very clearly just laid out something that I would like to happen. I mean, people should also learn music, and people should also learn about art, and there are many things people should learn about. Paris Commune 9 . So, its not so much about removing your opponents abilityand this is true in war and in revolutionits not so much about the sovereign that is going to be overthrown or not overthrown, its not about whether or not they can marshal forces to napalm an entire city, its whether or not they are going to do it. Email: And whatever next project I do, I will no doubt say I want it to be shorter than Revolutions, and then it will actually be probably twice as long, and it will take me 20 years to do. My hope is that society wont be so rigidly admitted to protecting a deadend path against whats going to be inevitable for us to do in the next century or so. And that brings us back to whats going to be depressing about the future. it might be the only solution, which we have written an article about in Current Affairs. Mike Duncan: The Stories of History - The Wilbur Oct. 27 Washington DC @ Lisner Auditorium. But shouldnt it be an odd number for tie breakers? And thats part of their entire political strategy, when it comes to voter suppression, when it comes to how they want to manipulate the Senate. 2. After completing The History of Rome podcast he studied Public History at Texas State University but dropped everything to move to Madison WI where he now changes diapers, writes short cartoon histories and produces the Revolutions Podcast. But they now do play out in a very certain way. Dismiss. Mike Duncan (podcaster) - Wikipedia There are many different places that you can take audio-only content. So, always keeping that in the forefront of my mind does help keep things grounded, I think, in a really healthy way. Mike Duncan's Revolutions Can you name the revolutions covered in Mike Duncan's podcast series Revolutions? The following transcript of their conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. Especially when you can already see how much panic is sparked by just little, teeny changestheyre talking about refugees from Honduras and Central America being like the Goths. Revolutions | Podcasts on Audible | The hero of this drama plays starring public roles in the American . The Storm Before the Storm by Mike Duncan. Its a great way for people to access this information because reading a book does take your whole physical body, in a way. There are two aspects of this. These are: I feel like this is just a universal fact of life. Or look at what Im doing right with the Russian Revolution. iHeartPodcasts. I do not think I was. So, if that puts me on some side of some debate that I dont know anything about, hi friends and hi new enemies that Ive just made, I guess. Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast makes history accessible through If youre into, again, small d democracy, or youre a small d democratic individual, which I consider myself to be, the degree to which the Republican Party is embracing anti-democratic talking points is really, really, really, something. Megyn Kelly is joined by the hosts of the Ruthless Podcast, Comfortably Smug, Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan and John Ashbrook, to discuss Gisele Fetterman's de. My answer, of course, to have we reached the end of history? is no. Mike Duncan expertly weaves the story of some of history's greatest events into a fun easy listen. Comments. What are we doing here, Lyta? 87 Following. Five myths about the Haitian Revolution - The Washington Post And also, I find it very, Its relatable because we, in the present day, also dont know whats going to happen, and taking this approach makes it clear that the position that we are often in is really similar to the position of people at previous points in history. GOD AND PSYCHOLOGY | Stephen Parker. His story of the Russian revolution has stopped at 1905, and the events between 1905 and 1917 will only be covered after the book is complete. The Cry of Dolores. And I also want to ask if youre willing to talk about your personal politics, although I know that every side of Twitter has a project of projecting their own politics on to you. We have to abandon that mentality entirely. Oct. 26 Boston @ The Wilbur. Its Francis Fukuyama throwing history out of the bar, and then he turns around, and history is back at the bar. But somebody who knows more can correct me on Twitter, Im sure. Especially if you say that what we understand as revolution, the archetypical picture that you have in your head of what a revolution looks like, really gets going after what we would consider to be the Renaissance. Its not universally true, but its often very siloed from popular education, and its these very little JSTOR articles about a very specific topic and that kind of thing. So my degree was political science with a minor in philosophy. Right? But they, of course, would make the same argument, Im sure. Were very much in favor of that. So, I do believe that there is human agency inside of the unfolding of history. If you were to try to do a season on the French Revolution in the 1860s, it wouldnt have worked. While the backlash over that controversial situation has subsided, with the voice actor's legal team still claiming he . G. Gordon Liddy is Oliver North just being rehabilitated as a fine statesman. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Storm Before the Storm. Point being, that as long as I focus on the actual concrete events, Im on pretty safe ground in being able to present it in something resembling an objective way. Send a Message. Oct. 4 San Francisco @ Palace of Fine Arts. French Revolution 4. Duncan also collaborates with illustrator Jason Novak on informative cartoons that humorously explain the historical context for . Mike Duncan in conversation with Ben Rhodes: Hero of Two Worlds Do not turn on the TV to get news, guys. Yeah. And also, it plays interestingly into this modern monetary theory debate that are going on rightwhich, of course, is about what it means for the United States to have debt as a sovereign, which is of course a very different situation from what it meant for the king of France to have debt as sovereign. download 1358 Files download 6 Original. Apparently, Ive just made a lot of friends and enemies at the same time trying to answer why it is that Louis XVI went down when he did. I know that I am really going out on a limb here. I mean, Im a personal debt guy, not a sovereign debt guy. This is a thing that I do actually believe. I think that were watching it happen right now. The History of Rome, Revolutions. (1757-1834) did not fade away after the American Revolution. This is how republics end - The Washington Post And theres a lot of truth to that, but that doesnt mean things are just going to Pollyanna is the one who doesnt think anything is going to go wrong, right? Right? Pack the court with more justices. Duncan Smith, MInstRE, Tech IOSH Expand search. Mike Duncan - Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio | Or will we just have revolutions in a different style? Or that you start hoping to accomplish something, and then its a bit by bit thing, where everyday you do a small course correction and a small course correction and you do something in that day for that moment that you feel like you have to do. I mean, its such a deep dive into these very specific details, these specific chunks of history, but its really easy to follow, and its just a really incredible work of popular history. We can call them the new Okies, right? Not that I dont have the next 15 years planned out. The 80's Revolution. 1) What made you want to start podcasting? Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. The Upcoming American Revolution. Let us begin with Carl Heneghan, who clearly states he is an Unlisted Author for Conly's Cochrane Study: We included 11 new RCTs and clusterRCTs (610,872 participants) in this update, bringing the total number of RCTs to 78. PDF H P Lovecraft Against The World Pdf - Michael Duncan Full PDF "Mike Duncan has dug deep into the world of revolutions, and the richness of detail in this book is beguiling. In terms of conflict, I would say our immigration episodes with Brianna are probably our most depressing. I believe that its a good thing for society, for people, for citizens, to know as much history as possible. And its looming, it could happen again at any time. I actually enjoy reading those articles. I mean, one possibility is that you just do as many people and things as you possibly can, and thats why you have such long and excellent and in-depth seasons. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world. But one of the features, I think, of your podcast that is really interesting is that you have a lot of fans across the political spectrum. But I can analyze it from a historical, political perspective, and everything I said I do believe in. Why our society is actually running the way it is. Different outfits. Now, when it comes to actually presenting this material, my focus has been to focus on the who, and the what, and the when. He launched The History of Rome podcast in 2017 after he did not find any Roman history podcasts. Youre not going to say abolish the Senate, but well say abolish the Senate. 9.03. Everybody is going to make the statements about Trump that the Democrats now make about Reagan. . I think, unfortunately, what is actually driving a lot of this is not liberty and justice for all kinds of movements. Well, thats the funny thing about being in the middle of a historical eventyou have no idea how its going to turn out. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. Lets Blow Up the Camp of the Saints, by Mike Duncan. Although, they have got compounds in New Zealand. Richard Duncan on LinkedIn: Michael Green invited me to discuss my book As Rick And Morty's Justin Roiland Backlash Dies Down, Co-Creator Dan So, I think all of that is good, and I think Im in that tradition of popularizing it. When the British started taxing themselves in the latter 1600s, suddenly their tax tripled after they came out of the Stuart dynasty. This button displays the currently selected search type. And during these mundane, often terrible parts of our dayslike when youre doing chores, and commuting, or exercise, nobody likes doing any of these thingswe can turn those periods of time into learning opportunities. On July 14, 1789 a mob of angry Parisians stormed the Bastille. Published: PublicAffairs - September 6th, 2022. I mean, even a lot of Napoleons career is built around mistakes and luck far more than him having some genius plan and pulling it off. As you said, the Twitter speculation is like, is Mike Duncan a liberal or a leftist? One of the things getting back to what I think my purpose here is, what my role is as a popularizer of history, is if you take the French Revolution, people say, Oh, yeah. And so theyll listen to The History of Rome and theyll be like, This is great, this guy must be one of us.. Mike Duncan, the creator of Revolutions - a political history podcast - had the following thought-provoking answers to my questions. But those guys, those guys think that they are going to interface with Fibernetics and upload their consciousness to a cloud and beam themselves to Mars so they dont actually have to worry about any of this stuff. The word revolution means coming full circle, so it seems like the best way to begin the end. The . Revolutions - Libsyn Celebrating the magazine's eighth year! Hero of Two Worlds by Mike Duncan. So, we wanted to talk mostly about the Revolutions podcast, because its the one that were both really, really obsessed with right now. However, theyve been quite successful at holding onto the levers of power at all costs and forcing through policies that are not actually that popularthat are in fact quite unpopular and are not representative of what the citizens of the United States of America actually want. One of the reasons that were so cranky about academic history is that it tends to be very siloed. Can we get the interview for this on the books now? How to Get Podcast Merch Right - Revolutions Podcast Deep Dive I think when you come into the world, all of human history has happened before you, so you cant just go off and do whatever you want. No showtimes found for "Michael" near Palm Beach Gardens, FL I spent so much time doing The History of Rome and so much time studying the ancient Mediterranean world, that when I finished up The History of Rome, I didnt want to be typecast as just an ancient historian or just able to do one particular set of time. I mean, one of the things that is very noticeable about studying all of these revolutions is that nobody has ever successfully predicted a revolution. To have an idea of the kinds of events and personalities and trends that have happened before us. Redefining Revolutions. LAST EPISODE. Mike Duncan: [00:07:21] But getting back to the fundraiser each T-shirt is thirty five dollars. You know, its not like Toussaint Louverture is going around with a magical W over his head that stands for winner. Nobody knows that hes going to be the winner in the end. And the idea too was that it would be a shorter project than The History of Rome, because each one of these would be 12 or 15 episodes long, and then it would be about three years is how long I had mapped it out now. Our very best yet, with writing about AI, the joys of doing your own repairs, the evils of corporate language, and more. This does seem like its becoming a bit of a trend. On Day 2 of the Estates General, the Third Estate went on strike. Well just do that. Michael William Duncan is an American political history podcaster and author. The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. But when you actually get into what the Reign of Terror was, and who the victims of the Reign of Terror wound up being, it is not usually the case that it is some hateful aristocrat who had the crimes of history, the blood of history, on their hands. England and France to visit historic sites from Ancient Rome to the French Revolution. What I was actually studying in school was a lot of political theory. Spring 2015! When, in point of fact, the French Revolution was something that went on for 10 or 15 years, depending on where you want to mark the beginning and the end. He alleges . They dont know about Thermidor, they dont know about Bonaparte. Appendix 1- Coming Full Circle. But there are political aspects to it, and political motivations to how that objective financial situation then leads to a revolution. Look for it in like 2024. Another aspect of this is the period of time in which these events are happening is relatively short in terms of human history. Known for. Michael Duncan (@MichaelDuncan) / Twitter I have made some more enemies here today. Theyre baffled by all of this stuff. Carl Heneghan (@carlheneghan) January 30, 2023. 9.04. A weekly podcasting exploring great political revolutions. Because I think kids are all right. But then I wound up moving on to ancient history. Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan (Series 10: The Russian Revolution 659 episodes totalling 313 hours, 54 minutes. He says that the project of liberty and equality we fought for will never be complete until we've eliminated African slavery. Prior to going on hiatus, Mike Duncan would release new 40-ish minute . And you know, we want our Supreme Court seats too, but. what's the next podcaat for Mike Duncan? : r/RevolutionsPodcast - reddit Or a bullshit artist who is really just looking to sell you razors, and Im just a hoax? Tweets & replies. Again, extremely interested in reading that. Thanks, Mike, for joining us. I hoped that it did not, because I think that its not so much great men do great things that change the world, so much as these are human beings who are close to the levers of power, and the decisions that they make do in fact have a rather large impact on the societies within which they live. Thats a nice prescriptive statement. What's Revolutions about? I guess I wanted to get your view on that. I also got really into the Russian Revolution, and it was one of the first time periods that I really honed in on and fell in love with. Therefore, I encourage everyone who has signed up for the first course to complete it as . 12.25.2022. Its a fun experiment more than anything else. Or do we try to go rigid and maintain what we have, and build the equivalent of sea walls around everything? But lets just stay in the French Revolution, people were banging into each other in 1790, 1791 they dont know that 1793 is going to be what it was. But I do think that history is one of those things that people should really have inside of them. Im a , whatever, an elder millennial of the Oregon Trail generation. Revolutions takes deep dives into the world's most momentous political revolutions, from Mexico to Russia and beyond. Then, the nationalities are going to come into it, like what Polish nationalists think about all this. That is it, were in post-racial America. The Mexican Revolution. Over time the background and stage setting Duncan offers have gotten much more extensive; the season on the Russian Revolution goes for 53 episodes . It didnt just appear like this, unless you want to get into really deep philosophy and say, The entire universe was invented five minutes ago and we all just arrived here, which I do not think is true. Instead, he loomed large on the world stage for decades after the war, and history podcaster Duncan does a fine job of filling out his subject's life. After not finding any Roman history podcasts in 2007, Duncan began The History of . That is one thing that I do thinkbecause I do keep this in the forefront of my mindthe people in history dont know how its going to turn out. The English Civil War . And if we can get the Duc dOrlans in on the throne, then hes going to want to bring in a British-style constitutional monarchy, which is going to elevate landowning and banking class into some kind of parliament where now were going to be able to call the shots. And the Duc dOrlans is happy with that because he just wants to go watch racing and gamble. View Reports-/5-RATE IN COLLECTIONS Podcast Compilation Collection . Yeah, you really do a great job of avoiding the great man of history thing. And as long as Im presenting what happened, I think I can pretty much walk the line. Offensive does not even begin to capture it. 9,475 ratings. Thats crazy. His ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions driving the course of modern history. But you can listen to a podcast when youre crammed into a subway. They did with the commune. Education History. And that has been going on for, lets say, 500 years. And I dont think that we gain anything from hiding from that. After the Revolution. Its incredible. What the banking class is saying to the sovereigns is, If you dont call the parliament, were not going to give you any more money.. See, obviously I havent even written it. I think that one of the ones in particular that I wanted to ask about is: it seemed like, at least in the earlier seasons, sovereign debt was a large driver of a lot of this stuff.