Those are close together. Which compounds in the table are acidic? We will start with ionic compounds, then covalent and then acids. This does not mean there are two atoms, but two types of atoms, so Al2S3 is a binary ionic compound. The COOH group consisting of carbon oxygen and hydrogen is a carboxylic acid group so citric acid is a tricarboxylic acid possessing three of these groups. It is widely used as a preservative, and more than a million tons are produced every year through fermentation. It is a white crystalline substance at room temperature with a melting point of 313 degrees Fahrenheit. While naming a chemical compound, the positive atom will come first and is subsequently led by the negative part of the compound. Pure acetic acid known as glacial acetic acid is a liquid with a density of 1049 gmL at 25C. In its natural form, it looks like small, clear crystals, similar to table salt. [CDATA[*/{"annotations":null,"assetRoot":null,"branding":null,"clientUrl":"","oauthEnabled":null,"onLayoutChange":null,"openLoginForm":null,"openSidebar":null,"query":null,"services":null,"showHighlights":"always","sidebarAppUrl":"","subFrameIdentifier":"0250401132841779","pluginClasses":{}}/*]]>*/, /**/. To counterbalance the -3 charge, the charge of the Co ions must be +3. Is citric acid covalent or ionic 11754 results page 6. Citric acid is a weak acid. 6. I hope this helps. Step 2. [CDATA[*/{"annotations":null,"assetRoot":null,"branding":null,"clientUrl":"","oauthEnabled":null,"onLayoutChange":null,"openLoginForm":null,"openSidebar":null,"query":null,"services":null,"showHighlights":"always","sidebarAppUrl":"","subFrameIdentifier":"042088413939617153","pluginClasses":{}}/*]]>*/, /*