Developed to be excellent shepherd dogs, Border Collies relish the chance to learn and let off steam. Bear generally gives cats a wide berth. Will my border collie hurt my cat? It takes a lot of time and works to groom a border collie and a cat. As previously mentioned, border collies are natural herders with a range of specific skills and behaviors. Occasionally, even a well-trained border collie might attempt to herd and chase cats once in a while, so your cat must have a means of escape. Do Border collies get along well with other pets? Cans, 30 Count (Pack of 1), Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix New Facts. Plus, the dog breeds that are typically people-pleasing and trainable are ideal, as they can be taught how to coexist nicely with a cat. Border collies do not necessarily have to be employed in farms, but you should always give this work-driven canine a job to keep him pumped up. #1: Golden Retriever Golden Retrievers are one of the best dogs for cats, and "golden" is a fitting word to describe this classic breed. Furthermore, some high-energy herding breeds, such as border collies, often cant stop themselves from herding everyone in the house, cats included. and 2 cats. Physical Characteristics: Sturdy, muscular body with a lustrous gold coat, broad head, and friendly and intelligent eyes. Provide an escape path for the cat in the first few weeks in case your border colliechooses to surprise you. . Golden Retrievers. IMO, your chasing game is bad news bears. Poodles aren't afraid to give their fair share of rough play either. It is easier to train a border collie when they are a puppy (as puppies are fast learners), preferably younger than 12 weeks old. I find it interesting that the cats will choose to stay around Birdie and let her hassle them some when they could so easily remove themselves from her presence. The calming treats seem to help a bit but he is still very alert. Border collies can certainly get along with cats, as long as a good relationship is fostered between them. The following is a culmination of what I have been able to find. The cats have a tree (which isn't real protection from a determined dog because it's not that tall); their main escape is the guest room, which is baby gated to keep the dogs out. Border Collies love chasing or herding things and can start chasing or herding this may be difficult for you and your cat. I did have a short-term (thankfully) foster who was on a mission to kill cats. Other times, the cat is very sweet and will try to rub up against the BC. While thoroughly researched and meticulously checked, the content on Pet Educate does not constitute, nor should replace any pet medical advice. If she's sitting at the top or bottom or the stairs, the dogs will no go past her. Breed Overview Height: 22 to 26 inches Weight: 50 to 75 pounds Physical Characteristics: Dense smooth or rough coat; long, narrow face; comes in sable and white, tricolor, blue merle, and white Continue to 5 of 10 below. Breed Characteristics. Many pet owners are on the fence about adopting a Border collie when there is a cat in the house, and vice versa. Because they are herding dogs, Borders usually get along with other animals. The Border Collie, a medium-sized dog at 30 to 45 pounds, possesses a seemingly supernatural amount of energy and stamina a hardiness that was developed when he was required to work all day in. My cat is a bit of an A'hole and doesn't like being touched at all so I foresee issues in the future. But it requires patience, understanding, and proper management to ensure that both pets are happy and healthy. Meg and kitty touched noses in greeting and Meg turned to walk away. They get along fine now and can be left alone with no worries. The ability for a Border Collie and cat to live peacefully together is mainly dependent on the characteristics of the individual Border Collie, the cat, the owners, and household dynamics. Otherwise, it would be impossible to snap him back out of his predatory state. Although not all herding dogs live well with cats, collies are a bit mellower than some other herding breeds and generally can resist the instinct to herd when the behavior wouldn't be appropriate (such as chasing the family cat). After a couple of weeks, I was able to call his attention away from the cats if they were far enough away, but I never trusted him (after the first 2 times when he tried to get them), and he and I lived tethered together. The dog is always leashed in the house (to my belt) and I keep him a safe distance away from the cat but last week I got distracted and the pup got a little too close and got a whack on the nose. Emmie has, a couple of times, gone into stalk and chase mode with the cat, but now seems to respect him and will only sniff. 10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats - The Spruce Pets But in order to properly assess this question, we need to look into the specifics of the breed. Although the Border collie is not an aggressive breed, he has been bred to inherit the first few steps of the wolfs Predatory Sequence Eye, Orient, Stalk, and Chase. Contrary to popular belief, an e-collar is a safe and efficient tool. With proper training, however, you can prevent herding behavior and get your border collie and cats to treat one another as equals. Before you can begin training, you must have a list of items to effectively do so. It is advised to use positive training methods to teach the dog appropriate alternative behavior. She and Robin occasionally snooze near each other but not on top of each other. You can post now and register later. I don't mind the cat giving the dog a whack but I'm always afraid of the cat scratching an eyeyikes. Feeding schedules can also be based on your pet's age, size, and health. This behavior is inherited from their ancestors, who were used to herd sheep and other livestock. Physical Characteristics: Long body with short legs; long, drooping ears; wrinkled forehead; hanging lips; soft eyes. The owner of this website,, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking review to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, Frequently Asked Questions About a Bearded Collie They are essentially a herding dog, bred for intelligence, stamina and energy. I should have saidgiven the opportunity to stare..he will. Start by allowing the cat and dog to smell each other from a distance. He will run in front of her to provoke herding and then will let her herd him to his bed or to the windowsill. They only time Evie ever bothers the cats is when they get in to places they shouldn't be, and then she herds them out. While all three are highly intelligent and can be trained to behave around cats, the smaller miniature and toy varieties are generally less intimidating to a cat. A border collie thats ignored or left on her own too much can become destructive -- to your house and to your cat. Does anyone else have both cats and BCs, and do you have any tips or experiences to share? Teach your dog the leave it command: This command tells the dog to stop what they are doing and focus on you. Beyond this, aside from many brisk walks or runs, get your border collie to play games like tug and frisbee, believe it or not, these lively games get your dog to calm down. You can teach this command by holding a treat in your hand and allowing the dog to sniff it. In general, Bengal cats and dogs get along. Collies are generally very loyal to their owner and to anyone else they see as a part of their pack. Do Border Collies Get Along With Cats - Love Cats Talk So, it is advised to keep your dog on a leash or in a fenced area when you know that there are cats around. Males have muscular bodies and long fur around their chests and the sides of their bodies. Now, how would you feel if someone was following you and watching your every move? I think cat trees are a must-have for anyone who has cats and dogs living together. Every time I would get them separated, Kato would immediately initiate another match. He is 12 now and has not slowed down noticeably. My dogs have better games to play, and it's not fair for the cat (the dog is bigger) or the dog (the cat has claws). We had a BC who wasn't raised with cats. . As a reward for his quiet, let your border colliesniff the cat and get licked by it. Some cat breeds that get along nicely with border cats include: You wont need these measures if youre taking in a kitten under the age of three months; nevertheless, you can use them for adult border collies and cats. Make sure that your cat or cats have a safe place when they need to escape your dog. Do Rough Collies get along with cats? - Answers This will save a repetitive strain injury in your arm and ensure you give them plenty of exercise and opportunity to run around. If you wish to share your home with both cats and dogs, look for a dog breed that's typically friendly with felines. Border Collies are not always good with cats, especially new or unfamiliar ones. Because border collies are friendly dogs that enjoy being around other dogs, it will be simple, yetyou have to beconsistent. Ive kept them in separate rooms for the first month and fed them on opposite sides of the gate. Poodles come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petcreeks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcreeks_com-medrectangle-3-0');In this post, I will highlight some advantages and disadvantages of having a border collie and a cat, then I will discuss ways to introduce both of them. Its preferable if they have their own room, so they may relax before meeting their new acquaintance. Laser beam stare, too. I think the boys would have left Tiger Lily completely alone if she had not taunted them into chasing her when they were pups. Border collies need both physical and mental challenges -- agility courses, training, games of fetch and regular walks or runs. Sometimes, a Border Collies obsession with cats increases by the dogs owner. Over time, the dog can become protective of the cat as though it was part of the family. He generally ignores them unless they initiate contact with him. Some of the most frequent reasons for obtaining a cat for your border collie are as follows: The following are some of the most prevalent arguments against getting a cat for your border collie: When combining a border collie with a cat, the border collie should be at least 2 to 4months old and the cat must also be at least 2 to 4months old. For example, many working dogs were bred to watch over and protect their family members, including other animals. When the BCs were puppies I let the cats intimidate them a little, so they know the cats aren't afraid of them and have weapons at their disposal. Of all the dogs on our list, Border Collies are perhaps the most friendly with their families - but can be a little more reserved around strangers. Soon, Doggo will be satisfied with his new job description, and he will not pay as much attention to cats anymore. And some hounds, especially scent hounds, were bred to work closely in packs, so they are usually friendly with other furry family members. Collies and cats guide (Are collies good with cats?) - Howling and Growling I've got a cat tree out of my BC's reach that my kitty can retreat to when he's had enough play time, and he treats it as his safe zone. A border collie herding a cat might be well-intentioned, but it can lead to injuries for the cat if nipping is involved. They are typically great with people of all ages and pets of all types, including cats. Put simply, yes and yes. Like the Bearded Collie, the Border Collie is a high-energy herding dog. They even sometimes snuggle together, which is pretty shocking considering that neither cats nor BCs are usually too enthusiastic about cuddling. Shih Tzu. Which Dog Breeds Are Good With Cats? - American Kennel Club These dogs require a lot of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. By Pug. A Border Collie sitting on the walkway with a big smile - Image source. We have 2 BCs and 6 cats. Its crucial to give your cat his own room and not compel them to do anything they dont want to do if they appear terrified or panicked. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your Border Collie when they do not chase or try to herd a cat. Consult a professional: If your dogs chasing behavior is severe or you are unable to address it on your own, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. You should be socializing them at specific times and when you are around to ensure this goes well and to plan. It is important to provide each animal with its own space and resources, like food bowls, beds, and litter boxes. Always introduce dogs and cats cautiously until you know they will get along. Newfies are patient, calm, and protective of their family members. Our little ex-street kitty Lucky learned very quickly that as long as he doesn't run he's pretty safe. I'm glad I worked out a healthy dynamic between the two of them, because my cat is prone to stress-related health problems because he has feline herpes (which is a chronic disease that comes out when cats are stressed or sick, like cold sores) and often gets cystitis when he's sick. Both need rewarding for this behavior and you want to promote good behavior as much as possible. 20 Friendliest Dog Breeds - Pumpkin The smartest dog breed comes along with a range of considerations, including what other fluffy cuties you can add to your circle. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This is due to their strong herding instincts, which you can never take out of them. As a result, if the cat is also playful and enjoys being on the move, they can form a close relationship. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'petcreeks_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',660,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcreeks_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');At first, keep your bordercollie away from cats ifyoure bringing a new cat into the houseinto a house that already has a border collie. Your pup might show these same behaviors with the cat, so supervise their play and intervene before the biting stage. In this article, we will explore the reasons why some Border Collies become obsessed with cats. Separate your border collie from your new cat, but allow them to hear and smell it before fully introducing them. One of the main reasons why Border Collies may become obsessed with cats is their strong herding behavior. Are Collies Good with Cats? Canines and Felines Talk to your vet or an animal behaviorist about how to conduct the test and keep the animals safe. How that is possible, I don't know, but there you go. Keeping it sane - one dog and one cat. However, this dog breed should be trained to not chase after the kitty early on. Socialization is the process of a puppy dog facing multiple people, animals, and environments. She'd smack them then take off across the yard for one of the fence posts, scramble up and laugh at them jumping about her. While this is entirely natural for a border collie to do, a cat will not take to it very well. As highly trainable and people-pleasing dogs, most goldens can be taught to live successfully with cats. And not all cats and dogs will get along. Better yet, take him by the leash and remove him from the room until he cools off.