Sewing my clothes led me into fashion design and the significance of color which now is my starting point for any endeavor. I loved The Phantom Tollbooth and I continue to travel in real life and in my minds eye! So much freedom to roam! Thats why I love reading Erins stories about growers all over the world! Had many. As a young child, I loved the Boxcar Children. I read anything I could get my hands on. This book looks like a treasure for not only the eyes, but of the heart and mind as well. By 8 I read everything, it didnt matter. I treasure the fact I still have this book after 50+ years of loving it. I said we were downscaling, but we ended up using it as a good excuse to source more. I hope they helped me with my love of the Lord. The Country Bunny Thank you for all the information you put out for us all to learn. Im a little pine nut, short and stout. They were always set in nature, with just enough pictures. I loved Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney and read it to my daughter who now reads it to her elementary students where she teaches in Oregon. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reminisce and dream before I head off to my pottery class. Nancy was so clever and confident! I remember laying in the hammock for hours and reading during the summer. I would start laying out the flowers, weaving the objects in, flower by flower. As an early reader my favorite book was Chip and Dales book of The Mystery of the Missing Peanut. The languid youth stood out forever in my mind. food that rhymes with alexis 27 Jun. My mom kept the Wheres Waldo books out in our living room. From Belgium: TO THE SUN FROM A FLOWER Probably the free Sears catalog . Then someone gifted me with a huge Hans Christian Andersen and I found my vibe in not only faerie tales but also the illustrators. To this day I still love all things that are beautiful and add a little whimsy to life. My favorite books (and movies) were those centered around a house. Although NYC was an incredible place to grow up, I longed for wider more open spaces and devoured books that took me far away from tall buildings and endless slabs of pavement. I especially loved one book called Jingle Bell Jack. My grandmothers neighbor often read it to me. I cant wait to get a copy! No question. Too many to choose just one. I loved them because of the vibrant large pictures in them. My mom took us to the library every week during summer break. One of my favorite books ever was this book called The Adventures of the Black Hand Gang. There was always work to do so reading wasnt focused upon except for our school work. I also loved fiction stories with strong female leads. College classes as a biology major taught me how to truly observe the wonder of the natural world and books were always the most efficient means to gain knowledge quickly. Always love that memory! Harry Potter was my favorite series as a child. My favorite book from my childhood was called The Little Kitten. They sounded like a melody to me as a child. Eventually, my Dad handed me an adult book and said here, I think youll like this. It shaped me as I grew and reminded me to always go for what I want because anything is possible! The Secret Garden was a book my mother read to me when I was about 6 or 7 years old. Lewis. I remember playing with the flowers. I loved all sorts of books but I had one book called The Bumper Bookwhich was an anthology of poems As a child I loved any book I could play school with all my Dollies acting as students, the more colorful the better. I LOVED to read Nancy Drew novels, they are so full of mystery and adventure! I loved all the Mother Goose nursery rhymes and the colorful illustrations but as a preteen I discovered in my parents collection of books, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck and was captivated by the story. I decided to use this food theme for a quick rhyming game. Funny how things change. A bookmobile would be my source of books. Who knew gardening and flowers would become a lifelong passion. I collect all sorts of books and certainly about gardening and flowers makes up quite a large part as I am always researching plants and everything about the needs of my garden. Place all the food in one pile and the rhyming objects in another. In contrast to my deep dark mysterious woods my gardens are anything but just the view across from the house is woods, but were full sun here! I loved those books. Now as an adult and a mom, I work hard to make sure my girls get to experience and soak up the homestead life, even though were currently living in the burbs. Thank you ladies! It helped me imagine a world beyond mine in the city and made me yearn to live on a farm. And also realize I am never too old to try something new!! I loved and identified with the individual personalities of each of the women, the mother figure, the artist, the writer, the pianist, the active tom boy, etc. It made me curious about where we live and come from . I loved the lessons. I have two clear favorites that stick out in my mind from when my mom would read to me when I was young. Rank 1 rhymes. I was a Sci-Fi nerd. I was an oversensitive child and I am an oversensitive adult, sometimes this big world doesnt suit us with the same smile we want to give it. I have always loved books. Oh my goodness, I absolutely adore the the pictures on the interview! For a chance to win, simply post a comment below telling us what type of book you were most interested in as a child and how its helped shape who you are as an adult. Accurately drawn, portrayal of the engineered inter-workings my love of detail and creative inventions led me to become an architect and a farmer. The Family Under the Bridge. Thank you for sharing. My grandchildren are still reading it and memorizing the poems, 60 years later. When I was young, my Mom had a set of leather bound books that had Aesops Fables in them. Nearly everything I read was historical fiction, especially the classics. I fell in love with The Magic Pudding stories by Norman Lindsay in Australia. I have always loved mysteries starting with the Bobbsie Twins. I feel I ve looked through the eyes of this creature for the rest of my life; with a bit of distance, with a lot of wonder and curiosity. I have long-admired Zo from afar and am dying to visit her farm in person someday. So flowers, nature and magical creatures have always found me as I too look for them. My favorite book when I was little was The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear. I love all the unusual in nature and look for to put in my designs. I read this book when I was about 11 and it just stayed there, inside me and I have never given up no matter the circumstance. Occasionally a splurge would be on colored pencils or chalk, and a real sketch book with sturdy paper. Zo Fields Lost & Found looks gorgeously colorful to immerse oneself on snowy white/gray days. I love I spy books but reading each night to the children is fun for me with Aunt Pitty Pattys Piggy. When I was a child I had a full set of Beatrix Potter books, and later my mom gave me an young persons version of an autobiography of her life. Et cibo reque honestatis vim, mei ad idque iisque graecis. A wonderful visual escape that my 10 year old self really loved. Love flowers and thank you Floret for sharing . I went to college and got a real career, but I never lost my enthusiasm for creating beauty. I loved Robert Louis Stevenson poems, especially A childs garden of verses, and the land of counterpane! Small wonder that Ive been a passionate gardener as an adult, who has to have my hands in the dirt among my plants, listening to the warnings of chipmunks and the birds call and response every afternoon, to count it a day well-spent. I clearly remember that even as a young child, my heart was always captured by stories telling how people helped animals or other people in need. The books are illustrated so beautifully and the adventures are often a bit dark and mysterious but always end happily. The Quiltmakers Journey is a lovely illustrated book of find things amongst the stunning illustrations. I read everything I could get my hands on as a child. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Inspiring stories, profiles & advice from 45 flower growers from around the world, STAY IN THE LOOP ON ALL THE EXCITING HAPPENINGS HERE ON THE FARM, Join the Floret newsletter and stay in the loop on all the exciting happenings here on the farm. I think he was banned a bit- a shame. as I got older, I loved to read about unique characters going on adventures in nature and into the great wild. I loved mystery stories of all kinds: Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and also read the Little House books many times over. I am new to growing flowers and it is so fun to see them pop out of the ground to blooming. The Hardy Boys series by Franklin Dixon Third or Fourth grade teacher read some every day, and thrilled the class ending just before the chapters would complete giving the clues to the mystery..still remember hearing them in class, and then reading at home. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. I could hardly wait to read that story because i didnt know the word dark. I loved every book in the Little House on the Prairie series, Mrs Piggle Wiggle series and Pippi Longtocking and we would pretend to be the characters in those books and bring the magic of those stories into our play. Thank you, Erin, for this wonderful interview and for brining Zoes story to us. Whenever I see rows of Cherry trees with their fluttering petals Im reminded of her White Way of Delight and my imagination is off and running, I loved choose your own adventure books growing up!! I am so drawn to it. I save jars and glass bottles and leave simple arrangements by the mailbox for neighbors and walkers as they go by. The book just makes you want to go out in the snow in the woods and see all the wonders. Thank you. I enjoyed the Trixie Beldon books and anything off the William Allen White reading list each year. Im also hoping I can visit your farm as I roadtrip through WA state this summer! I would spread my arms wide and soar over mountains,, forests and valleys. My grandparents garden became my playground for imagining I was someplace from those books and let me live out my adventures. I even won an award in middle school for most books read. I loved using the colors of my imagination to finish the pictures. Plus anything by Martha Stewart which definitely influenced my love of flowers today. I moved on to Little Women and Little Men, while admiring the gorgeous lily of the valley flowers planted by my favorite aunt on one long side of her house. I loved Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs. It was so cozy, and a little bit intimidating. She leaves gifts in exchange for your hair! It was a little girls dream come true. As an adult, I still find joy in getting lost in a good book. As a child I always adored finding the most beautifully illustrated books, especially the ones with bright colors and detailed nature scenes. No one upstairs, downstairs or across the way could see her. Now Im a homemaker and stay at home mom that lives in the country where my husband and I are starting our own little farm. Now in May Im going to the UK and have several must see gardens. She was always a bit anxious, very curious and getting herself into trouble at times attributes that I definitely possess. Flowers, bugs, rocksALL of nature! This book is absolutely breathtaking! I used to close my eyes before I went to sleep at night and wish with all my might that I was magic. I love all of Beatrix Potters books. My father gave me a book to help me appreciate nature- John Muir The Yosemite. Ps Wynken,Blynken, and Nod one of our favorites from Rudyard Kipling. She played a lot in the garden so I must seek a Ziggy for her.. My two favorites were HEIDI and THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Maybe thats also why Ive always wanted to grow flowers & create with them.. From apples to zucchini, theres something for everyone. Now I have never owned a horse, but have lived my life as an artist obsessed with plants. I spent pleasurable HOURS poring over photos of King Tuts mask and treasures, grand English country homes and landscapes/gardens, Art Nouveau jewelry, horse breeds of the world, illuminated manuscripts, Japanese woodblocks, Persian miniatures, you name it. Id have to say my favorite books were those with beautiful illustrations and photographs. My father gave me as a gift the secret garden. I loved reading mysteries maybe thats why I love mystery podcasts now and why I love learning new things! I read dozens of them! I loved (and still do!) Children who solved mysteries, not crimes. As an adult the Percy Jackson series, Harry Potter just makes all your troubles fade away because Im on an adventure in those books. But she could look out through the leaves and see everything. I was allowed to take out six books, so it was five for her and one for me! Illustrated Fairy Tales launched me into a lifelong love of nature and the outdoors. It was kind of like the Wild Thornberrys. If it had a flower theme, all the better! Since a child, I have always loved reading historical non-fiction such as stories about the founding of our incredible country or legendary expeditions to far-flung places. Thanks for expanding my flower world. We are just moving into a new build with a blank slate and cannot wait to get started. She was a young girl who solved mysteries and went on different adventures. Now they are grown. Please reread his poetry. As a child, I read lots of series collections, from Trixie Belden to the Bobbsie Twins, Little House on the Prairie and then Nancy Drew as I got a bit older. I realized this a big world! Beautiful photos and flowers! Its the illustrations that really bring them to life for me, but also the beautiful British languagesimple yet more complex and with a somewhat challenging vocabulary for young American children. Donations can be made to the Red Cross New Zealand Disaster fund or I have a link to a list of various organizations directly helping those in more rural communities. 4. She was a veracious reader. It was their relationship with their pony that really made me want a horse (even more than I already did). It took me a while to train my eyes on how to see through the pattern to find the picture, but once I figured it out I couldnt get enough! I especially remember a book I had of fish that I would look at over and again. My favorite books were the Harry Potter series. We are staying at our friends hillside property (fortunate to have minimal damage to her world renowned garden from cyclone Gabrielle) overlooking Wanuii beach for our last week before we head home to coastal B.C. I loved finding things in unexpected places and was amazed how beautifully and subtlety this random object could be woven into a bigger picture. I was fascinated by the daily life of these pioneers. As a child my favorite book was , Put Me In The Zoo. My favorites were historical fiction and the mix of fact and story helped shape me into the teacher I am today. It is interesting how perspective changes as an adult. Books were my escape into rich worlds of other experiences as a child and I do not know how I learned to read before I started school. It was always fun to imagine stories about the items or people in those books. Your book looks like a work of art! or Poodles/bread? Even if children shout out before you say the second possible pair ( in this case poodles/bread), still tell them, adding something like, I just want to make sure, and the best way is to say the words and listen.. My favourite book was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. orbx global base crack stm32 hal adc calibration download cisco virl images for eveng. Then, in a blast of blinding white light (haha), I was an adult, and spent many years keeping horses and travelling with them. So dont be afraid to give cabbage a try. I think my favorite one was Henry Huggins and the Clubhouse. was called Summer at Buckhorn. Can you share some of your favorite sources? I always went to the lost and found page first. I see the pattern fantasy, mysterious woods and characters. 5. When I was 12, I found Pearl Bucks The Good Earth on my mothers bookshelf. Maren from Twistringen. The photography and lighting is spectacular and the flowers.ahhhhhh. Kids and adults love to be invited into the written word and you are fostering the beginning of a long relationship with books! There is much to learn from others and Im still reading and learning lots every day! Although my part of the country got off very lightly, the cyclone was very devastating for those in Northland and where Zoe lives on the East Coast. As a child I loved to get my hands on any sort of how to draw books. During tonights episode, viewers learned that Alexis Sky has just signed a major record deal with rapper 6ix9ines label, Treyway. I loved books about the great outdoors and the people and animals who made it their play place. Today, Im excited to publish a new interview with Zo and get the opportunity to share about her work and wonderful book with you, which is a must-add to your flower library. As a child I loved the magic of National Geographic magazine and spent hours looking at the pictures and exploring the world in ways that I couldnt do in real life. I loved this book so much as a child that by age 5 I had it memorized from listening to my parents read it to me every night. I absolutely devoured the Nancy Drew books, but as a younger child I was fascinated by Alice in Wonderland and horrified that the Red Queen chopped down all the red roses! Thank you for sharing. Still enjoy dipping into them as necessary! I think they helped develop in me a sense of wonder, which to this day is stirred most by the beauty no of nature: Oh The Places Youll Go by Dr Seuss such encouragement ;) I gave a copy to each of my younger cousins as they graduated high school. She mostly loved wandering around amongst the flowers and trees where she was truly inspired. It had many photographs of insects, mammals and birds that used mimicry as a defense mechanism. I cant say today whether this book changed something in me or just confirmed me in my nature. I will be honest, there were so many books my Mom read to me as a child. I can feel the landscape surrounding the children, the healing of sunlight, the bonds they forged, and the image of the book cover (mine has lovely pinks and greens). It was the old book of nursery rhymes and childrens stories that was my favorite when I was a child. Plus I loved trying to figure out who done it before the end. The same professor directed me to the most lyrical phrasing I know in literature: A green thought in a green shade from Renaissance poet Andrew Marvell in his marvel-lous poem The Garden. And also to you Erin, for your successful business that make a lot of people happy. I checked every single one of them out. But now that I am getting older and more into gardening as a hobby, I cannot get enough picture books of anything floral! I liked the magazine teen because I loved seeing the girls with snow beanies on because they were always so cute. I read all the series over and over again. My favorite type of book as a child was one that included a surprise or a big reveal. In later years, as a freelance writer, I so enjoyed interviewing folks for profiles. Looking back, it makes me think that I loved groups of kids that went on adventures, got into trouble, and overcame their struggles which is a lot like how the kids in my neighborhood and I were growing up. Lately Ive been very interested in learning more about indigo and natural dye and pigment. I had many favorites at that time, but I always went back to Adventure stories like Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe; I think I read that book each summer for 3 years! I am an adventurer and those books carried me away. I adore that it is a find and seek book. Some things never leave us. As an adult, my garden is that little piece of magic for me. I read every book I could find! I cant wait to read your new book. I realized only through the book, not lived experience, that each member of the March household had a unique individuality and could chart her own course. When I think of the books I enjoyed as a child I realize they all were stories rooted in the outdoors and contained the wonders and beauty of wild places and insects and animals. Finding hidden things. Its the reason I chose to garden organically and to use no kill methods to deter pests from my plants above and below the ground :). My 3 children inherited my love of books and we discovered the seek and find books when my youngest was born in 1996, and they quickly became her favorite. I passed my books along to my nieces years later, and will share them with my granddaughters when theyre just a little older. What a treat! I was about the same age as Harry when the books were being written and published so I really grew up along side him in his magical world. My favorite books seem to have been those with strong female characters doing things outside! The was always something so magical about them. I think some of my most formative book experiences were the Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine LEngle. As a child I had a passion for beautifully illustrated storybooks, often old editions from my parents. They were a loving family and always were taught to approach things with kindness and loved their prairie livingI long to live somewhere with rolling hills and landand taught my children to always be kind! As an adult I like to go back to childrens books,after I worked with young children so many years, I realised that we all have this chance to go back to that wonder inside of each of us and create with no limits,just as childrens are doing,when I look at this book I see all the beauty and the colors and this, brings me back to my real creativity. I would climb into a magical, fantastic book and stay there for hours at a time, completely wrapped up in the story that I knew I would never live. I used to dream of walking around exploring all of the ruins at the site and listening to the Howler monkeys. And the sun shines through the windowpane. As a child I used to love looking at Highlights for Children and finding the hidden objects. Theres nothing quite so filling as a bowl of grain . Oh boy, there are so many good ones that I rememberlike Charlottes Web because of my love of animals. Its a depression era story about a little girl sent to live with her uncle in the city because of depression era poverty. I loved all of the Little House on the Prairie books and now I have a little homestead and *trying* to raise and grow all of our food! Thats probably why I was outside all day long exploring nature. Learn how your comment data is processed. I fell in love with secret spaces and recovering lost beauty, digging in the soil and growing beautiful flowers. I still love I Spy with my Little Eye types of books, especially when shared with my grandson! I loved reading and rereading the pomes in Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein when I was young. I always wanted to be brave and outgoing as Nancy Drew but alas thats not my personality but its okay! SZAs SOS becomes her most streamed album on Spotify Since its early December release, SZAs SOS Ice Spice does TikTok video with North West and her friends Ice Spice recently showed a Ja Morant shows off a gun on Instagram Story this morning Ja Morant is the most Pooh Shiesty to pay $156,585 in restitution to shooting victims Pooh Shiesty has been incarcerated since Rolling Loud begins its 2023 California festival On Friday afternoon, Rolling Loud officially kicked off its We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I loved The Secret Garden. I love looking at the depth of colors in a single blossom. As a kid, I loved adventure books, especially ones that took my imagination to far off places. We have an extensive library with collections of favorite authors. I could not put it down. I cant walk away from a new book. I know so many gardeners who learned the magic of growing gardens from their parents, and grandmothers especially. The book was about a boy who wanted a pig. Its is without a doubt the cutest hardcover, with rhyming phrases and hilarious adaptations of what dragons might be like if they existed. It really is a sweet story that makes you think of how one persons trash can be anothers treasure. I had a thirst for knowledge and my Mon wound by me encyclopedia style books to learn about garden, the weather (which has such impact on gardening) and I fell further in love. New Zealand has always been a place I would love visiting. I always loved being read to along with my sister by my mom who as a young woman taught school in a one room school house in South Dakota. Planting seeds and growing flowers is surely one way to do that! I loved the BabysitterClub and anything by Judy Blume. the men and women have made for our county and to not take living here for granted. Over the years I have learned how important color and pictures play into my creativity, jumpstart my imagination and affect how I perceive the world. The pages have envelopes glued in with removable letters so the book invites the reader to engage in a whole new way. Lots of daily work and wonderful adventures! And my kids love books! I may not have acted on all of them, but I still find it fun to dream up a hypothetical future whether it comes to fruition or not. Books were gateways into another persons world for me. National Geographic was always read cover to cover growing up. I was drawn to the beautiful illustrations and the sweet fun story of a boy who lost his mitten in the snow and these woodland creatures who find it and all start to pile in to the freshly knitted mitten. Growing up we really loved the Nancy Drew books. What an absolutely gorgeous book!! Give them food that is nutritious and tasty. I didnt have a love of reading as a child, but as an adult, I have discovered reading for pleasure and just hate that I missed out on so many books in my childhood. Thank you the way you present your product. I cant seem to go on a walk without foraging for sticks, berries, and seed pods to add to the organic decor in my home. Thank you for sharing such an amazing duo. Here are some common ones that you could use: Click here for other lists of rhyming words. is like nothing Ive ever seen beforeits like the seek-and-find books I loved as a kid, but made for flower lovers! When I was 7 or 8, I remember grabbing The Secret Garden off the library shelf. To do this day, I need nothing more than a book in my hand to be having the most wonderful day. To have a girl identified protagonist who didnt fit in and learned to both feel entitled to and manage her anger at the wrongs of the world was very impactful. I still enjoy those types of books today. Now I learned 1st hand that the wanting & having had no relation to the responsibility and commitment. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book, it looks gorgeous. I would pour over books all through my life and still think of her. With the very limited library that we have in school, I would always skim through books and look at pictures which later developed my interest with graphic novels/comic books. I loved that Australian flora and fauna were celebrated in books. I had a strange affinity for Pippi Longstocking. I absolutely loved Ella Enchanted. My favorite books were the mystery series from Carolyn Keene. I have been creating landscape gardening for many years and I can always find an new inspiration to my designs. Being more visual, I loved books with pictures, and if they were lacking, instantly created my own. It sounds like a strange thing now that we have the Internet and cable TV to entertain today. The other favorite was Donovan Whilloughby, which I loved because it was so creative, I always wished the crayon forest was real. Loved the interview! Im still in awe of that experience and have been so fortunate and grateful to have visited such an incredible site. Chronicles of Narnia is my all time favorite trilogy. I understood my fellow red head Anne completely. Thanks for a most enjoyable trip down memory lane! If you're a songwriter, a quick search online will throw up thousands of different words and expressions that rhyme. ), and to see them in full bloom in your book would be perfect. Zos book intrigues me with the beautiful photos and the fun title. I am blessed with nit inly a wonderful family huy the village of friends that have become my family. My mother is a great memorizer of poetry and so Id memorize these poems in the books and recite them to her (and anyone else whod listen). Plus, Im learning to tend my flower garden at home! Books that foster a creative imagination are so important! Imagination. Anything that sparked my imagination for adventure and dreaming. I remember being truly changed by a few: where the red fern grows, modoc, the wizard of oz series..