has suggested that increasing the penetration of renewable . What are renewable resources in the Southeast? An official website of the Creating hundreds of thousands of high-wage jobs in clean energy. Tom Darin Liskey, Georgia Power seeks to convert coal plant to biomass, ReCharge News, February 3, 2009, http://www.rechargenews.com/energy/biofuels/article171226.ece. They are finishing up installing a solar panel array at the Aurora Apartments to help offset electrical demand in certain buildings. For more information on Tradable Credits, see CRS Report RL34116, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS): Background and Debate Over a National Requirement, by [author name scrubbed]. The American Renewable Energy Act, H.R. Solar Power & Energy Storage Mountain West. The investment tax credit is an incentive for domestic investment in renewable energy plant and equipment. 890, would return amounts collected from penalties for noncompliance or alternative compliance payments to retail electricity suppliers that have submitted renewable energy credits20 (REC) for compliance. On April 2, ChargdAffairesat the U.S. Embassy Michael Heath gave remarks at theRenewable Energy Symposium and Electric Vehicle Challenge, the capstone of Clean Power Asia, a USAID funded regional program. Concerns over the potential impacts of a federal RES seem to revolve largely around the issue of whether, nationwide, sufficient renewable energy resources exist and are economically viable. One portfolio would be to continue to operate these coal plants, and another would be to phase them out while replacement generation and capacity from solar, wind, and storage come online. Energy demand in Southeast Asia has increased on average by around 3% a year over the past two decades, and this trend continues to 2030 under today's policy settings in the STEPS. Nowhere is the debate on biomass resources more pronounced than in the southeastern United States where biomass has been described as the region's best hope to meet RES requirements.44. PO Box 21628 Feed-in Tariffs are incentive structures for generating renewable electricity usually at above-market rates for a set number of years, reducing the payback period and adding certainty to the return on the investment. Marshall Steam Station, a coal-fired power plant owned by utility Duke Energy. Renewable energy, facts and information - Environment Our USAID [United States Agency for International Development] Clean Power Asia program made huge investments in clean power and is projected to help the region avoid 30 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 15 years, he continued. This analysis compares a simple metric, the cost per megawatt-hour (MWh) of generation, from existing coal plants and new wind and solar plants. The difference between these two types of resources is that renewable resources can naturally replenish themselves while nonrenewable resources cannot. Combustion of fossil fuels also produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. The sensitivity of the estimates with regard to truck fuel prices is unknown. Today, biomass [electric power] generation is mainly associated with the use of mill and agricultural wastes. Renewable Energy in the 50 States: Northeastern Region Historically, most electric power has come from base-load generation in large, central station plants using fossil fuels (principally coal) as the source of energy. In addition to looking at replacing generation with wind or solar, Energy Innovation looked at pairing local solar resources with battery storage to replace some or all of the capacity of each coal plant without costing more than the continued operation of the plant. Below are lists of the states and territories in the Land Trust Alliance's Southeastern Region, which includes the Atlantic Islands and the Gulf Coast. However, the region's major user of woody biomass and producer of wood wastes is the forest products industry. The terms RES and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) are often used interchangeably as no material difference exists in program goals. In a brief published by Indonesian non-governmental organisation (NGO), the Habibie Centre, financial access was deemed the most important factor for developing renewable energy projects due to their capital-intensive nature. The commitment identifies short investments that reflect diverse investment opportunities and needs in the Southeast Region. 1998 D. Renne. The needs of other, possibly competing, uses for biomass are considerations if biomass resources are to be sustained while meeting projected uses. Community Capacity total commitment of $3.125 million, which includes about $1.7 million for five projects announced today. Southeast Agriculture & Forestry Energy Alliance, Southern Bioenergy Roadmap, 2009, p. 5, http://www.saferalliance.net/projects/bioenergy_roadmap.pdf. Spruce Roots mission is to drive a regenerative economy across Southeast Alaska so communities can forge futures grounded in this uniquely Indigenous place, said Alana Peterson, Executive Director for Spruce Root. These proposals reflect the broad and deep need for economic stimulus in Southeast Alaska. Map of pulp and paper mill closures. Arguments against the need for a national RES have been made in the past that this is a matter for state or regional self-determination. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. Southeast Asia Used Construction Equipment Market Report 2023: A $1.47 This increased renewable generation plays a significant role in advancing sustainability goals and reducing carbon outputs. Located in a tropical climate and within the Ring of Fire, this region has great potential for a transition toward renewable energy utilization. Southeast Asia countries significantly rely on fossil resources. The development of solar and wind resources in the power sector was relatively slow as renewables were not cost-competitive over thermal power plants. Worked with the Government of Laos to support the countrys first-ever solar auction, from auction design to submission of the final auction announcement package. From 2016 to 2021, USAIDs $16.3 million Clean Power Asia program also: For the past five years, USAID Clean Power Asia has been working with Lower Mekong countries and other Southeast Asian nations to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, clean energy sources, focusing on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies, and mobilizing finance. Discover world-changing science. Forest Biomass and its Role in a National Renewable Electricity Standard. USDA plans to leverage its resources to support these efforts including programs to strengthen small businesses, broadband, renewable energy production, local foods and agriculture production, water and sewer infrastructure, healthcare, housing, outdoor tourism, silviculture support and others as appropriate. The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has agreed on a 23% target for sustainable, modern renewables by 2025. Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 at 16 U.S.C. This qualitative assessment included review of the following elements: The depth of interest, and diversity of communities and partners that submitted investment ideas, indicates that USDA is well-positioned to support economic, cultural, and ecological resiliency in Southeast Alaska for the long-term. Increasing electricity generated from biomass sources may be a viable route for compliance with RES requirements nationally, especially as biomass is already the largest source of renewable energy in the United States today. But this result is indicative of what should be on the table for each utilitys next resource plan. Companies that generate wind, geothermal, and "closed-loop" bioenergy (which is powered by dedicated energy crops) are eligible for the production tax credit, which provides a variable cent per kilowatt-hour benefit for the first years of a renewable energy facility's operation. All renewable energy sources combined account for about 10% of the U.S. total energy production. CRS Report R40529, Biomass: Comparison of Definitions in Legislation, by Kelsi S. Bracmort and [author name scrubbed]. Nepal has achieved 78 per cent of energy access, while Bangladesh achieved 95 per cent of energy access. Southeast: View Market Design & Brookfield Renewable Sites Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Direct: 907.463.7368 | Email: communications@ccthita-nsn.gov. Renewable energy in Southeast Asia: Policies and recommendations hXKk0+?F3SCwCL6{-+$B Having a financially viable forest products sector producing wood wastes is important to the biomass power industry. See http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/landfillgas/landfillgas.html. In Alabama, for example, people of color are exposed to roughly twice as much PM 2.5 pollution as white people. However, renewable energy from biomass is the exception. http://www.fao.org/docrep/w7407e/W7407e05.htm. In 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam . renewable energy, also called alternative energy, usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun ( solar energy ), wind ( wind power ), rivers ( hydroelectric power ), hot springs ( geothermal energy ), tides ( tidal power ), and biomass ( biofuels ). The intra-agency team reached out to schedule tribal consultations and sessions to engage and inform participants about the strategy and engage in discussions about opportunities for economic investments. Transitioning away from dirty fossil fuels is not just a question of fair competition for clean energy power providers, it's a matter of justice for communities disproportionately burdened by pollution. Infrastructure total commitment of $3.125 million, which includes about $1.5 million for five projects announced today. decision-makers and leading utility executives and renewable energy players from the most dynamic states in the region providing definitive updates on the issues you'll need to understand to seize the very best opportunities across this dynamic region. Chapter 4 highlights regional and national targets and examines the policy and institutional frameworks for scaling up renewables across the region. See http://www.pnl.gov/aisu/pubs/14660.pdf. These investments speak to the opportunities for partnershipthis isnt the first time USDA has invested in southeast Alaska, and it wont be the last, Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small said. It also eliminates all coal generation by 2040. Much of the Southeast region's biomass electricity capacity comes from existing forest products cogeneration facilities which would not qualify for tradable RECs under the RPS proposal floated by Senator Bingaman.54 The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) is concerned that if this option is followed, a financial advantage could be given to new biomass energy generators at the expense of its member companies because of the added value of tradable RECs.55 Forest products companies are the primary users of biomass for manufacturing purposes. Increased battery storage and system flexibility also reduces the need for seldom-used gas peaking resources, which are mostly eliminated in the RTO by 2040. Natural Resources total commitment of $6.25 million, which includes about $3 million for nine projects announced today. While a fully restructured, organized market would take time to establish, the companion policy report recommends ways state legislatures and public utility commissions can introduce competitive behavior in advance of a traditional RTO/ISO. (Photo by Rolf [+] Schulten/ullstein bild via Getty Images). However, the regions major user of woody biomass and producer of wood wastes is the forest products industry. To Rid The Grid Of Coal, The Southeast U.S. Needs A - Forbes Re-Source Southeast Hub The level playing field that markets provide is critical to customers being able to access the clean and renewable power they need to meet their goals.. Comparing a competitive regional Southeast market through 2040 to a business-as-usual scenario based on existing monopoly utility Integrated Resource Plans reveals remarkable findings. Approximately 53% of all renewable energy comes from biomass sources, represented by biofuels, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass feedstocks. Electricity not used on-site to power equipment may be made available for sale on the grid. "The Economic Availability of Biomass in the Southeastern United States," by T. Young, D. Ostermeier, J. Thomas, R. Brooks. This exciting new partnership will allow us to bring even more conservation benefits to southeast communities that address food security and local agricultural production.. Our initial Economic Investment effort will commit up to $25 million in federal funding based on local priorities for short-term, project-based investments. hWn0P !u{QE< lJeS=gl^ xngr*X"k"2:BFeJ9*ePUQ_g8[TMvvzb|yYdSlX6-Q7 4!IG97k%9 &Xh%~0N$Y{'(/>0F{9bAmi #Q3zC`#] Q;`d\1GHF'uN"VRd"eqG -Gb7m,Xd/>a)~yf}xw>y `6{R1gL+S!A!{c[=yH . This open-ended engagement ensures that investments were paired with a forward-looking approach to plan for longer-term action that are home-grown and responsive to local priorities, complement ongoing partnerships, and are inclusive of the values and peoples in the region. This important step towards more battery deployments will increase the penetration of renewable energy, reduce pollution from fossil fuels, and help develop an electric vehicle infrastructure, supporting Thailands transition towards a carbon-neutral country. If a 15% RPS goal would require 6,000 MW of renewable energy in the Southeast, then developing even 4 biomass plants of 100 MW capacity66 and all 27 GIS identified sites at 40 MW would result in 1,480 MW of capacity, less than one-third of the needed total. Energy Innovation has released updated analysis comparing the cost of continuing to operate coal plants to replacing them with solar, wind, or batteries. Capitol Hill Publishing Corp, Southern Co. takes aim at renewable-energy bill, May 8, 2007, http://thehill.com/business--lobby/southern-co.-takes-aim-at-renewable-energy-bill-2007-05-08.html. Competition in these markets has reduced wholesale energy costs while creating an entry point for low-cost renewable energy to provide power to the grid. Energy Information Administration, How is my electricity generated, delivered, and priced?, July 10, 2008, http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/energy_in_brief/electricity.cfm. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2007/jul/23/germany.greenbusiness. The alkaline spent liquor from the digesters in the production of sulfate or soda pulp during the manufacture of paper. It calls for a range of policies, such as low-interest loans and strong state interconnection standards that enable new renewables to link to the grid. Virginia and North Carolina are the only two southeastern states to have enacted RPS requirements, but at levels below current federal RPS proposals. non renewable resources in the southeast region U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy , Overview of Biomass Technologies, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/ba/pba/pdfs/bio_overview.pdf. Bioenergy and Biomass Frequently Asked Questions. It conducted targeted engagement with key partners and provided opportunities for citizens and organizations to participate in shaping the economic investment component of the strategy. Clean Energy Can Help Southeast Asia Recover After COVID-19 installed electrical wiring at a solar array he recently installed at a job site in East Charlotte. Addresses historic and/or structural decisions that previously contributed to inequitable access to USDA programs. Anaerobic bacteria thrive in the oxygen-free environment, resulting in the decomposition of the organic materials and the production of primarily carbon dioxide and methane. However, numerous studies have found that renewable energy development has a negative impact on the . See http://www.pprc.info/html/millclosures.htm. LockA locked padlock Nationwide, Black Americans are exposed to 1.5 times as much PM 2.5 compared to white Americans. The intra-agency team collected diverse public input to inform opportunities for priority investments and in reducing administrative barriers that support a diverse economy, enhance community resilience, and conserve natural resources. If you wish to learn more the India inquiry, reach out to Saksham Nijhawan at S . "We have to keep our eyes on the prize and actually achieve something," Inslee said. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock USDA Forest Service photo. The strategy prioritizes USDA resources and capacity to better serve the broader economy of Southeast Alaska. A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Gasification. See http://wood.tennessee.edu/NR/rdonlyres/70B5D4FC-FAAB-4DF3-A291-45E39CA5C99A/1310/EconomicAvailabilityofWoodyBiomass.pdf. Energies. The OneUSDA team employed a four-step assessment process to inform its recommendation for the initial investment of $25 million. Biomass Power Association (BPA). EIA, Monthly Energy Review, September 2008. http://www.dsireusa.org/glossary/glossary.cfm?CurrentPageID=8&EE=1&RE=1#con. It gives an overview of the ORE status of the region in terms of its potential and existing policies that support the utilization of ORE as an alternative source of energy. Feb 27, 2023 - Mar 1, 2023. RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (SEA - Academia.edu Interact with the entire Southeast renewable energy community and hear from key players Effective Networking Connect with speakers and attendees in the Networking Lounge or via secured, private messages Schedule 1-on-1 meetings or group calls using built-in video chat features on our virtual platform FEATURED SPEAKERS Kathryn Arbeit Generating electricity from renewable resources emits far less of such pollutants. Overall outcomes anticipated include stronger relationships with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and municipal governments; inclusive, diverse engagements that represent the people, communities, and cultures of Southeast Alaska; an understanding of administrative barriers that continue to impact funding distribution and may include changes to policies, laws, and regulations; and be able to use input gained from engagements to determine short- and long-term investments for the region. The efficiency of boilers at these levels of biomass input is not affected and resulting overall air emissions are reduced.31 In the future, much of the biomass co-fired in coal plants may come from biocrops. Southeast Renewable Energy Summit | Energy Central http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/glossary_b.htm. RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (SEA - Academia.edu The last in a four-part series, this portion focuses on the renewable energy sector in the 14 Southeastern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South . It also includes a proposal to restore the 2001 Roadless Rule protections on the Tongass and to engage in meaningful consultations with Tribal Nations and Alaska Native corporations.