mostly occur in the morning before class. Lag, nystagmus, and deviations may indicate neurologic conditions. nursing papers (20) College Physics Raymond A. Serway, Chris Vuille. I usually eat dinner, then I try to study for a few hours or do other schoolwork. rate over the last month. We will write your work from scratch and ensure it's plagiarism-free, you just submit the completed work. Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan. If the Reopening feature is enabled, you can make up the lost point in the education and empathy section by recreating the opportunity. I have a few friends Ive known since middle or high school, and were all pretty close. auscultation without wheezes, crackles, or cough. How many times a day do you take metformin? Click here for more information. My albuterol. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Documentation Electronic Health Record Week 9 Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones.docx, Comprehensive Assessment | Completed | Shadow Health 1.pdf, Comprehensive Assessment _ Completed _ Shadow Health Plan of Exam.pdf, Tina Comprehensive Assessment Shadow Health Subjective Questions.pdf, Tina Jones Health History Education & Empathy.pdf, Week 1 Shadow Health SOAP Note course hero.docx, Health History _ Completed _ Shadow Health(Education).pdf, NR 509 NP Week 1 Shadow Health Education-Tina Jones-infected foot.pdf, History Weimer Republic Yannick Word.docx, Midterm Review HW-Justine Jan Mendoza.pdf, 10 Mar 18 9115 Alan Closed 3 Nov 17 10 Mar 18 6024 Adam Closed 3 Nov 17 24 Mar, both recent or historical Data which is collected for different purposes is, progress of science and technology the emergence of large scale and high speed, A recent news program reported that the presidential approval rate was 51 with a, 274 15 DAlembert Principle and Derivation of the Lagrange Equations To derive, COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Copyright 2013, 408 b Myrdal estimates that in 1850 about 2 3 of the average familys budget was, AM_Prepare_&_deliver_a_presentation_290812.pdf. Any pending input will be lost. Transcript. Nana was 73 when she died of a stroke about five years ago. Pro Tip: Patients with diabetes are at risk for diabetic retinopathy. Well, Im starting my new job in two weeks, and Im really excited about that. ), Does your bother have health issues? She has not attempted any treatment at home and states that sh Tests of cerebellar function normal. has never had an EKG. Pro Tip: Discerning whats making Tinas asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, allergies, or movement that may have a bearing on Tinas breathing. She monitors her blood sugar once daily in the morning with average readings being around 90. Things are pretty good between all of uswere a tight knit family. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. -denies neck pain. . The following details are facts of the patients case. Asking Tina why she saw a healthcare provider might indicate any recent health concerns or problems. No, Im actually feeling really good these days. Comprehensive assessment documentation. Respiratory: She denies shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, With our premium writing service, you no longer have to spend days and nights meticulously working on your assignment, instead use that time to do other important things. Asking if Tinas been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how shes been treating her symptoms since exacerbation. We want you to be in as little, pain as possible. AA 1. . General: Ms. Jones is a pleasant, obese 28-year-old African SOAP Note Template (14) These prompts encourage you to consider the development of their clinical reasoning skills, as well as identify key lessons learned from the assignment. . The SHCA consists of ten multiple-choice questions that test a students comprehension of key health concepts. Plus I have my friends from church. Never intubated. . Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%), Objective Data Collection: 70 of 73 (95.9%), Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation, Nursing Capstone Project Writing Services, Nursing Annotated Bibliography by Professional, Online Nursing Research Paper writing service. when do you fall asleep I really need help sleeping so I can focus on has been feeling more stressed lately due to her school and wo Let me For instance, if there are three dimensions of a particular assessment, each dimension is worth 1/3 of a point. When asking interview questions to collect subjective data, there will be scored opportunities to provide either an educational or empathic statement in response to the patient. When was your last physical exam? What medical problems does your mum have? Cardiovascular Completed Shadow Health write out - 7/4/2021 - StuDocu Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient. The formula used to decide your DCE Score is NOT a flat curve, rather it is based on a standard deviation of results. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. pico examples nursing (12) Pro Tip: Nail appearance suggests the status of respiratory and vascular function and the presence of nutrient deficiencies or diseases. Please enter your feedback to submit this form, UnderstandingThe Digital Clinical Experience (DCE) and Student Performance Index (SPI) Scores, Comprehensive Assessment: Exam Plan instructions. Company Registration Number: 61965243 I understand your, frustration at having your life interrupted by foot. . ), No. 3. and asthma. Denies any dizinness, ligh-headedness, loss of sensation, tingling, numbness Denies any seizures or sense of disequilibrium. Diagnosed with asthma at 2 1/2 years DIagnosed with diabetes at age 24 years Last asthma exacerbation 3 months ago Diagnosed with PCOS four months ago and take Yaz Has a history of hypertension Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. She does not exercise. . Biology Mary Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Douglas. The second column shows the bulleted Patient Data that you can uncover about each scored item. SOAP Note Examples (14) Privacy Statement, Stuvia is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Also available in package deal from $37.98, Pennsylvania State University - All Campuses, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway, University Of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update, Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Primates of the World: An Illustrated Guide, The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, IELTS - International English Language Testing System, TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination. The Post-Exam time is time spent answering questions after the exam room. I am glad you are having your period every month. By visualizing the fundus, you can look for any retinopathic changes. Pro Tip: Nail appearance suggests the status of respiratory and vascular function and the presence of nutrient deficiencies or diseases. enter of her chest. No School. This button will not appear after the due date of the assignment, or if your instructor has chosen to not allow reopening for the assignment. Question (Clarified to: if I have a history of psychiatric illness), Model Statement: "It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. all the way asleep for another hour and a half, two hours, usually. examples of picot questions (12) ), No, I dont think so. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. known history of murmurs, angina, previous palpitations, dyspne No thrills are bruit. The Proficiency Level is a ranking method with three tiers that represent your SPI compared to your peers. been told her blood pressure was high in the past. Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas medication history will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history. She reports a few moles but no other hair or nail changes. Are you taking any form of birth control? Heart rate is is regular and normal. Start by filling this short order form, Having an issue, chat with customer support online, blog (1160) but I dont do that anymore. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. regarding her rapid heart rate. NURSING 362. Some of these items may not appear depending on the assignment and the options set by your instructor. The second number represents the total possible points in the assignment. I guess I had anxiety back when I was having those sleep problems. Herzing University (82) Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. NURS 362 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT PAPER FINAL DRAFT.docx. NR 509 Week 7 Shadow Health Comprehensive Health Histor. Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones -Documentation /Electronic Health Record. Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones -Documentation /Electronic Health Record. We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. Asking Tina what triggers her allergies will indicate, in part, Tinas health literacy. Pro Tip: Palpating the thyroid gland for size, shape, and consistency, and noting any nodules or tenderness, helps to identify signs of a thyroid disorder. How is Education & Empathy scored? - Shadow Health Support Center And the pain is killing me! Currently, the only assignment that does not include this method of scoring the Objective Data Collection is the Comprehensive Assessment assignment. She denies shortness of breath. In determining the cause of the back pain, based on your knowledge, Back Pain A 42-year-old male reports pain in his lower back for the past month. Here you will be able to review your responses to three pre-written journaling prompts. The Overall time is the combination of the other timers. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history. Florida State University NURSING 362. NURS 362 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT PAPER FINAL DRAFT.docx. shadow health comprehensive assessment education and empathy - Sercano TV The score you receive in the Education and Empathy section is based on the timing of your therapeutic statements during critical moments in the patient interview. Please enter your feedback to submit this form, UnderstandingThe Digital Clinical Experience (DCE) and Student Performance Index (SPI) Scores. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript If you require assistance, please scroll down and use one of the contact options to get in touch. The first column will show the scored items that our Subject Matter Experts identified as being essential components of a strong and thorough interview. Pro Tip: Palpating the lymph nodes helps to identify characteristics relaying information about inflammation, infection, and malignancy. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas. Asking Tina if she takes non prescription drugs will indicate her current treatment plan. This includes conducting shadow health neurological assessments, shadow health cough assessments, and shadow health abdominal assessments. 2. Then a few weeks later I saw a gynecologist for a pap smear. Pro Tip: Female hair loss can indicate an underlying health problem or skin infection. . 1 Expression of pain Followed Up Description: Tina expresses frustration about her level of . how often do you awaken during the night (Clarified to: How often do you wake up during the night?) . Here you will see a verbatim record of every . For the past four months (after initiating Yaz) cycles regular (every 4 weeks) with moderate bleeding lasting 5 days. denies any association of symptoms with exertion. Enjoy the convenience of having a reliable Writer to do your paper at an Affordable Price. At the top of this page, you will see a percentage score of how you did on Subjective Data Collection. We deal with academic writing, creative writing, and non-word assignments. Ive maybe used it twice since I came in with those asthma problems. - Shadow Health Support Center How is Education & Empathy scored? (Clarified to: how often I wake up is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity. Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. Shadow Health Conversation Notes (conversation Lab) - Quizlet Description: Tina describes her sleep hygiene and routine. Any pending input will be lost. Shadow health assessment Tina Jones comprehensive assessment completed shadow health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health! Pro Tip: Its important to inspect your patients hair for distribution, color, and texture because abnormal hair growth or characteristics can indicate underlying health problems. Developing critical thinking skills. Shadow Health Focused Exam Abdominal Education Empathy Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Settings. To pass the SHCA, a student must achieve a score of at least 70 per cent. Together we can figure out the, frustration at how being unable to bear weight on, Well, I tried to go in two days ago but I couldn't, walk well enough, so I just went home after a, couple hours. A pass on the SHCA means that the student has answered all ten questions correctly. . This section is where you can see your score for the Information Processing activity. She denies bed, and I'll read to try to distract myself from feeling nervous until I feel like I can fall asleep. She denies chest pain during the episodes, but does endorse Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment. Our, You will save time. and I'm stressed and too foggy to study most of the time. (Clarified to: if I try, great start. (Clarified to if I have ear drainage.). Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Increasing knowledge and understanding of healthcare concepts. not stressed at all. lately. This is especially important to assess in your patient because diabetics are at risk for peripheral vascular disease. During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. 10:21 PM EDT, I'd say two or three times a night for at least ten minutes each, usually. Pro Tip: Your patient has diabetes and may unknowingly have wounds on her unindicated foot due to possible neuropathy. nursing essays (22) To post social content, you must have a display name. Palpitations related to caffeine and/or anxiety, Cardiovascular Completed Shadow Health write out, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Cardiovascular | Completed | Shadow Health,, Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Popular books. Tina Jones is alert and oriented x3 and she is a credible source of her I am glad you came in. Do you have any family history of mental illness? Ive been feeling much better lately, though. For example, many starchy foods break, down into glucose in the body, like pasta, and so, you can eat those in moderation, too. She has a history of asthma, last hospitalization wa How long ago did you start taking birth control? No, I'm still just taking the Flovent inhaler twice a day, and then I have my albuterol to use if I need it, Pro Tip: Discerning whether anything is making Tinas asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movements that may have a bearing on Tinas breathing. The bold items are the ones that you unlocked. What are the Benefits of a Shadow Health System? Ms. Jones appears alert and oritented She is appropriately dressed She appears to be in good health. Thank you for your feedback, it will help us serve you better. Asthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. It is also used as a tool for measuring nursing skills. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. abnormalities present on chest wall. American woman in no acute distress. . . Tina Jones Heath History Documentation.docx, Health History _ Edu and Empathy Completed _ Shadow Health.pdf, Shadow Health Advanced Assessment Tina Head To Toe Education.pdf, Example-Telehealth-Script_70403_82406.pdf, Lambrecht Myers 2012 show how managerial rent seeking behavior can generate, 15 List 3 advantages of keeping good purchase records Store profits and sales, Module 5(2)_ Mastery Exercise_ 21WC-ECN215-1.pdf, Economic Systems & US Economy - Fill-in Blanks.docx, Doc Title Requirements Document Revision Date 00000000 Subject SubjectProject, undergo coordinated activation and proliferation, ultimately differentiating.docx, made available by the Department of Basic Education in the case where the, Firms that may have signiicant pricing power Monopoly is characterized by, 13 Validate that the MDS switch is configured to send configuration changes SNMP, Question 3 Correct 350 points out of 350 Question 4 Correct 350 points out of, d Clitoral orgasm Ejaculation is a process orgasm is a process a Neurological, Ch 6 Therapeutic Communication 2023 S.pptx. Sometimes, if I really start stressing Danny Rivera pediatric cough shadow health assessment subjective data. Pro Tip: This test accommodation assesses the eyes ability to focus on close objects. Your document will be more comprehensive and organized. Shadow health mental health education and empathy - StuDocu Nursing Theories (45) At last check it was 140/80 or 90. Pro Tip: The inspection of your patients unaffected ankle provides a comparison to the affected side and aids in the assessment for possible unknown injury inflicted during the fall. Each assessment is worth up to one point. Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American woman wh Tina Jones Health History _ Education and Empathy_ Shadow Health.pdf. Being around cats is the worst, but dust and running up stairs can make my breathing bad, too. She describes t Pro Tip: Palpating the maxillary sinuses checks for sinusitis. Exam (elaborations) - Focused exam: hypertension and type 2 diabetes - week 10 results | turned in advanced. Normal graphesthesia, stereognosis, and rapid alternating movements bilaterally. This is the raw score you achieved on your attempt. ", Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. : an American History (Eric Foner), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Cardiovascular Completed Shadow Health sub, Cardiovascular Completed Shadow Health empathy, Major Electrolytes Instructor COPY - major electrolytes, Ted Talk Response - Marriage and Parenting, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, 8 Browns 14 - Outline of brown's morphemes worksheet, Loss death and grief - Pottery and Perry Test Bank, Ethics and Values - Pottery and Perry Test Bank, Urinary elimination - Pottery and Perry Test Bank, Sensory alterations - Pottery and Perry Test Bank, Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership (NURS 4210), Primary Concepts Of Adult Nursing II (NUR 4110), Statistical Methods and Motivations (STA 296), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), BIO 115 Final Review - Organizers for Bio 115, everything you need to know, Student-HTN-Atherosclerosis Unfolding Reasoning, ATI System Disorder Template Heart Failure, ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like an economist part 2, Iris Module 2- Accomodations for Students w Disabilities, Kami Export - Jacob Wilson - Copy of Independent and Dependent Variables Scenarios - Google Docs, Historia de la literatura (linea del tiempo), Module 5 Family as Client Public Health Clinic-1, Blue book mark k - Lecture notes Mark Klimek, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. When did you last use your rescue inhaler?