It is a congenital condition that affects the dog's spine and leads to a number of problems. Although it might be possible, it would be very difficult. She had mostly stopped bleeding prior to them mating and now is bleeding for two days. While English Bulldogs face some unique health . Is breeding French Bulldogs cruel? However, breeding these dogs is not as easy as you might expect. Dystocia is the medical term that describes a difficult delivery due to the physical impossibility of passing the puppies through the birth canal naturally. French Bulldogs may also require an emergency cesarean section. Then rub the puppy vigorously to help stimulate breathing and circulation. What could be the possible French bulldog tail issues? Frenchies tend to need artificial insemination to mate. Their terrier roots brought in the The word 'vertebrae' literally means a twisted spine and it can compress a Frenchie's spinal cord. This has resulted in short legs, a compact body and narrow hips. French bulldogs arent exactly known for their maternal instincts. This price can fluctuate based on the reputation and location of the breeder. Therefore, artificial insemination is preferred but it's an extremely expensive process. Doing so past this age could be very detrimental to them. This makes breeding French Bulldogs a risky business; novice dog breeders should not breed them to learn how to breed. A fairly sensitive breed, French Bulldogs are commonly thought to have a lot of difficulties throughout pregnancy as well as in delivering puppies. French bulldogs are prone to many health problems, including infertility. Continue with Recommended Cookies. How do you feel about French bulldogs? Three Main Reasons a C-Section Whelping Can Be Safer for French Bulldogs While cesarean section deliveries will never be considered "safe" as far as canine surgical procedures go, they are generally regarded as safer than allowing a pregnant Frenchie to try to deliver naturally. They are smart, affectionate, and loyal companions. The main reason why French bulldogs cannot mate on their own is because most of them have large heads, and very narrow hips, some also say that French bulldogs have breeding problem due to the nature of their nose, thus the stress of mating and childbirth might be too much for them. Natural mating may seem like the normal thing to do, but for this breed, it is hazardous. 4 Be prepared for a necessary cesarean. There are a number of reasons that lead to the artificial breeding of french bulldogs. Many French bulldogs have genetic defects as a result of their breeding. The goal of veterinarians performing this procedure is to minimize the amount of time the mother spends under anesthesia, which makes finding an experienced veterinarian who understands the importance of efficiency in this procedure crucial to the health of the mother and puppies. Can French bulldogs give birth naturally? The high price of a French Bulldog puppy is much easier to understand when you learn what has to happen to provide you with the puppy in the first place. Some countries favor a conformation in French Bulldogs that allows for longer legs and slimmer bodies and heads than what most American Frenchie fans are used to seeing. Technically, all existing dog breeds can breed naturally like all other mammals. The male Frenchie cannot mount the female efficiently in order to reproduce. It is caused by uterine inertia, where the uterus can't contract. But here again, it is vital to prepare for a veterinarian-assisted whelping for the safety of your dog and her puppies. This has resulted in short legs, a compact body and narrow hips. No. A lot of people are confused about whether or not French Bulldogs can mate on their own. Male dogs often cannot mount properly and stay in position long enough to get the female dog pregnant successfully. The only sure way to reduce the risk of losing the mother dog mid-whelp is to schedule a planned C section to deliver the puppies. The average cost of a French Bulldog in the U.S. is between $1,500 and $3,000. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to this site. By over breeding them, you are not giving them a happy life. The hips on female French bulldogs are too slim or narrow for a male to mount her, thus in order for these dogs to breed, they must be artificially inseminated. As a freelance pet writer and blogger, Shannon is passionate about crafting knowledge-based, science-supported articles that foster healthy bonds of love and respect between people and animals. Because of their shallow chests, narrow hips, and short legs, the vast majority of French bulldogs are unable to mate on their own. As Rock Solid Bulldogs breeder explains, there are three main reasons why opting for a C-section delivery may actually be the safest choice for your dog. But it doesnt stop there; they also make wonderful pets! This makes it extremely difficult for the male French bulldog to mount the female for reproductive purposes, because their hips are simply too narrow to achieve this. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'frenchiejourney_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); Genetic testing has different guidelines depending on the organization, but they all follow the same basic process. This is because of the unique French Bulldog anatomy. One thing that makes them different from most other dogs is that they have a lot of energy. The reason lies in the Frenchie physique. January 16, 2023 August 17, 2022 by Hubert Drew. If they are a carrier, they could pass the genetic defects down onto their puppies, who could then also be carriers or suffer from the defects directly. Handy Hint: French Bulldogs mating naturally is a very rare occurrence. Manage Settings Yet another reason why most experienced French Bulldog breeders vastly prefer simply scheduling a planned C section for their pregnant females is because of what natural whelping can do to the canine uterus. var cid='6959674729';var pid='ca-pub-9681482120072295';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-box-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'100%';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); If you arent sure if your French Bulldog can mate and breed naturally, just stick around and find out everything you need to know. Because of these numerous issues, it is critical to test your Frenchie before you try to breed them. The Truth about whether French Bulldogs can Mate on their Own. In terms of height, Frenchtons can get as big as 16 inches tall. It isnt unheard of, but its rare. Birthing can be very troublesome for Frenchies. If you see any signs that she is behaving aggressively or ignoring the puppies, or if she isn't interested in nursing them or stimulating them (by licking) to potty, you will need to take over right away. Be well rested on the day of the procedure to be ready to learn all the instructions and to provide the necessary at-home care. If some breeders choose to use artificial insemination to get their French Bulldogs pregnant, that's completely fine! The act of mating itself is where things are challenging. We will also look at the benefits of artificial insemination, the cost comparison between natural births and artificial insemination, the pros and cons of breeding French Bulldogs, and how to care for a pregnant French Bulldog. As DVM360 points out, while sometimes a shot of oxytocin can help, this is nearly always an emergency situation that requires a C-section to finish the whelping. A female French bulldog is receptive to breeding during her heat cycle which takes place every six months. According to French Bulldog Owner, A Frenchie cesarean section costs approximately $600 to $2,000 in the United States. Your French Bulldog could give birth naturally but a natural labor is very rare, accounting for only 20% of all Frenchie pregnancies. Usually the bitch is strapped to a special breeding board placed over the breeder's lap as he/she sits on the floor. These dogs are incredibly smart and affectionate. Their coat colors can vary from black, fawn, white, cream, brindled, and the rare blue merle. Because of this, they are great companions for children and older adults alike. The history of French bulldogs is an interesting one. As VCA Animal Hospitals points out, a C section is always going to be a major surgical procedure. Why Is There A Thick Red Vein In My Dogs Eye? This is especially true for French Bulldogs. Further on, we will look at several factors and pieces of evidence that will support our answer. No matter how the bitch gets pregnant, she will eventually need to give birth. Over-exciting the stud with a Dam in heat, could result in a lost collection and make pregnancy unlikely. Progesterone helps to regulate a female's heat cycles and can also help the breeder predict with a very high degree of accuracy when the puppies will be ready to whelp. The Frenchies inability to breed naturally doesnt make them any less of a worthy companion. Overall, natural mating and breeding is something that is not recommended because of all the difficulties it can bring. Adults exist, and so do puppies, which means they are bred. French Bulldogs are 15.9 times more likely to have a difficult birth than other breeds of dogs. The blue coloring actual occurs because of a recessive gene known as a dilution gene. Im wondering if the french bulldog is able to mate on their own if that means she can also deliver on her own as well? To help females give birth, veterinarians sometimes use artificial insemination. Make sure your pet undergoes two different DNA tests. French Bulldog Pomeranian Mix: A Pint-Sized Pup! Some owners are allowed to be in the surgery suite, others are not. As we briefly mentioned here earlier, French Bulldogs are one of the dog breeds that typically cannot have a natural birth. In most cases, a French Bulldog will be ready to deliver her puppies 63 days after she first ovulated (produced eggs and became pregnant). The male (called a stud) is unable to properly mount the female (called a bitch) in order to mate. Pushing through with a natural birth for Frenchies could harm both the bitch and her puppies. Stress is not good for any animal, especially if you intend to breed them. We hope this guide has helped you, thanks for reading! Over the years, this dog breed has changed dramatically. This is due to the fact that purebred dogs have been bred in a way that has altered many original traits. A Frenchie with genetic makeup that could be harmful to their descendants should not be bred. What dogs have to be born by C section? You should brush her regularly to remove mats and tangles in her fur. Many people may simply be trying to make a quick buck and could be lying about their dogs. Bulldog breeding groups adamantly oppose changes, arguing that irresponsible breeders are causing health issues for dogs. For those that don't know the majority of French Bulldog cannot breed naturally and they cannot have puppies naturally. For these reasons, AI is highly recommended for all French Bulldogs. Although it might be possible, it would be very difficult. No, most French bulldogs can give birth naturally. She wriggled and burst into life. Today, they are one of the most popular dog breeds around. Additionally, C-sections can be expensive, so its important to consider all options before deciding on this type of delivery method for your pets litter. However, breeding these dogs is not as easy as you might expect. Because a French Bulldog's hips are slimmer than the upper body, males will find it difficult to mount on female dogs. Not all French bulldogs are born with those exact features. Can French Bulldogs breed naturally? French Bulldogs still make great companions. This can also mean she will not produce milk or that her milk will dry up quickly. Watch a French Bulldog C Section Procedure. Female French bulldogs can breed safely from 2 to 8 years of age. You know it's funny you ask that because we actually let our Bulldogs try it on their own the first time we bred them together. What to Do If My Bulldog Is Pooping in The House After Our New Baby? Find out if the dogs you have chosen are not related to one another. Bulldogs were very popular in the past, especially in Western Europe. French Bulldogs usually have a compact, muscular appearance. Check in with your vet so that your Frenchie can get a general health screening. I am an avid pet enthusiast and currently work in the corporate world of pets. This is because of the physical characteristics of the animals. Three Main Reasons a C-Section Whelping Can Be Safer for French Bulldogs. However, there are some downsides to a C section delivery that is also important to know about whether you plan to breed your own French Bulldog or you are simply waiting for your Frenchie puppy to be born. If your French bulldog does have puppies naturally, it can be very dangerous for both the female and the litter. This is the answer we have. Ironically, the French Bulldog breed originated in Jolly Old England. Why Can't the French Bulldog Get Pregnant and Deliver Like Other Dogs Do Naturally? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. When a Frenchie is pregnant, she will need human intervention when her gestation period is up. Was just watching a show about dogs on Animal Planet. So, self mating and self whelping are possible. One of the most common health problems these breeds can experience is linked to their short snouts and flat faces. patches. If your dog has to whelp more than one or two puppies, it is highly likely she will tire before all the puppies have been whelped and simply not have the energy to continue. There are unique circumstances associated with breeding French Bulldogs that other breeds of dogs do not experience as a result of their short snouts, medically referred to as Brachycephalic Syndrome according to Vet Street. A study looking at the health impacts selective breeding has had on French Bulldogs has shown they have a higher risk of developing 20 common disorders than other dog breeds. They're a short-nosed (brachycephalic) breed There are some heath concerns to keep in mind with Frenchies. The skull of a French Bulldog is also quite distinctive, with its domed shape and wide forehead. Hence, the French bulldog is unable to give birth. This condition is also caused by the enlargement of puppies' heads and chests. They have slimmer hips compared to the upper portion of their body. The males cant regulate their body temperatures properly, which results in this problem and dangers. Weight-wise, a Frenchton can get as big as 25 pounds. The French Bulldog is not only cute, but it is also very intelligent. Cleft Palate. If youre curious, the average gestation period for a French Bulldog is 65 days! The act of mating itself is where things are challenging. Females Frenchies should be at least two years old before being bred. Dog ( domestic dog) The Bulldog is a British breed of dog of mastiff type. The fact that these dogs have narrow hips and wide heads is not a good combination. Their puppies may be neglected or treated in a way that doesnt typically happen with dogs. There are some French bulldogs with small or moderate heads and wide hips, these breed of French bulldogs can easily mate on their own and deliver their puppies without human assistance. Therefore, you should provide her with a bowl that is big enough for her to drink from comfortably. If you do not have the funds or the time to see everything through to the best of your ability, do not even attempt it. French Bulldogs are a unique type of Bulldog that is known for their friendly, loving nature. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Properly caring for your pregnant French bulldog requires your full attention because any mistake can jeopardize the health of your pet and your baby. Your Frenchie's first appointment will likely be 10 days after the procedure occurs. One of the most important things for female dogs is to know how often you should breed them. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Each country maintains its own breed clubs and its own breed standards. In fact, nothing about the process of bringing a new litter of Frenchie puppies into this world is easy. Read More on the Blog to discover why we came to the answer that French Bulldogs cannot breed naturally! However, this can be avoided through artificial insemination (AI). But her first and very most important job is as a dog auntie and cockatiel, tortoise, and box turtle mama. Why Is Your Dog Losing Hair Under Their Armits? Their heads are large and wide, and they have prominent cheeks. Its difficult for French Bulldogs to copulate because of their hips. What takes place during a French Bulldog's cesarean section. Cesarean sections cost approximately $600 to $2,000 in the United States and require specific pre-operation and post-operation care for the mother and puppies. Through out the day she feed the pups and was having some discharge and then to our amazement at 4pm she whelped another beautiful girl. Our frenchies mated 3 times, so im sure she is pregnant. Is It Ever Possible for a French Bulldog to Have a Natural Birth? Hopefully, you will also be prepared for when you get yours if you decide to breed them. Consult with a veterinary professional for advice on natural births and labor. Their biggest temperament issue is stubbornness. Please dont take it lightly, though. Why Is My Bulldog Dreaming More Than Usual? How much does it cost for a French Bulldog to give birth? Contents show They have slimmer hips compared to the upper portion of their body. Because Frenchie dams have hips that are excessively small, it is extremely difficult for males to mount them. They have a single Indeed, some persons who may be interested in having a French bulldog are being discouraged because of the fact that French bulldogs cannot mate on their own. This threat will also be passed down from your Frenchie to their litter if they were to reproduce. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); French bulldogs come from England and were taken to France, and they were first developed in the 1800s. Let us know what you think about this piece. It is very rare for these dogs to have any eye color other than brown, so if your Frenchie has blue eyes, you hit the jackpot! You should stop breeding female Frenchies when they reach eight years old. At this age, they are considered to be sexually mature. No matter how the bitch gets pregnant, she will eventually need to give birth. Breeding Frenchies is not done how you might expect. AI is a great way to improve and ensure your dogs health. to facilitate the dog and the bitch through a natural breeding. Most French Bulldog owners do not know this until they start researching buying their first French Bulldog puppy and discover these dogs come with a hefty price tag! When in heat, breeding should occur within 5-18 days. The reason why French Bulldogs cannot breed on their own is due to the way they have been bred. Due to their short noses and short coat, they Ideally, this "compactly built" happy dog would weigh no more . We can still breed them through Artificial Insemination and Cesarean section operations. This is probably some of the reasons why breeders of French bulldogs claim that they have some impressive monetary value. It's difficult for French Bulldogs to copulate because of their hips. Hence, knowing the cost implication of Artificial insemination, and the risks involved even if you can . What To Do With Dog Poop Until Garbage Day. But one thing that sets French Bulldogs apart from other breeds is their inability to give birth naturally. As Rock Solid Bulldogs breeder explains, the reason some French Bulldogs do deliver naturally usually has to do with their breed lines. An example of this would be siblings. Artificial insemination and c-sections are both extremely expensive processes. The normal gestation period in dogs is . It is a medium sized, muscular dog of around 40-55 lb (18-25 kg). Copulation can also This breed is lively, lovable, and playful. May I assume that the male doesnt have any problems breeding as long as it is with a female that has wide hips. It always endangers the life of both the mother dog and the puppies and requires an emergency C-section. While I accept these reasons are valid enough make it difficult for French bulldogs to mate on their own, it does not make it impossible. Because of these features, it has become a favorite breed in many parts of the world. Nothing about breeding these dogs is cheap, and if you try to do things cheaply, you could be endangering the life of every animal involved.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'frenchiejourney_com-netboard-1','ezslot_21',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-netboard-1-0'); Breeders must always have finances set aside, as well as a lot of time. Either way, sometimes it is just better to know all the puppies are safely out of the mother dog. This bone structure has created reproductive challenges for both male and female French Bulldogs, including the inability to reproduce naturally. Compare that to a Frenchie who will average at no more than 11 inches tall. With plenty of breeding information about French Bulldogs, it is clear this breed came about primarily because of human interference. There are a few potential causes for why dogs bite themselves, including skin irritation or allergies, boredom or anxiety, and compulsive disorders. This is not something that is her fault, since the process is not natural. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. While a weaker uterus is dangerous, a torn uterus can quickly become fatal. Lets have a closer look at their physical appearance. French bulldogs are adorable but can be a challenge to care for because of their size.